March 1
Weather in Minsk Partly cloudy, light rain

+6 ° C in the afternoon, 0 ° C at night, FROMwater

2nd of March
Weather in Minsk Overcast, light rain

+4 ° С in the afternoon, +2 ° C at night, FROMwater

March, 3rd
Weather in Minsk Overcast, heavy rain

+1 ° C in the afternoon, +4 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 4
Weather in Minsk Mainly cloudy

+2 ° C in the afternoon, 0 ° C at night, FROMwater

5th of March
Weather in Minsk Mainly cloudy

+1 ° C in the afternoon, -7 ° С at night, FROMwater

March, 6
Weather in Minsk Mainly cloudy

+1 ° C in the afternoon, -5 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 7
Weather in Minsk Cloudy, light snow

+1 ° C in the afternoon, -7 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 8
Weather in Minsk Overcast, light rain

+1 ° C in the afternoon, -1 ° С at night, FROMwater

9th of March
Weather in Minsk Cloudy, rain

+2 ° C in the afternoon, -1 ° С at night, FROMwater

10th of March
Weather in Minsk Clear

+6 ° C in the afternoon, 0 ° C at night, FROMwater

11th of March
Weather in Minsk Cloudy, rain

+5 ° C in the afternoon, -1 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 12
Weather in Minsk Partly cloudy, light rain

+9 ° C in the afternoon, +9 ° C at night, FROMwater

March 13
Weather in Minsk Clear

+4 ° С in the afternoon, 0 ° C at night, FROMwater

The city of Minsk is located on the south-eastern slope of the eponymous hill in the central part of Belarus .The weather corresponds to the characteristics of a temperate continental type of climate: in the summer, warm, clear days are set in the city, and in winter - frosts and snowfalls .The essential influence on it is rendered by the Atlantic air .Forming over the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, it is saturated with moisture and always brings precipitation and cloudy weather .In winter, sea air provokes warming, and in the summer - cooling .Other cyclones also have an impact on the weather in Minsk, but to a lesser extent .

The weather in Minsk is largely influenced by the Atlantic air.

The calendar winter in Minsk fully corresponds to the climate .During the three winter months, the city is mostly frosty .At the same time, thermometer readings rarely drop below -5 ° C .Extreme temperatures in Minsk are observed very rarely, which can not be said about the thaws .In addition, in recent years, there has been a noticeable tendency to increase the winter temperature .Meanwhile, winter Minsk always adorns snow .However, because of unstable frosty periods, it does not lie for long periods, but a small cover is still preserved .In winter, the weather in the city is predominantly overcast with a heavy, prolonged sky .Clear weather also happens, but it is usually accompanied by more severe frosts .

In the early spring in the city, the cold, erratic weather. As a rule, snow completely falls in March. The average air temperature varies between -3 ... + 3 ° C. Steady warm weather in Minsk is formed by the second half of April, when the air temperature seldom drops below +10 ° C. As the heat increases, so does the number of clear sunny days. In the beginning of spring there is practically no precipitation, but their amount increases sharply in May. Moreover, in May, thunderstorms often occur.

Minsk refers to a zone with sufficient moisture. Annually about 700 mm of precipitation falls in the city. Of these, about 70% fall in the summer season.

In summer, the city is warm wet weather. The peak of heat is in the middle of summer. In July, the air temperature reaches +18 ° C on average. Strong heat in Minsk practically does not happen, although in the presence of southern dry winds, air can be heated to +30 ° C and higher. In the summer, a lot of rains, mostly confined, fall out. During the whole season there is a high cloudiness and fogs.

The summer weather in Minsk is usually preserved until the second half of September .At this time here is the Indian summer, which is characterized by very warm and sunny weather .The obvious changes in the temperature regime become noticeable closer to October .This month, the air cools down to +7 ° C on average .Rains are gaining, which, however, are very different from summer .Autumn rains are less strong, drizzling, prolonged .By the end of autumn, cloudy weather is increasingly beginning to prevail .In November, colds are usually established with possible frosts and snowfalls .

Weather in Minsk
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Weather in Minsk by months

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug sen Oct but IDec
in the afternoon -2 +0 +5 +12 +18 +21 +22 +22 +16 +10 +3 +0
at night-7 -6 -3 +3 +8 +11 +12 +12 +7 +3 -2 -5