Managers in Belgium on the "Subtlety of Tourism"

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Subway or district
  • Zhanna Zotnikova

    m. Belorussian

    ul. Chayanov St., 6

  • Anastasia Stepanova

    m. Alekseevskaya

    pr-ct. Mira, d. 114A, of. 14

  • Margarita Akmantseva

    m. VDNH

    Prospekt Mira, 211, building 2, SEC "Golden Babylon", level 2

  • Polina Gorbachev

    m. Sokol

    ul. Usievicha, 29, building 1

  • Daria

    m. Taganskaya

    ul. Vorontsovskaya, 2/10, building 1

  • Larisa Khomyakova

    m. Tverskaya

    ul. Tverskaya, 18, building 1, office. 308

All managers in Belgium are

Little Belgium is obligatory in the so-called. tours of the Benelux ("Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg"). At the same time, the Belgian component on this tour is usually limited to Brussels. But the capital is not the whole tourist potential of Belgium, unfairly deprived of the attention of a wide range of tourists.

If you ask an average Russian, with whom he associates Belgium, then with a high degree of probability he will answer "chocolate" and, perhaps, "Manneken Pis." However, the product that brought Belgium wide popularity in Europe and beyond, and the ironic symbol of Brussels do not exhaust the merits of this country, although without them any Belgian tour can not.

Tours to Belgium
Benelux: tours for May holidays from Pac Group
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"Amsterdam + Kökenhof Park of Flowers" from 70 490 rub. for 7 days
"Amsterdam - Paris" from 80 245 rubles. for 8 days
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Tours to Belgium
Tour operator "Bolero Tour": Belgium is for you!
Individual tours, hotels 2-5 *, special offers. Organization of business trips and trips to exhibitions. Air tickets. Visa support. Regular excursion tours. Combined programs with other countries. Event tourism and exclusive thematic programs. Quality and service since 1998.
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Undoubtedly, an important part of the organized trips to Belgium is occupied by those that can be conditionally called "handicraft": chocolate, diamond and beer tours are original shopping tours with an excursion component of .An obligatory component of such tours is a visit to the Museum of Chocolate in Bruges, the Museum of Diamonds in Antwerp and numerous Belgian breweries, each of which has its own small museum ."Handicraft tours" are rarely separate (only within the framework of large European tours or Benelux), more often it is one complex tour with a small "general cultural" excursion component, as a rule, in Brussels .There are such tours up to 7 days .

If you ask an average Russian, with whom he associates Belgium, then with a high degree of probability he will answer "chocolate", "beer" and, possibly, "Manneken Pis."

Also popular are the "cultural and architectural" tours to Belgium .With similar purposes, it is customary to travel to other countries, for example, Germany and the Czech Republic are considered to be the centers of Gothic architecture, but Belgium, the right word, does not concede to them in the least .The Belgian monarchy and aristocracy for many centuries left behind not only a huge number of palaces, mansions and castles, but also an extensive collection of works of art .Tours of such topics usually include visits to Brussels, Bruges, Ghent and other cities and last from a week to ten days..

The most popular, as well as in the whole of Europe, are complex tours, which include an excursion program rich in trips. These attempts to embrace the immensity unite in themselves and visiting monuments of history and architecture, and excursions with indispensable tastings for the most famous manufactures. Such tours usually last from 10 days and are suitable for those who yearn for the sensations and are ready to absorb new and new information flows every day.