A small state in the Middle East, whose population is barely over 4 million, Lebanon is famous for an amazing amount of things and facts..Let's start with the fact that here is the oldest city of the Earth - Byblos, where, moreover, came up with the first alphabet .Among other things, it was in Lebanon that they learned to make purple paint and to cook glass .Of the famous Lebanese cedar Noah, according to legend, he built the Ark, and the Lebanese silk for not one hundred years drove the crazies of Middle Eastern fashion women .Still here invented pitu (and Shawarma in the kit) and - do not be surprised - soap, between cases, having founded Carthage on the opposite shore of the Mediterranean Sea .The indefatigable research spirit of the Lebanese continues to work miracles today: local labor productivity leaves the whole of the Middle East behind, and the country's banking system is successfully on the heels of the Swiss - perhaps because the genius of the crises is from here Nassim Taleb .Tourists also Lebanon offers a powerful "excursion", rest on the Mediterranean coast, riot of colors and traditions and even ski resorts! Absence of a visa and a short flight go as bonuses to tours .

The capital is Beirut.

Large cities - Tripoli, Tire, Sidon, Nabataea.


  • 1 How to get to Lebanon
    • 1.1 Search airfares to Lebanon
  • 2 Visa to Lebanon
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Money and currency exchange
  • 5 Useful phone numbers are
  • 6 Safety of tourists
  • 7 Transport
  • 8 Rent a car
  • 9 Climate of Lebanon is
  • 10 Beaches of Lebanon
  • 11 Shopping and souvenirs
  • 12 Lebanese cuisine and restaurants
  • 13 Entertainment, Excursions and Landmarks in Lebanon
    • 13.1 We also recommend

How to get to Lebanon

From Moscow to Beirut three times a week, boarding Aeroflot. Travel time is just under 4 hours. Residents of St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia will have to get to the capital of Lebanon also from Moscow. Among other things, you can arrive in Beirut on the wings of other airlines - in this case you will have to make a transfer - for example, Cyprus Airlines (via Larnaca), Turkish Airlines (via Istanbul), Egypt Air (Cairo), Qatar Airways (Doha), Emirates ).

Search airfares to Lebanon

Visa to Lebanon

Citizens of the Russian Federation do not need a visa to visit Lebanon with tourist purposes for up to 30 days. At the same time, unmarried women under the age of 40 will be more than welcome to obtain a visa in advance, at the consular section of the Embassy of Lebanon in Moscow.


Import and export of foreign currency to Lebanon is unlimited. It is allowed to transport 2 liters of alcohol of any strength, 500 cigarettes and 250 ml of perfume or toilet water. Prohibited to import weapons and poisonous substances, drugs and narcotic drugs, pornographic materials. It is forbidden to take out items of historical and artistic value. If you bought antiques in Lebanon, you should keep a receipt confirming the purchase.

Money and currency exchange

Exchange currency can be in the offices of banks, specialized exchange offices or at the reception of hotels. US dollars and EUR enjoy equal rights. The rate is approximately the same everywhere. In addition, exchange services are offered by street changers (3-5% commission). Guided by common sense, it is better to avoid them, since official exchange points are available everywhere.

In Lebanon, American dollars are readily accepted for calculation - often, large prices are indicated in USD. Surrender can be given both in Lebanese pounds, and in US dollars. Credit cards are accepted for payment in almost all hotels, shops and restaurants in Beirut and in most tourist places in major cities of the country. In the outback, paying off with a "credit card" can be problematic.

You can cash out money at ATMs, where there is no shortage. "For tea" in Lebanon, it is customary to leave 10% of the invoice amount, and this applies not only to "nutritional" establishments, but also to all service establishments - from taxis to laundries. Maid and porters are supposed to be around 1 USD.

Useful phone numbers are

Embassy of Lebanon in Moscow: st. Sadovo-Samotechny, 14; tel .: (495) 694-20-83, 694-13-20, 694-26-84 (consular department)

Embassy of Russia in Beirut: Corniche Al-Mazraa, Mar Elias Al-Btina street; tel .: (01) 300-041, tel. for emergency communication: (01) 3000-42, (03) 867-198; website

The domestic telephone code is 01 throughout the country, and the prefix 03 is used for mobile communication. When calls are made within the country, "zero" is not dialed in.

The police are 112, 911 or 999; Firefighters - 175 (in Beirut); civil security - 125 (outside the capital); first aid - 140.

Background - 1515.

Safety of tourists

In general, Lebanon is a very safe country: cases of theft happen except in the markets and streets of big cities (motorcycle version). In any case, we strongly recommend not to leave your wallet and personal items unattended. Keep the values ​​in the hotel is traditionally better in the safe.

Although tap water is safe to drink, it is recommended to use bottled water (as do the Lebanese themselves) - it is sold everywhere and is inexpensive. Choose a snack or restaurant better with a certain degree of care, and having made your choice, order drinks without ice and dishes that have been heat treated. Fruits are worth buying by themselves; if you order a fruit dessert, it makes sense to clear the fruits brought from the skin.

You can take pictures of the local population only with their permission. To visit places of religious worship will require moderately closed clothing and a headscarf for women. In a conversation, it's better not to touch politics and any topics related to Israel.


Lebanon is a small country: you can cross it from north to south by car in just 3 hours. That is why there is no internal air communication, as well as railways, in Lebanon, and the population moves between settlements on different variants of motor transport. These include intercity and city buses (both public and private companies), taxis and "service" -taxi (stress on "and", from the French service).

All means of public transport, including taxis, are proudly wearing red license plates.

"Services" - an analogue of minibuses: they can accommodate from 4 to 6 people and scurry along both the streets of Lebanese cities (primarily large ones, such as Beirut or Tripoli), and for any long distances. Marshrutki go to the road when all seats are occupied, and a fixed fee, calculated by kilometer, is divided among all travelers. A trip to a couple of kilometers in the city will cost a little more than 1 USD.

Also, for the movement between cities, the Lebanese use municipal and private buses: the fee is lower than in the shuttles, and scheduled departures, but the comfort level is the most that neither is the base .Bonus - from 10 to 50 fellow travelers of all ages and the degree of predisposition to bullshit .At the same time, buses of private companies often outperform all other modes of transport - they are most often used on popular routes, for example, Beirut-Tripoli, Jounieh, Tire, Byblos .These buses are more expensive than usual, but still a penny by Russian standards .

Taxis are popular in cities and are more rare in rural areas. Counters are not available in all cars, so the price is better negotiated before the trip. It is recommended that you bargain. It is also worthwhile to find out the approximate cost of a trip from a "third party", for example, at a hotel reception.

Rent a car

In Lebanon, car hire is common, there are offices of all major international rental offices, as well as a mass of local rental offices. To rent a car in Lebanon, you will need an international driving license issued at least 3 years ago and a credit card (for security) .The minimum age of the driver is 21 years and 23 years for business class vehicles .The rental price starts from 30-40 USD for the base model .For an additional 20 USD you can hire a driver, however, "buying" a taxi driver with a car is usually cheaper .Right-hand traffic, traffic rules normal European .Road signs and signs are duplicated in 2 languages: Arabic and French (the colonial past affects the colonial past), so there should be no problems with the orientation of .Roads in good condition and safe for movement throughout the country .Only borders with Israel should be avoided - however, they are isolated and guarded by the military, so the chance to get there by chance is reduced to zero .

On a rented car you are allowed to travel to Syria, and if you have a Syrian visa, you can view two countries at once:

Climate of Lebanon is

In Lebanon, there is a subtropical Mediterranean climate with a hot, dry summer and a mild, rainy winter..In the summer months, a fairly high humidity is observed on the coast, which in combination with temperatures beyond +30 ° C can be badly tolerated by elderly people..Summer nights are not much colder days .The average temperature of the winter months is about +15 ° C, rains are frequent .In the rest of Lebanon, the summer is moderately hot - around + 26 ° C, winters are much colder, and at altitudes over 1300 m there is snow - the subject of interest of skiers is .For beach holidays traditionally choose the summer months and September (although it is better to avoid July and August if you are a fan of a more solitary pastime), and for traveling around the country - spring and autumn .In winter, some high-mountain roads can be closed due to snow, and frequent rains cloud the familiarity with sights .

See also the current weather forecast for cities and resorts in Lebanon.

Stone Fortress, Lebanon Lebanon
Ruins of the sea fortress
Off the coast of Lebanon Lebanon
Natural beauties of Lebanon
Tourists in Lebanon Lebanon
Christian shrines

Beaches of Lebanon

Not to say that Lebanon was one of the world's top ten destinations for beach tourism, but here everything is for a quality holiday by the sea..The length of the coastline of the country is 225 km, the main resorts: actually Beirut, Sidon, Tire, Nabataea, Tripoli .Beaches of Lebanon sandy to the south of Beirut and rocky - north of the capital .The cleanest is the coast of Tire, although in every coastal city you can find pretty plots for taking sea and sunbathing .Most of the beaches are toll-free - including not only the use of an umbrella and a sunbed, but also a visit to a beach cafe, as well as other pleasant trivia, such as a shower, a DJ behind a turntable and a lounge zone .Be sure to stay on the beach before sunset - it is then that beach discotheques begin, many of which "thunder" on the entire Middle East .

Despite all the openness of the Lebanese to European values, sunbathing "topless" is not accepted here.

Shopping and souvenirs

Lebanese shopping will not disappoint neither fans of authentic things, nor lovers of modern clothes, ornaments and interior items .Among the Lebanese souvenirs, first of all, products from the famous cedar - from bonfires and kitchen boards to sculptures and furniture .It is worth paying attention to the natural olive soap, offered both "clean", and with a mass of additives useful for the skin .Also, do not go past the decorative piercing-cutting objects of fine embossing and with handles made from the horn .The picture will be complemented with chased copper trays, Turks, teapots, tea and coffee couples and t .д .Fans of the "light" industry will recommend entering fabrics and clothing stores - here you will be offered magnificent silk, both in cuts and finished products, as well as traditional Lebanese outfits - spacious galabee shirts, Arabian air-conditioned trousers, hats and scarfs .

Once the Lebanese silk reversed the formidable Parthian army. The Lebanese simply unfurled silk cloths, and under the bright sun they broke out with such a blinding fire that neither people nor horses could attack the enemy.

Special attention should be paid to modern Lebanese goods - first of all, the products of fashion designers. In the boutiques of Beirut (in particular, on Hamra Street) they sell just crazy beauty and fantasy dresses that honor the heroines of the fairy tale "A Thousand and One Nights". Among the famous names - Eli Saab, couturier number one of the Lebanese Republic. And to supplement the freshly acquired beauty can be magnificent gold and silver ornaments of local production.

Do not neglect and "delicious" souvenirs - great wines (again the legacy of French wine growing), halva, sweets and olive oil.

Lebanese cuisine and restaurants

Lebanese cuisine - a mixture of Arab, Turkish and ancient traditions with a distinctive fleur of colonial culture ."Large" here prefer mutton or fish in the mass of possible cooking options .The garnish usually comes with rice, stewed or fresh vegetables, as well as nuts and potatoes .A universal dish that is eaten by both old and young - mezze, about 30 hot and cold snacks served with a meal .Also enjoys the public's love is a pie with baked cheese, spinach and grapevine leaves .It is very popular in the Middle East humus - pasta from chickpeas with seasonings and spices .It is definitely worth trying "shish tauk" - grilled chicken with garlic, "lahm meshue" - steak barbecue and kaftu - shish kebab meatballs from different types of meat, baked on coals .

In a hurry, you can have a snack with the familiar shawarma, a variety of sandwiches and pizza-calzone "manaish" with a filling of cheese and minced meat. In addition, network establishments such as McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut, etc. are common in Lebanon. You can zamorit worm for 1-3 USD, and qualitatively dine in a cozy place - for 15-25 USD.

Dessert is offered fruit salad, nuts, sweets, soft drinks based on milk (ayran) and raisins with pine nuts ("dzhellab"). As elsewhere in the East, in Lebanon willingly consume strong Arab coffee brewed in a Turkish, and very sweet tea, which is taken in small sips.

Sweetheads are invited to the "sweet capital" of Lebanon - Tripoli. All kinds of sweets are cooked here as anywhere in the country.
In Lebanese cafes, a bottle of cold water and a corresponding number of glasses are brought free of charge to any order.

Of the alcoholic beverages, wonderful Lebanese wines (predominantly white sweet) are popular, and "strong" is the anise vodka arak, which is drunk, diluted with cold water.

Welcome to Lebanon!

Entertainment, Excursions and Landmarks in Lebanon

The lands of Lebanon are exceptionally rich in various antiquities, and some of them are literally antediluvian - for example, the city of Byblos can boast a respectable age of 7000 years! Here all the famous civilizations and cultures of the Mediterranean basin were noted - from Aramaic and Phoenician to Romans, Turks and Frenchmen .It's no wonder that the number of architectural and historical monuments in Lebanon is off scale, and often in the neighborhood you can see the Umayyad mosque, the Christian church and the ruins of the Roman hippodrome..Among other things, Lebanon can offer the traveler and modern "chips": a rich night life (local clubs are unanimously considered the best in the Middle East), excellent conditions for ecotourism and six ski resorts - $ .

Beirut Attractions: the elegant Place d'Etoile with a scattering of all Parisian cafes and brasseries, the Pigeon Rock is a natural monument standing in the sea, Mount Harissa with the statue of Our Lady of Lebanon, the National Museum with over 1300 artifacts of rich Lebanese history, the Museum of Archeology and History, the earliest in the Middle East, the Surskok Museum - a collection of contemporary paintings in the interiors of the rich Lebanese house of the 18th century, many galleries and centers of fine arts..In 20 km from the city is located the "eighth wonder of the world" - the caves of Jaita, stretching for 9 km .It is amazingly beautiful, and the dimensions are impressive: the largest stalactite of the planet (8 m) and one of the largest cave halls in the world with a ceiling height of 108 m .

In Byblos it is worth to pass along the ancient streets, to inspect the ruins of the Phoenician temple, the citadel of the Crusaders, the Greek theater. Nearby there is a collection of the most ancient graffiti in the world: on the stone walls of the calyk the mass of the powerful of this world and mere mortals. Among the first - the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II (13 in BC!).

Tripoli is the "sweet" capital of Lebanon. All kinds of sweets are cooked here as anywhere in the country.

In the Bekaa Valley and its heart - the city of Baalbek - perfectly preserved Roman buildings: impressive temples of Jupiter, Venus and Bacchus, as well as a number of secondary structures, such as public toilets and public houses.

In the village of Maalulya, hidden from the careless eyes, is still spoken in the ancient Aramaic language - the same one on which Jesus Christ preached.

Tire and Sidon - the cities mentioned in the Bible .In Tire, you should see Roman arches and forums, a magnificent racecourse, a necropolis and a cathedral .Incidentally, it was from here that the Phoenician Queen Elissa, who founded Carthage .Sidon is an equally famous Phoenician port, the main objects of tourist interest are the ruins of the Phoenician temple of the god of healing Eshmun, the Ottoman caravanserai Khan al-Franj, the ruins of the castle of St. Louis, the Crusader castle of 13th c., The Great Mosque of Omari, and the labyrinth of medieval bazaars and the most interesting Soap Museum .

Divers and snorkelers will appreciate the underwater ruins of Phoenician and Roman cities, located near the shores of Tire.

Attractions of Tripoli: many-kilometer bazaars, the castle of the Baron de Saint-Gilles, Great mosques of the Mamelukes, caravanserais, hammams and madrassas.

Natural sights of Lebanon - The valley of the cedars, the age of trees in which is 2000 years old, the sacred valley of Kadish, which served as a refuge for hermits and patriarchs. Cave monasteries are perfectly preserved here. Wildlife lovers are also invited to the Palm Islands, a nature reserve 5 km from Tripoli. More than 300 varieties of migratory birds nest here, sea turtles and seals live.

Among other things, tours to Lebanon often involve a combined visit to neighboring countries - Syria and Jordan. This is an excellent opportunity to grasp at once all the splendor of the ancient civilizations of the Middle East and to feel the difference in the traditions, culture and way of life of these largely close peoples.

Photos of Lebanon (28)

Visa to Lebanon
Flights to Lebanon
Tours to Lebanon
Video about Lebanon
Cities and resorts in Lebanon
Managers for Lebanon on the "Subtlety of Tourism"
Weather in Lebanon
Photos Lebanon
Lebanon hotels