What can you say about Istanbul? Perhaps, there is a lot of interesting .For example, many temples and mosques in Istanbul are heated by baths .And also, that there are two religious confessions here: Orthodoxy and Islam, and in the city there is, for example, a bridge called Ataturk, while it was built according to the project of a German engineer .What for walks in Istanbul is best to choose the neighborhood of the Bosphorus Bay .Not to mention the fact that in the most beautiful city of Turkey there is the only iron mosque in the world that it is here that the harems appeared that one of the bazaars has a cemetery ... Yes, just do not list! It is better to go and see it all with your own eyes - for this purpose there are excursion tours to Istanbul .

And this is without the traditional Turkish hammam, harems, kebabs / hookahs and much more, no less characteristic of Istanbul.

Tours to Istanbul from Moscow and St. Petersburg

Tours to Istanbul from Moscow and St. Petersburg - a great variety of .Part of the travel agencies offers a rest in hotels of different categories on the "all inclusive" system, and part of it makes it possible to add to this program also numerous excursions .The cost depends heavily on the number of days that you are going to spend in the city, and on how many stars in the hotel you chose .The price for a classical tour to Istanbul starts from 24,000 rubles ., but this is only for five to six days .Tours to Istanbul from St. Petersburg cost typically from 27,000 rubles .per tourist .The standard ticket includes airfare, accommodation, tour guide services and medical insurance .

View of the Galata Tower, Istanbul, Turkey Excursion tours to Istanbul
Spring in Istanbul Excursion tours to Istanbul
In the Hagia Sophia, Istanbul Excursion tours to Istanbul

Popular Istanbul tours

Options for overview and thematic tours around Istanbul - mass .Let's talk about the most common and at the same time loved by tourists for their informativeness and the opportunity for a few hours to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of this ancient city .There are options to see Istanbul in one day, organize a tour of Christian shrines or go to Prince's Islands .Among popular excursions - "Old and New Istanbul", "Excavations of palaces", "Hidden Gardens", "Istanbul Christian" .As an additional entertainment you can take a walk in the Bosphorus .

The tour of New Istanbul is, most often, the ascent to the skyscraper "Sapphire" and a walk along the analogue of the Moscow Arbat - Istiklal Street.

Istanbul is a city on two continents

During this excursion tourists get acquainted with both the European and Asian part of the city, moving from continent to continent along the long Bosporus bridge .Both there and there is something to look at .The Asian part of the city attracts tourists primarily the Maiden Tower, the Anatolian fortress, numerous ancient mansions .Popular delicacies - yogurt kanlija - you can try it here .Tourists on the Asian side are waiting for the Toy Museum, Automobile Museum and Museum, dedicated to the history of cinema and television .Walk in the Mihrabad Park - a separate pleasure: the air in it is simply oversaturated with oxygen .

In the European part of Istanbul, Grand Bazar and the Basilica cistern expect the city's guests - $ .In the latter - and this is a unique underground structure with a reserve of fresh water - columns preserved that were brought here from the ancient temples .But already by the 20th century the Basilica was abandoned and deteriorated .Altogether, 40 tanks were found outside Istanbul, their purpose was simple: each served as an underground reservoir to provide the city with water in emergency cases..In the European part, there is the Hagia Sophia Cathedral - the main magnet for tourists arriving in Istanbul..

The main thing about what it is worth remembering at the Grand Bazaar: the price can often be thrown off for three minutes. You will have to pay three times less.

Istanbul Byzantine and Ottoman

On this tour you can get acquainted with the appearance of Istanbul under the Sultan Sultan of Suleyman .You will be offered to stroll through the Great Bazaar, go to the Topkapi Palace, look at the Sultan's mosque and dine at the cafe with traditional Turkish cuisine .Tourists will be told about the rich heritage of the Byzantine Empire and how exactly Constantinople has become such a diverse, multinational city that even rewriting its entire population is already a problem..The list of attractions can vary depending on the duration of the excursion .

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Excursion tours to Istanbul