The Balkans today is a new Turkey .Just so lying on the beach under the uncomfortable songs of animators is already uninteresting, and the small Balkan states are still covered with a light haze of mystery .It seems that the disintegration of Yugoslavia has sobered the local population, and now tourism here rises to a good European level .Montenegro has already been surveyed by Russian tourists along and across, in line Albania .And not in vain: the climate here is no less pleasant, the sea is available, and the sights are more than .Today we are waiting for a trip to a wonderful city in the south of Albania - Vloru .

Surely, when you tell your friends that you are going to Albania, jokes about the "Albanskiy language" will begin. Outsmart these jokers and learn a few words on this Albanian, and on a trip it can come in handy. For example, tundzhiatety - "hello", pamphlet - "goodbye", falemindarity - "thank you", and the most useful - nuk kupte - "I do not understand!" Po and e are, respectively, "yes" and "no." By the way, in addition to Albanian, they also speak Greek and Macedonian.

Glorious past

Fans of Vlora history will like unconditionally .It is only necessary to say that during the reign of the ancient Mediterranean Sea, ancient Greece was already actively built, traded and fought .In a word, the flourishing ancient city-port .Then there was the Roman rule, then the Turkish ... Until finally, one gallant Greek military commander with the name Crocodilos Kladas suitable for the soldier in the 15th century did not release this promised land from the Turkish yoke to transfer to the control of the King of Naples .But this was not the end of the troubles of Vlora, and only in 1912 local insurgents overthrew all usurpers, proclaimed the city a new capital and sighed calmly .The status of the capital, however, later passed to Tirana, and Vlora remained a simple center of the district with a light, sorry for the pun, a flush of rebellious spirit..

Vlora stands simultaneously on the shore of both the Adriatic and the Ionian seas. Unusually, is not it? The fact is that it is on this coast that the approximate boundary of the fusion of these two seas passes.

Sea and beaches

Tourists in Vlora are always welcome. The town is small, only 130 thousand inhabitants, therefore they live at the expense of tourism. The most important thing in the resort is, of course, the sea. The beaches here are amazing: clean and sandy. Warm sun, clear azure sea and fresh breeze are not stamps at all, but a real reality.

Types of Vlora


A well-developed infrastructure is another Vlora horse. Wide streets and paving stones on the pavements have long walks in the evenings under the Albanian moon. In addition to comfortable beaches, good roads and a lot of restaurants and cafes, there are also unspoiled places where you can wander through the rocks, sit on warm stones and walk in the coniferous forests. A good balance of wildlife and excellent service - is not this what every tourist is looking for?

Vlora hotels

As for hotels, there are a lot to choose from: five-star hotels, for example, Hotel Vlora International, a few kilometers from the famous bay with its SPA center and swimming pool, and four- and three-star hotels for those who do not want to overpay for extra services . Anyway, in any hotel there is a friendly Albanian staff. For those who want to stay in Vlora, apartments with a sea view are rented. And maybe, you will not want to leave this paradise place at all? Real estate prices here do not bite.

Book popular Vlora hotels at the best prices

Europa Grand Resort from 1 379 rubles Vlorë Lgj. 1 Maj, Plazhi i Vjeter Hotel New York from 3 171 rubles Vlorë Uji i Ftoht Hotel Liro from 2 275 rubles Vlorë Aleksandër Moisiu Street
Hotel Nika from 1 379 rubles Vlorë Rruga Dhimiter Konomi, Uji i Ftohte Hotel Lungomare from 1,723 rubles Vlorë Rruga Aleksander Moisiu Hotel Ble Ble from 1,723 rubles Vlorë Str.Aleksander Moisiu 9401
Hotel Zhironi from 2,206 rubles Vlorë Uji i Ftohte, Rr Nacionale Vlore-Orikum


Kitchen Vlora - it's seafood, seafood and seafood again. So get ready to eat fish, octopus, shrimp, shellfish and other lobsters. The best dishes are in the restaurant with a modest name "Paradise Beach". But be sure to try and local attraction - a meat pie harapshi, cooked on corn flour with lamb and cheese. In general, local cuisine is very nutritious and nutritious, and meat is no less than fish.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Vlora

But even on the most beautiful beach is not worth spending all the days of the day .First, you can get burned, and secondly, there are so many interesting places to visit, when you visit them! The mentioned centuries-old history of Vlora, as it were, hints that archaeological museums can not be overlooked by no means .You can also go to the place of the ancient Greek city of Bulis, or visit the ancient amphitheater and even try yourself as an orator .Is there really such an excellent acoustics? They say, pronounced whisper on the stage can be heard even in the last row .

For lovers of the Middle Ages, a number of pretty fortresses were constructed here ten centuries ago, for which it is possible to walk, wander and even crawl. Probably, if the locals knew what kind of income these fortresses would bring them, they would have built them much more. When the military history is studied, go to the spiritual history - visit the numerous churches, churches and monasteries.

Today travelers do not like to spend a lot of time in one place, preferring to travel from town to town, from the beach to the beach. Well, Vlora is an excellent starting point for such a trip. No more than two hundred kilometers on the road - and you are already on the Greek island of Corfu. In addition, Vlora is the nearest Balkan point to Italy. Photo of Vlora (7)