• Tunisia abolished visas for Russians
    5 December 2014
  • Tunisia will cancel visas for Russians
    3 December 2014
  • The French are afraid to go to Tunisia. Russians - no
    Oct. 14, 2014
  • The exit tax from Tunisia will be introduced later
    Aug 29, 2014
  • New tax: the departure of tourists from Tunisia has become paid
    Aug 25, 2014
  • Tunisia extends the term visa-free stay of Russians
    May 13, 2014
  • Tunisia again on the wave
    Mar 13, 2014
  • Tunis managed to increase the tourist flow in 2013
    February 3, 2014
  • Russian tourist flow to Tunis increased by 20 %
    January 15, 2014
  • The Russian Foreign Ministry is concerned about the aggravated situation in Tunisia
    30 Oct 2013
  • Tunisia extends the tourist season 23 Oct 2013
  • In Tunisia tourist tax is introduced 12 Sep 2013
  • Tuni s exploring new tourist markets Aug 14, 2013
  • Tunisia's tourism sector still can not reach pre-revolutionary level Jun 14, 2013
  • Revenues in the tourism sector of Tunis declined 16 Apr 2013
  • Russian Foreign Ministry asks tourists to be cautious in Tunisia 8 Feb 2013
  • Sith and Jedi arrive in Tunisia to save Lars's house 18 Jun 2012
  • Tunisia is open and waiting for its tourists 21 Apr 2011