The state of Grenada (Grenada) is located in the West Indies, in the group of Lesser Antilles and occupies the same large island and a small group of islands of the South Grenadines .From the west it is washed by the Caribbean Sea, from the east by the Atlantic Ocean .Grenada is an island of volcanic origin with a severely rugged coastline, coral reefs, convenient bays and a lot of secluded beaches..Inland areas of the island are dense tropical forests, mountain ranges, rivers, waterfalls and beautiful lakes .In general, this place can be recommended to tourists who are looking for silence and seclusion .

The capital is St. George's.


  • 1 Major resorts in Grenada
  • 2 How to get to Grenada
    • 2.1 Search for air tickets to Grenada
  • 3 Grenada visa
  • 4 Customs
  • 5 Grenada phone numbers are
  • 6 Transport
  • 7 Safety of tourists in Grenada
  • 8 Climate of Grenada
  • 9 Beaches
  • 10 Grenada hotels - $
    • 10.1 Book hotel in Grenada at the best price
  • 11 Money
  • 12 Shopping and shopping in Grenada
  • 13 Kitchen and restaurants
  • 14 Grenada National Parks
  • 15 Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing
  • 16 Diving in Grenada
    • 16.1 We also recommend

Major resorts in Grenada

Grand Anse and Morne Rouge are the main resort areas of the island. The coastline here is a long strip of beaches with numerous hotels, bars and restaurants.

Grenville is the second largest city in Grenada, located on the east coast of the island. Annually, at the end of July and early August, the Rainbow City Festival in honor of liberation from slavery is celebrated here

The south-western part of the island is famous for its beaches. Just 4 km from St. George's there is the most beautiful beach of the island - Grand En Beach. In the northern part of the beach there is a small market offering fruits, spices and handicrafts.

How to get to Grenada

The two most convenient options:

The first is a British Airways flight with a docking in London. Depending on the specific flight, it may or may not include an overnight stay in London. But as the change of the airport in any case occurs, tourists will have to issue a transit visa. Perhaps, the flight with an overnight stay in London will be more relaxed: in this case, tourists will not have to rush to the connecting flight. The duration of the flight is about 14 hours without taking into account the docking.

The second option is a joint flight of Lufthansa and Condor airlines with a docking in Frankfurt. Its duration is about 13, 5 hours.

Search for air tickets to Grenada

Grenada visa

Citizens of Russia arriving in Grenada for the purpose of tourism visa is not required.


Import and export of national and foreign currency is not limited. Permission is granted duty-free import of 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 g of tobacco, as well as a liter of alcohol. It is prohibited to import firearms, ammunition, drugs, fruits, vegetables, meat and meat products, as well as samples of plants and soil.

Grenada phone numbers are

The Tourist Office of Grenada: 440-22-79, 440-20-01, 440-33-77

Ambulance: 434

Police and Fire Service: 911

Coast Guard: 399.

Panorama of the coast of Grenada Grenada
Coastal views
Locals, Grenada Grenada
Cocoa beans plantation
Grenville is the second largest city in Grenada Grenada
City of Grenville


In a taxi, as well as when hiring a boat or a boat, it is necessary to agree in advance on the cost of the trip (you should pay special attention to the declared currency - many taxi drivers frankly cheat, calling the fare in US dollars). Licensed taxis are usually equipped with counters and charge a fee of 4 XCD per mile for the first 10 miles and 3 XCD for each subsequent one. At night, an additional charge of 10 XCD per trip is charged.

Safety of tourists in Grenada

Grenada is a fairly calm and safe island. But you should follow the standard security measures: you do not need to carry valuables, documents and large sums of money with you, all this can be left in the hotel safe. Do not also get your wallet in crowded places or leave things in the front seat of the car during stops.

Tap water is relatively safe to consume, but it is recommended to drink bottled water. Important point: the sun on the islands is very active, so tourists should definitely have sunscreen and good glasses with glasses that do not miss the ultraviolet.

On most beaches, there are no sharks or other dangerous marine life, as they are fenced off from the ocean by coral reefs. But in the open sea it is dangerous to swim, because the nature of coastal currents is quite stormy, and some marine inhabitants are dangerous.

The rise from the day of the sea of ​​corals and their export is strictly prohibited.
Feel Grenada!

Climate of Grenada

Subequatorial tropical. The average monthly air temperature is +25 .. + 28 ° C. Conditionally "cool" months - November, December, January and February. The dry season lasts from January to May. From June to November, hurricanes and short rains are possible on the island. See also the weather forecast for the island of Grenada.


Beaches on an island with thin white sand, narrow enough. Near some hotels beaches are artificially increased due to loose sand. The sea is very calm, because the coast is reliably covered by coral reefs.

Grenada hotels - $

All hotels of the island are made in the Caribbean style and almost all are focused on privacy and relaxation. Territories are small and very green. Unlike many other Caribbean countries, "all inclusive" in Grenada and does not smell: almost all hotels work either on the basis of breakfast, or without food at all.

The voltage in the network is 220 V, 50 Hz. The plugs are usually American or British type. Many hotels provide both 220 V and 110 V supply.

Book hotel in Grenada at the best price


Banks are open from Monday to Thursday from 8:00 to 15:00, Fridays from 8:00 to 17:00. Currency can be exchanged in banks, exchange offices, in hotels and restaurants. But it's better to do it in banks, since the rate there is usually the most profitable.

US dollars without problems take in hotels, shops and restaurants. Prices for fare on public transport and for various admission tickets are most often indicated in local currency, all other price tags are usually in US dollars. However, paying local "tugriks" is more profitable.

Credit cards of the world's leading payment systems are accepted for payment in most hotels and restaurants of the highest class, as well as in major rental agencies.

Tourist checks can be cashed in almost any bank, and the rate for them is slightly more profitable than for cash currency. To avoid additional costs associated with exchange rate fluctuations, tourists are better off taking checks in US dollars.

To the majority of accounts in hotels and restaurants automatically add a government tax of 8%, as well as a tip of 10%. If the service fee is not added to the account, you can set aside the same 10% of the invoice amount for the staff.

Shopping and shopping in Grenada

Shops usually work from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00, on Saturdays - from 8:00 to 13:00. Craft markets and souvenir shops usually work without days off, often they "synchronize" their work with the presence or absence of cruise ships in the port. Also in port areas and airports, there are usually numerous duty-free shops. The main gifts of Grenada are textiles, carved wooden figurines, spices and leather goods.

Maps of Grenada

Kitchen and restaurants

The national cuisine of Grenada has Indian, African and French roots. About what amazing dishes generates such a bizarre mixture of culinary schools, writing on paper is somehow silly. Very popular seafood and fish.

Most hotels and restaurants offer international cuisine, however local chefs are able to give even widely known dishes a "national shade."

Grenada National Parks

The Grenada Dove Reserve is located at Halifax Harbor and serves as the safe "residence" of the national symbol of the country - the Grenada pigeon, because of its rarity, also known as the "invisible bird."

Ethang Lake Forest Rescue National Park is located in the central part of the island, around Lake Ethang, which occupies the crater of an extinct volcano. Here is a lush rainforest, several waterfalls, hot springs and ancient plantations.

The National Park of Levera covers the most picturesque coastal area of ​​Grenada. Laguna Levera is one of the natural natural reserves of the country: here, on the border of a vast mangrove swamp and the sea, there are about 80 species of birds.

Anoin National Park is located around the crater of the same name and is known among ornithologists as a good place for bird watching (including flight).

On most beaches in Grenada, there are no sharks, no other pleasant sea inhabitants, since they are fenced off from the ocean by coral reefs. But in the open sea it is dangerous to swim, in addition, the nature of coastal currents is quite turbulent.

The La Sagess Reserve is one of the best places in Grenada for studying birds in natural conditions. It is located in the southeast of Grenada and protects bird nests, several rivers, mangrove forests and salt lakes.

Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing

All the main entertainments in Grenada are connected with the sea. This is diving, snorkeling, yachting, fishing. However, the island also has golf courses.

Diving in Grenada

The whole island is surrounded by coral reefs, which still have almost intact ecosystems .Here a huge variety of fish, rare sea turtles, dozens of species of sharks, whales and dolphins .In addition, in the waters of Grenada you can find traces of dozens of shipwrecks of particular interest to divers $ $ .The best sites for diving - the reef Bos, Tyrrel Gulfs, Dragon Bay and Grand Mal Point, as well as the southern coast of Grand Ench Beach .And the tiny island of Jenny is known among divers in that its waters are extremely transparent: local water is considered one of the cleanest in the world..

For snorkeling, the Pointe Molyneux and its reef (accessible only by sea), Flamingo Bay, Wibble Reef, Deep Blue (Deep Blue) reef wall, Barracuda Point and Sharks Refuge are perfectly suitable.

Photos of Grenada (38)

Maps of Grenada
Cities and resorts in Grenada
Grenada visa
Hotels in Grenada
Tours to Grenada
St. Georges
Flights to Grenada
Photos Grenada
Video about Grenada