Sidi-bu-Said - a picturesque village on a hill in 17 km from the city of Tunisia, at the foot of which the waves of the Carthaginian Gulf are splashing . The main tourist attraction here is a game of juicy contrasts: snow-white walls of buildings in the company of piercing blue window frames, shutters and curly lattices . In general, Sidi-bu-Said is an animated impressionistic painting: splashes of bright pink bougainvilleas on white plaster, azure blue and a sea of ​​the classic color of the "sea wave" . No wonder Paul Klee was created here and our compatriot Inventor Alexander Rubtsov, and since 1915 it is forbidden to change anything in the guise of buildings .

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How to get to Sidi Bou Said

The fastest and most convenient way is to take a taxi from the center of Tunisia. Day trip will cost about 12 dinars

If you want to save money, use the services of the TGM . underground station. Its terminal station - Tunis Marine - is located in the center of the capital near the clock tower . Trains depart every 10 minutes, to Sidi-bu-Said to go about half an hour . The cost of the trip is 700 millimeters in the second and 1, 1 dinars in the first class . From the TGM Sidi-bou-Said station, you need to go to the right on a little rising street . Having reached the square with a sculptural composition depicting pigeons and bouquets of jasmi on, turn left and climb the steep winding street - this is the beginning of Sidi-bu-Said .

Search for tickets to Tunis (nearest airport to Sidi Bou Said)

Map of Sidi-bu -Saida

Restaurants and cafes Sidi-bu-Saida

The famous Café des Nattes - "cafe on mats" - proudly bore the banner of the inventor of the now-pervasive Tunisian mint tea with pine nuts. In addition, this is the most cinematic cafe in Tunisia - its interiors with spiral green-red columns and matted benches flashed in a dozen films, including the French saga of the restless Angelica. You can climb a steep staircase to an indoor hall, or sit on an outdoor terrace or choose a table in the square at the foot of the cafe.

Cafe Sidi Chabaane boasts breathtaking views of Tunis Harbor, Carthage, President's residence and Cape Bon stretches along the horizon. It is always crowded and there may be problems with a free table in the summer.

Sidi-bu-Said café is used to rob mercilessly tourists, apparently based on the popularity of the establishments and the view from the terraces. For a glass of freshly squeezed juice (about 3 dinars) can safely require 10 EUR. To avoid this, ask for a menu or sample the prices written on the information board over the bar.

You can have a snack in Sidi Bou Said in snack bars located on both sides of the central street. A standard Tunisian assortment is offered: sandwiches and shaverma, pizza, ice cream and drinks.

You can drink spring water at the source of St. Said, which is located at the foot of Sidi Bu at the beginning of the tourist hike to the left of the garden. The water is delicious and has healing properties.
Sidi-bu-Said is an animated impressionist painting: a spray of bright pink bougainvilleas on white plaster, azure blue and a sea of ​​classic "sea wave."

In Sidi Bou -Saida also has a full-fledged restaurant with excellent cuisine and service. These include Au Bon Vieux Temps and Dar Zarrouk: a cozy romantic interior in a local style, a beautiful view of the surrounding area from the outdoor terrace, French and Tunisian cuisine. Focus on 100 dinars for a full meal for two.


Sidi-bu-Said hotels

Most tourists are limited to a one-day visit to the town. If you want to prolong the fun or just enjoy the views of the night harbor, at your service there are a couple of small hotels. Among the recommended are Hotel Sidi-bou-Said with a fantastic view of the sea and well-kept rooms (about 90 - 120 dinars for single and double rooms, respectively) and Hotel Dar Said is a designer hotel located in a rich private villa, 250 dinars. Claudia Cardinale was spotted here in the summer of 2010.

Full list of Sidi Bou Said hotels

Book popular Sidi Bou Said hotels at best prices

La Villa Bleue from 10 958 rub Sidi Bou Saïd 68 rue Kennedy

Shopping: what to buy in Sidi Bou Said

Hard sell - English speaking guidebooks speak about the customs of local souvenir sellers. Trade here is really bazaar, obsessive and with unnecessary passion. Nevertheless, there are many items worthy of attention: the abundance of ceramics of different styles, traditional mirrors and chasing and even a few antique shops. Buying souvenirs in Sidi Bou Said is necessary, having an idea of ​​the average cost of things - sellers usually break astronomical prices, however, easily reduced by the method of rough bargaining.

5 things to do in Sidi Bou Said
  1. Look at the Carthage Gulf and the yacht port from the city's observation deck
  2. Take a picture against the backdrop of a white house with blue shutters
  3. Drink tea with pine nuts in Café des Nattes
  4. See how the European elite lived at the beginning of the 20th century, in the house museum of Dar Ennejma Ezzahra.
  5. Dine at the restaurant with the Big Kind Dar Zarrouk.

Ra attraction, tours and attractions

Sidi Bou Said - all one big attraction, open-air museum. Actually, here you can just walk, holding your breath from bright colors and a mind-boggling sight opening from the observation deck (do not forget to walk to the very end of the paved cobbles of the central street). However, in addition to the landscapes of Sidi Bou Said, there is something to offer to tourists.

Dar el-Annabi is a private house of the 18th century belonging to a wealthy Tunisian family . Most of the mansion is open for visiting, and in the remaining rooms until now owners live . The interior of the house is kept in the smallest details, up to the old cups for washing, kitchen utensils and family photos . Here you can wander through the numerous rooms and patios, see the artifacts and drink a glass of tea with nuts under the shadow of flowering bougainvillea . Figures-Mannequins reproduce typical scenes of Tunisian life: from smoking a hookah to a wedding ceremony for applying henna . Entrance - 3 dinars, opening hours 9:00 to 18:30 .

Paul Klee and our compatriot worked in Sidi Bou Said Alexander Rubtsov, and forbidden to change anything in the guise of buildings from 1915.

Dar Ennejma Ezzahra ("The House of the Shining Star"), the same Museum of Arab and Mediterranean Music, is located at the beginning of Sidi Bou Said, on the street, perpendicular to the central . The mansion was built between 1912 and 1922 by the extravagant art admirer Baron Rodolph d'Erlange . E then a vivid example of artsy art deco with Arabic slanting . Here you can walk along the terraces of the planned territory, look around the Presidential Palace and the ancient Phoenician trading port lying below, sit on ceramic benches in the Persian garden under the splash of the fountain and explore the interior of the baronial home . The museum of music located in several rooms of the mansion . also deserves attention. In the exposition there are musical instruments of the countries of North Africa and the Mediterranean, notes, plates, posters and gramophones . Input - 3 dinars .

For a couple of additional dinars, the mansion keepers will tour the halls and open the premises closed for visiting. In one of these is stored a beautiful collection of paintings by the brush of Baron d'Erlange - a talented person is talented in everything!

Photos of Sidi Bou Said (9)