A friendly sun and boundless seas, countless beaches with palm trees and seaside restaurants, hospitable hotels and 24-hour entertainment, shops for every taste and obsessive barkers - all so beloved by our compatriots beach Turkey - $ .However, not only resorts are famous for the Brilliant Port .The country of legends and myths, the country that connects the East and the West - Turkey is truly capable of amazing and inspiring, delighting and delighting, giving a sense of pleasure and appeasing .Deeper to know its unusual culture and ancient traditions, having received unforgettable impressions of the trip, it's quite simple .Exciting and informative excursion tours to Turkey will help to penetrate the most interesting corners and trace the centuries-old history of the country .

Tours to the capital of Turkey

Many sightseeing tours to Turkey include a visit to Istanbul, which is not accidental, because it is in this city that the blending of European and Asian cultures is most clearly seen .To shake off daily worries will help a trip to Istanbul on the weekend .Walking along the noisy Istiklal shopping street, visiting the symbol of the city - the Blue Mosque, seeing the Hagia Sophia and the rich collections of the Topkapi Palace - all this will certainly distract you from everyday activities and will charge you with a cheerful mood..After a busy excursion program, tourists are usually offered free time, during which travelers can peek into one of the Istanbul restaurants .Turkish institutions are famous for hospitality and hospitality, and the abundance of traditional Turkic cuisine and legends at all .

By the way, sweet tooths are especially at risk of returning from Istanbul with excess kilograms: the choice of confectionery dishes and treats in Turkey is simply huge.

And to keep a piece of Istanbul in your heart forever, admire the amazing sunsets on the Bosphorus, you can not forget this spectacle.

A country of legends and myths, a country that connects the East and the West - Turkey is truly capable of amaze and inspire, delight and delight, give a sense of pleasure and pacify.

In the footsteps of the great civilizations

Visit to Istanbul is convenient to combine with visiting other cities in Turkey..For example, you can go on a multi-day tour "Turkey - in the footsteps of great civilizations", which will introduce tourists to such cities as Istanbul, Ankara, Hattushas, ​​Cappadocia, Konya, Pamukkale, Ephesus, Pergamum, Troy .The basic cost of the tour for a double accommodation is 615 USD, the price includes accommodation in hotels of class 3 and 4 stars, meals on the basis of breakfasts and dinners, medical insurance, group transfers, excursion services for the tour program, entrance tickets to museums that are visited with a guide. The .

View of the Galata Tower, Istanbul, Turkey Excursion tours to Turkey.
Galata Tower in Istanbul
View of the fortress in Ankara Excursion tours to Turkey.
View of the fortress in Ankara
Balloons over Cappadocia Excursion tours to Turkey.
Balloons over Cappadocia

Lovers of antiquities and history will certainly enjoy the journey along the ancient coast of Turkey, which will dedicate tourists to the thousand-year history of the country and reveal the secrets of great civilizations to them..Travelers will visit Antalya, walk around the city of ancient Lycia - Phaselis, walk around the city of the World, where once the well-known St. Nicholas lived, enjoy the beauties of the island of Kekova with its underwater city, get acquainted with the ancient settlements of Xanthos, Fethiye, Kaunos, admire Bodrum, see the fortress of Halicarnassus, will admire the temple of Apollo in the Reception and try to look into the eyes of the giant Medusa Gorgone in Didim .The highlight of this tour is an excursion to Ephesus and the "cotton castle" of Pamukkale .

The cost of the tour for a double accommodation is 685 USD; this price includes accommodation in hotels of category 3 and 4 stars, meals on the basis of breakfast and dinner, medical insurance, transfers on a comfortable bus, excursions.

Acquaintance with Eastern Turkey

To return 10 thousand years ago and to be where the ancient Hittites came down from the mountains to defeat Egypt, where the cities of Urartu and Sumer were flourishing, where the armies of Parthia and Assyria were fighting, the armies of Rome and the Arab cavalry, where Abraham led his people to Palestine, you do not need a time machine, just go on tour "Treasures of Eastern Turkey" .You will visit Malatya, Adyyaman, Urfa, Mardin, Diyabakir and many other ancient cities..These names do not tell you anything? It's time to get acquainted with another Turkey, the cost of the tour for a double accommodation is 1 155 USD .

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Excursion tours to Turkey.