June 25, 2015 - June 28, 2015

Rock Werchter

Holidays and events in Belgium The cult Belgian festival Rock Werchter in 2014 will turn 40 years old. Such a long story and loud on the names of line-up can boast of not every European musical open-air, and Rock Werchter can!

August 23, 2015


Holidays and events in Belgium Formula-1 - the most important and most prestigious event in the world of racing, rightfully called the "queen of motorsport", has long become the dream of almost every rider in the world, and, in addition, is also the most expensive kind of motorsport.

05 September 2015 - 07 October 2015

Beer Weekend in Brussels

Holidays and events in Belgium More than 30 breweries offer visitors to try almost 400 varieties of intoxicating beverages. The festival differs from its European counterparts with a careful attitude towards the purse of a beer lover. The cost of a beer mug does not exceed 1 euro. Time: the beginning of September, duration - 2 days.

In Belgium, annually, there are about two thousand holidays, many of which carry the inherent features of folklore heritage. In the memory of tourists for a long time there are bright festive processions, street festivals and musicians, huge folklore dolls and colorful carnivals.

In Belgium, annually there are about two thousand holidays, many of which carry the inherent traits of folklore heritage.

The most, perhaps, grandiose festival - carnival in Binche - attracts a lot of tourists to Belgium in February .The first day of the holiday is allotted for costumed processions and staging on the streets of the city .On the second day, groups of young people divided according to political views lead roundeliers in the square, and in the evening rainbow fireworks are raining up to the sky..The third day on the streets of the city are Zhili in national clothes and wax masks with round glasses and throw in passers-by oranges .Belgians believe that a caught orange promises a great fortune .

The festival of holy blood in Bruges is a significant religious event, which is a part of the country's cultural heritage and is rooted in the depths of centuries. Every year, tens of thousands of people take part in the solemn procession, wearing costumes of ancient knights and monks. The procession serves as a reminder of the first crusades, after which the Earl of Flamand received as a reward a jug of Christ's blood.

The Zenneke Festival in Brussels, celebrated every two years, each time has a new theme and script. For two days the streets of the city become a playground for theatrical productions, where participants of the events show their ability to improvise.

On the day of the Trinity in Mons celebrate the feast of Dudu, symbolizing victory over the plague. The celebration has an equally secular and religious direction. The holiday opens a solemn procession through the whole city, the participants of which are dressed in medieval costumes. The culmination of the event is the re-created battle of St. George with the dragon.

From June 30 to July 2 in Brussels, there is an ancient holiday Ommegang, long since lost its religious significance, but still bright and memorable. A medieval village is recreated in the town square, guests dress up in costumes of the 16th century. The holiday completes the general procession, which turns into a grandiose concert.

The most important holiday of the country - the Day of Belgium - is celebrated on July 21. On this day the country became independent and every year on the main square of Brussels there is a military parade, which is replaced by street festivities with music and performances by artists, and the evening ends with a grandiose salute. Part of the country's museums on the holiday opens the door to tourists for free.

Quite a cruel holiday - the festival of cats - takes place every three years. The event goes back to the deep Middle Ages, to the times of the Inquisition. Cats were considered sorcerous animals, and in the town of Ypres they were even thrown off the bell. Similar actions were carried out on certain days with a large crowd of people.

Since 1955, the cat festival in Belgium has resumed. However, for humane reasons, live cats were replaced with plush ones.