Turkey, perhaps, is the most popular holiday destination among the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space. Many have visited there already not once, and therefore the question becomes natural - how to diversify their stay in this country, which has already become familiar?

Cappadocia, Turkey

If you relax on the coast of Antalya or the Aegean Sea, then keep in mind that here you can spend your free time not only on the beach. In these areas are not only comfortable beaches where you can drink an oxygen cocktail and sunbathe, but also a lot of attractions, the most striking of which are the ruins of ancient cities.

Cappadocia - a non-standard region of Turkey

The most non-standard corner of Turkey is the region of Cappadocia. There is no sea, but architectural, historical and cultural monuments are represented in a huge variety. Early Christian churches, underground cities, unusual landscapes can all be seen in Cappadocia. Completely familiarize with the region, stay in which will leave a lot of vivid impressions, it is quite real for 3-4 days.

Acquaintance with Cappadocia often begins with a visit to the city of Aspendos, built in Roman style - here in ancient times was the state mint .It is worth to visit the festivities, which are held here in an ancient amphitheater or aqueduct that has survived to our times..Mandatory points of the excursion program in Aspendos should become the Goreme Museum, which includes dozens of churches built in different styles and at different time periods .Not far from the museum is a nunnery, which is a rock with a height of seven-story house .All churches in Goreme perfectly preserved, the colors of the frescoes on their walls amaze with brightness and expressiveness. Tasty lunch in Goreme is absolutely real - the national cuisine is represented in all its diversity.

It would be nice to visit Uchisar - the "pigeon valley". A small village is crowned with an ancient fortress, and below, at the foot of the hill - an uncountable number of pigeons in the shape of a cone.

Continued popularity is enjoyed by hot-air ballooning over Cappadocia. Pleasure is not the cheapest - the flight hour will cost between 130 and 300 EUR, but the price matches the quality of entertainment. By the way, often in Cappadocia come and winter - because local attractions, slightly powdered with snow, look very picturesque.

The material was posted on July 20, 2011.