Tsakhkadzor means "the gorge of flowers." This ski resort is located on the slope of Mount Tegenis, from where, in clear weather, you can see Ararat and Lake Sevan. Here come fans of extreme descents and connoisseurs of good cuisine. This city offers exciting trails, hospitable hotels and "delicious" restaurants. Here it is worth to try everything.

How to get

Tsakhkadzor is located in Kotayk region of Armenia, 75 kilometers from the capital of the republic. The easiest way to get here is by plane to Yerevan (you can fly from Russia without problems), and from the airport by taxi for about 2000 rubles or by bus that will drive you rubles for 50.

Tsakhkadzor is located near the town of Hrazdan - the center of the region. This point can also be considered as a landmark when you get to the resort.

Search for flights to Tsaghkadzor


The city is easiest to navigate by minibus or taxi. To the mountains of tourists sends a cable car.

Generally in Armenia bus service is well developed - in a mountainous country it is easiest to travel on this type of transport. The cost of 1 kilometer between cities is about 100 drams.

Kitchen and restaurants

In Armenia, with cafes and restaurants, of course, everything is in order. In Tsakhkadzor fresh mountain air causes such a strong appetite that you are ready to eat a bull and drink at least a liter of wine. There are good cafes and restaurants here that offer a wide choice of dishes of national and European cuisine, as well as local drinks, including wine and cognac. Almost every menu contains fish, meat, vegetables and fruits.

In the mountains you can get warm in small cafes that offer hot tea and mulled wine to visitors. It is worth noting that in cafes and restaurants serving served very large. The average cost of a good dinner is from 400 rubles.


In Tsaghkadzor, you can buy any products or goods that are necessary for the tourist. Including you can rent or purchase ski equipment.

It is worth noting that the money in Tsakhkadzor is leaving quickly - there's so much that you want to try. Therefore, stock up with a credit card, which will remain on the last days. Otherwise, you risk spending all money on souvenirs, wine and cognac.

Downhill skiing in Tsaghkadzor - $

Tsaghkadzor hotels

In Tsaghkadzor problems with accommodation can arise in the only case - if you did not have time to book a room. Here work hotels of different levels - from 2 to 5 "stars", as well as guest houses and recreation centers.

One of the most prestigious hotels is the local "Marriott", the price for the room starts from 4, 5 thousand rubles. To prestigious also include "Russia" and "Multi Rest."

The cost of living in other hotels is lower. You can find for 700-800 rubles, but on average a good number will cost 1500 rubles per night. You can choose a hotel in the city center or closer to the mountains, so as not to waste time on the rise to the slopes.

3 things that need to be done in Tsakhkadzor
  1. To get acquainted with Armenian writers - there is a sanatorium in Tsakhkadzor for writers of Armenia. Here come the geniuses of the republic and treat quite human diseases. In the house of writers seminars and conferences are held where you can meet smart people.
  2. Communicate with Molokans is a community that has lived in Tsakhkadzor since the 19th century. They have their own house of prayer. Molokans interpret the Bible in their own way. For example, they do not recognize saints, do not worship the cross, do not smoke or drink. Surely, very interesting people.
  3. Read the Armenian verses of Osip Mandelstam - the famous poet lived here in 1930. Until now, the wooden house in which he wrote poetry has survived. Come here and expressively read in memory of the great master.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Tsakhkadzor

The main attractions of Tsakhkadzor are mountains and slopes. Plus several memorable places connected with the history of the city.

Downhill ski runs

In Tsakhkadzor there are various routes that professionals, extremals and beginners like. Usually the ski season lasts from November to April. In January, the temperature drops to 3 degrees below zero.

At the top of the mountain - 3200 meters - you can climb the cable car. On steep slopes, unexpected turns sometimes occur, because of which you can easily fly out of the road. On some routes there are different interesting places where you can go closer to the river. From the highest point, almost all of Armenia is visible - Big and Small Ararat and Lake Sevan.

In the forest you can lay your tracks. However, to do this, you first need to carefully study the terrain and the slopes of the mountain. In Tsaghkadzor you can experiment, but carefully.

Monastery complex Kecharis

This monastery is the main attraction of the city. It was founded in the 11th century. The first temple was laid in the name of St. George the Enlightener. Next to him appeared the second church - the Holy Sign.

Also on the territory of the complex there is one more temple, dated to the 13th century - it is the most beautiful church of Katogike.
From the highest point of Tsakhkadzor, almost all of Armenia is visible - Big and Small Ararat and Lake Sevan.

The house-museum of the brothers Orbeli

Orbeli - the famous Armenian dynasty, which gave the world outstanding scientists - Levon, Hovsep and Ruben Orbeli. Each of them made a significant contribution to the field that he had been working on for many years. For example, Levon was a colonel-general of the medical service, a pupil of Academician Pavlov. Hovsep is an Orientalist, the first president of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR. Ruben was the founder of underwater archeology in the Soviet Union.

One of the main details of the museum is the monumental monument of the brothers Orbeli, which is located on the square.

Main Sports Complex

In principle, this attraction can be attributed to hotels, but this complex deserves more attention than a simple means of accommodation. This building was built to train the Olympians for the 1968 Games. Today it works as a place for gathering and training athletes, as well as for family rest.

There are sports halls and an Olympic swimming pool with a length of 50 meters, designed for 8 tracks. This complex is popular in the sports world of the CIS countries.