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Reserve a hotel in Belgium at the best price

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Expert comments about Belgium hotels

 Belgium hotels
Tonnes Editions

Despite the fact that Belgium occupies such a small piece of Europe, on its territory there are many hotels of different levels. For example, here you can rent a room in the hotel for only an hour, or you can - for several weeks. A wide range of prices allows you to choose the options for housing and services for every taste and budget: both for € 15 per night and for € 17 000. And often the expensive hotel is a wall to the wall with a more democratic two- or three-star.

Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg in 1978 adopted the Benelux Hotel Classification System, which is based on the classification of the hotel fund of these countries. Renewed in 1994, this system obliges every institution that accepts tourists to stay, to demonstrate the level of service and comfort assigned to the class: from 1 * for accommodation with minimum amenities to 5 * for the most luxurious hotels.

In a class of luxury hotels Belgium in the first place is listed by the famous Hilton, Holiday Inn, Marriott and other hotel chains with world names. Business tourists prefer to settle in so-called congress hotels. As a rule, they are conveniently located near major cities, administrative centers, international highways and airports.

To feel the spirit of Belgium, get acquainted with its national traditions and feel the color, it is better to stay in a small mini-hotel. Very often these are private hotels, where the host can sit at the reception, and the hostess is happy to meet guests before breakfast or lunch. Cozy, with interiors in traditional style and delicious local cuisine, they give a sense of peace - they can feel at home with the Belgians.

All Belgium hotels have rooms for smokers and non-smokers, and in most of the hotels it is strictly forbidden to smoke . Almost all hotels are beautifully equipped: cozy rooms, Internet access, own swimming pool, gym.

Château (château)

Truly luxurious accommodation offers the Belgian chateau. Ancient country houses aristocracy and real castles, monuments of architecture and history, today they take solvent tourists who can appreciate not only the luxury, but also the historical value of this place. Their ancient facades often hide superbly landscaped rooms with stunning interiors.

Special attention deserves a chateau in Wallonia, the French-speaking area of ​​Belgium, where the palaces of the nobility of the 17-19th centuries were built with magnificent gardens surrounded by moats. These days these buildings are turned into luxury hotels and restaurants, offering tourists luxury accommodation and high cuisine. Weekends in one of these chateaux are considered the top of romance!

Rural hotels

In rural areas and suburbs, luxury hotels are replaced by small hotels with an average price level. Charming and very cozy, they represent a smaller set of services, but they are famous for the hospitality of the hosts and excellent service. As a rule, they work on the principle of Bed & Breakfast, offering guests not only a night's lodging, but also a delicious breakfast.


Among other things, in Belgium there is an extensive network of hostels. The prices in them are lower than the hotel ones at € 30-50, but comfort, of course, is less.

Pricing features

Being settled in the hotel, be sure to cope with discounts. Many hotels offer rooms in a wide range of prices, and the cost of living can be influenced, for example, by the presence of a shower in the room instead of a full bath.

In addition, prices on weekends and on weekdays can vary quite a lot.

Almost all hotels require confirmation of your reservation with a credit card. If there is a possibility that the trip is canceled and you do not get to the booked hotel, carefully read the cancellation system and the fines.

In some four- and five-star hotels there are specially provided rooms for tourists with children. In such rooms, there is an option to put an extra bed, which, of course, is cheaper than ordering an additional room. In addition, for the youngest guests it is possible to order a cradle, warm bottles and a baby car seat for traveling by car (without car seats the transportation of children in the front seat in Belgium is prohibited).