Opening hours of shops in Andorra?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
The geographical location of Andorra between France and Spain could not help influencing the lives of its citizens..The influence of Spain is especially well traced in the hours of work of stores: in very many of them a two-hour siesta with 13 ±​​$ is provided for .00 to 15 .00 .It would be more correct to say that such a long lunch break is absent only in large shopping complexes .Malls usually open at 9 and close around 21, on Sunday the working day starts an hour later and ends a couple of hours earlier .Small shops can close on weekdays earlier, already at 19 .00 .Time to start work at small outlets is also more, from 9 .30-10 .00 .

Please note that Andorran stores are officially officially closed for Christmas (Catholic, December 25) and New Year's Day, as well as public holidays (March 14, September 8).

August 20, 2011

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