What is the distance to New York? The

Answered by information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
It depends on what objects to measure it. Let's assume, what distance separates New York from the capital of the USA, the city of Washington, DC. It is 400 km. If you are interested in how many kilometers New York and the capital of Russia share Moscow, the distance will be longer. In a straight line between these two cities will be 7500 km on average.

When measuring the distance from one object to another, this figure may vary slightly. For example, between Sheremetyevo and the John F. Kennedy airport there will be 7489.36 km, and between the Statue of Liberty and the Kremlin - 7,555.95 km. If you measure the distance from St. Petersburg to New York, you get 6885.16 km.

December 23, 2011

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