In every country in the world, a person who is keen on tourism can find something new for himself that will suit his personal interests and hobbies. And almost every tourist, when visiting a country, wants to taste its national cuisine: for example, in Russia, having tried the dishes served, quite often tourists are asked to give them a traditional salted salad recipe to surprise their relatives and guests with unusual food at home.

The most exotic restaurants of the world
The most exotic restaurants of the world
Unusual dishes

However, in addition to traditional cuisine, there is something else that can interest any person who is striving for new sensations and discoveries. And these are restaurants. But the restaurants are unusual.

Belgium can invite you to dine at a height of 50 meters from the ground in a restaurant called "Dinner In The Sky", where a special crane will lift the entire structure instead of with tables, visitors and waiters in the air..Simultaneously, 22 people can dine at such a hanging table, served by 6 waiters .If this is not enough, the dinner can be accompanied by live music, for which the musicians raise the second tap by a similar height .Despite the high enough height, visitors are safe, since they are insured immediately by four special belts .

The New York restaurant-club "Optional Clothing Diners" is cordially ready to receive all comers ... dine naked, as all visitors should be completely naked. Despite this, the owners of the restaurant emphasize the emphasis on compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, so if you want naked exotic - you will need to take with them the litter on which you will sit. Despite all the exoticism, this unique restaurant for lovers of nudism has already gained considerable popularity, and also got its own regulars.

Los Angeles is famous for the restaurant "Hadaka Sushi", which not only offers to taste the original recipes for salads, but also serves them ... bodies of living girls of model appearance, as well as all other dishes.

In Tokyo, you can visit a place whose name is familiar to many people - it's Alkatraz. But this is not a prison, but a restaurant that is styled under prison themes. Before the entrance, the guests undergo a fingerprinting procedure, they are given rules of conduct and are offered to wear a prison robes. Also here are served unique $ $ culinary recipes come from prisons, for example - a thief cocktail, sipping that, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of prison life.