In Soviet times, such resorts as Gagra, Pitsunda, Novy Afon, Musser, Sukhum and Gudauta were at everyone's ears: here people tried to escape on vacation for the summer and take the family out to the sea, to enjoy the warmth and the sun. Because of the armed conflicts in the country, the flow of tourists has also decreased, but since recently the situation has started to radically change for the better. Every year the flow of holidaymakers from Russia, who chose Abkhazia for themselves, increases by 10-15%, and there are several very good reasons for that.

 Quick waters of New Athos  Abkhazia: New Horizons for Resting
Quick Water of New Athos
 Lake Ritsa, Abkhazia  Abkhazia: new horizons for resting
Lake Ritsa

Lovely Black Sea and beautiful mountains

The coast of the sea in Abkhazia is qualitatively different from the beaches of Sochi or Tuapse by its purity. Water here remains transparent even at a depth of several meters, which leads to the admiration of all who first saw it. In combination with equipped pebble beaches, the coast remains one of the business cards of the country.

Almost all along the coastline of Abkhazia, the Caucasus mountains rise, which not only protect the resorts from the wind, but also create a favorable microclimate. An added plus is the opening views, which really captivate the spirit. But nature and the sea are not all that Abkhazia can offer to tourists: rest in Gagra or other cities can easily be combined with viewing natural, architectural and historical sights.

Excursion program, or What you need to see

If mountains and seas can be observed in any resort of the country, then some of the sights are worth seeing. First of all, this concerns the lakes, amazing in purity and beauty - Ritsa and Goluboy. No less popular are trips to the Geg waterfall, to the Zhoekvar gorge, to the Mussersky reserve.

Rest in Abkhazia is hard to imagine without visiting a unique architectural masterpiece - the New Athos monastery, located on a hill, among green hills. No less interesting and Novo-Athos cave, inside which there are special subway trains. This allows you to see all the underground halls in comfort.

In Gagra, the most famous objects are the famous colonnade, the park and the palace of the Prince of Oldenburg, as well as the ruins of the ancient fortress of Abaat, whose age exceeds 1500 years. Rest in Pitsunda will be remembered by the neighborhood with a luxurious relic grove.

High service at low prices

With the growth of tourist flow in the country for the better, the infrastructure of resorts is changing, for example, many boarding houses of Gagra have been completely renovated. And according to the level of prices Abkhazia favorably differs from the same Krasnodar region, so beloved by tourists. For example, pensions Pitsunda "Pine Grove" and "Boxwood Grove" fully meet the European service and standards of accommodation, while being located in ecologically clean places. - $

In addition to updating old hotels, the country and its most famous resorts began to appear and modern hotels, such as the club hotel "Dolphin", Alex Beach Hotel, "Amran" and "Raida". They are distinguished by an elevated level of comfort, good infrastructure, spacious rooms and proximity to the coast

It's a stone's throw away!

Moves and flights can badly spoil the rest, so not everyone is ready to discover new routes and distant countries. Abkhazia is another matter! To the border with it less than 20 kilometers, that is, you can get in half an hour from the airport or the station Adler. Almost all boarding houses and hotels organize a shuttle service for guests directly from Sochi to their destination. Inside the country itself, there are no problems with transport: you can easily visit any city or sight without any problems.

Soul country - Abkhazia!

And in conclusion: Abkhazia is an amazing edge of the sea, the sun, mountains, incredible subtropical nature and unlimited hospitality. It is no wonder that having visited it once, many seek here again, preferring rest in Gagra, Pitsunda and Sukhum to all others!