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Tourism business specialists from Australia have compiled lists of the most curious complaints that their clients have left, wishing at least to some extent to pay off their expenses for the tour.

So, one of the tourists, vacationing in an African country, complained that nearby to his number saw standing on the hind legs of a living elephant . According to the guest, this is his so upset that the whole honeymoon went wrong! And how do you complain about this from ufologists who arrived at the conference . They feared that the aliens will get to the meeting and disclose all secrets of our civilization . One of the claims published in the list was the complaint of the tourist, that she was allegedly locked in her own room . When the hotel staff arrived at the place of the incident, it turned out that the lady read the doorbell with the request "Do not disturb" on the door and decided that she was forbidden to open the door .

A lot of funny complaints came from the Australian tourists themselves. A guest of one of the hotels in Australia wrote a complaint about too thick and hot sauce, because of what he had to constantly bloom! Do not bypass the curiosities and celebrities. For example, there is a recording of one of the famous football players living in a luxurious room overlooking the ocean, that he is worried about the sound of waves that prevent him from sleeping. And here's another interesting complaint: "I ask you to move me to another room, as the current apartments are too" women-like "decorated."

One of the largest hotel companies published statistics on the basis of which, the number of sleepwalkers increased, that It caused great damage to the firm, as they walked along the corridors naked. In order to avoid losses, the company issued a brochure on the treatment of lunatics and distributed to all the staff of their hotels, and also ordered to keep on all floors of the hotels sheets to cover the naked guests!

Curious cases occur in the sky. It turns out that the passenger can be landed because of a one-year-old child in his arms! The fact is that the child during the take-off loudly shouted the phrase "Airplane, bye-bye!" ". This crew seemed a bad sign and, having unfolded the plane back, landed and landed a grief-mamash! Despite the fact that all air tickets were sold.

The cars also had to tinker, but not somewhere, but in the Vatican itself! After an interview with the chief of police of one of the American states that any driver, when driving, necessarily violate at least one rule of the road, the Vatican issued a brochure entitled "Guide to pastoral care for traffic"! In this edition, in all religious beauty there were requests not to exceed the speed, not to talk during the movement on the cell phone, and others of the same kind.

There are many more examples of funny and funny cases, but they can not be described. So be careful when the next time you scribble a complaint about the careless porter from the hotel. Perhaps, it is this complaint that will fall into the list of the most ridiculous.