Probably, no one will argue that during the Soviet era, rest abroad was not only not in wide demand among the public, but was also banned to some extent. Today the situation has radically changed, and vacation abroad is seen not only as something prestigious and, importantly, affordable for residents of Russia and other CIS countries. As practice shows, Turkey and Egypt are among the most popular resort countries among Russians at the moment.

Turkey and Egypt - the most popular countries among tourists from Russia - $
Turkey and Egypt - the most popular countries among tourists from Russia - $
Types of Kemer, Turkey

Explain this for several reasons: first, the availability of tours to these countries at a price; secondly, relatively small time spent on the flight; thirdly, in Egypt and Turkey have become so accustomed to the guests from Russia that even the language barrier is reduced to a minimum. These are just the main reasons for the undeniable popularity of these two resort countries among the Russian population, but what else is so attractive about Turkey and Egypt?

So, Turkey ... This is really a paradise, which is famous all over the world for its amazing nature and comfortable hotels, golden beaches and unique forests, picturesque mountains and, of course, a warm and tender sea..In addition, Turkey is a country with ancient cultural traditions, therefore for those who want to rest not only the body, but also the soul of the best option not to find .Tours and tours to Turkey, a country that is washed from different directions by various seas - Black, Mediterranean, Aegean and Marble, are in demand among holidaymakers of absolutely any category, including among fans of outdoor activities..

In Turkey, a long swimming season. This is most likely the only country in the world where lovers of sea recreation can so long enjoy their favorite pastime - basking in the sun and bathe in warm water. Residents of Russia and guests from other countries can already buy tours to this country from the first days of May, and the beach season here ends already in November. In this period, the air temperature on average will not be below 30 degrees Celsius, the water temperature does not drop below 20 degrees Celsius.

Agree, these are ideal conditions for summer holidays..The most demanded Turkish resorts are located, as a rule, on the coast, that is, as close to the sea as possible .This and Antalya, and Belek, and Kemer, and Marmaris, and many others .If it is planned to spend a vacation with the whole family, including with the children, then Turkey will be an ideal place for the realization of the planned $ .Another distinguishing feature of Turkey is a very well-developed network of shops, shops, markets and bazaars, because any Turkish resort will be an ideal place for shopping lovers..

Egypt is no less attractive to Russian tourists. And this country is famous not only for its sea resorts, but also for high-level service. You can visit Egypt almost at any time of the year, because, regardless of the season, the temperature of the sea water here will not be less than 20 degrees Celsius. The most popular Egyptian resorts are Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada, El Gouna, Safaga, etc.

As practice shows, in Egypt there are absolutely no problems with the resettlement of tourists, because numerous hotels and hotels all year round are waiting for their guests, and most of these truly "eastern palaces" are located in the closest proximity to the sea. In this regard, almost every hotel has its own beach, which is very convenient.

A real attraction of Egypt is the unimaginable beauty of the underwater world of the Red Sea, therefore diving is the most popular type of outdoor activity. Tours and tours to Egypt can be very diverse: from beach and sightseeing to combined. Of course, the cost of such tours will directly depend on the type of resort area, the class of the hotel and the time of year, but in any case, you can find the most profitable offers, especially if it's about burning tours.