Was in the UAE on January 23, 2013. March 7 I want to go again through the tour operator, but already alone. I am 26 years old. Will there be a visa refusal due to a frequent visit?

Responds Andrei Zorin, company Unex
Age and number of visits the main reasons for denial of a visa can not be. If a person is not listed in the "blacklist" of the immigration service UAE and there are no other objective reasons for refusal, the visa is opened to him under the responsibility of the emirate host company and, accordingly, the tour operator.

When opening visas for girls under the age of 31 leaving unaccompanied men with the same name, the tour operator may require a deposit in the amount of 1500-2000 USD, which will be returned upon return from the UAE if there are no violations of the visa regime

Responds Alexey Pyatkov, Labyrinth company
If you were vacationing in the UAE for less than 14 nights, then you can apply for the next visa to the UAE in three days after arrival. If you stayed there for more than 14 nights, you can apply for documents 2 months after you arrive in the country.

January 29, 2013

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