Add a comment about the visa to Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda, like all relaxed and relaxing exotic islands, lets on its blessed spaces without any visas. Citizens of Russia can stay on the islands for 30 days, while there are no restrictions on movement across the country - visit at least Antigua, at least Barbuda, even Redondo. At the same time simple requirements to documents are still available: in the form of a voucher for tourist services and a 6-month "stock" of the passport. In a word, come - do not want to (of course, if there is enough money on the current account).

Entry order

When entering the country, you must provide:

  • passport with a validity of at least 6 months from the moment of entry into the country;
  • hotel voucher;
  • return ticket.

No restrictions for movement within the country.