

Bolivia Attractions The oldest Latin American civilizations left a lot of mysteries to the descendants. One of such secrets was the origin of the hillfort of Tiwanaku in Bolivia. Today it is the remains of stone walls, statues and huge blocks that scientists are unsuccessfully trying to decipher.


Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

Bolivia Attractions On Earth, many wonderful places are hidden, which can be called, without doubting, miracles of nature. Such wonders include the dried-up salt lake of Uyuni. It is located in Bolivia, but at a glance at this place I want to ascribe to it an unearthly origin.

Bolivia is considered to be one of the poorest countries in the world. Landlocked, it has long been torn apart by political conflicts and military coups. At the same time, Bolivia is rich in the cultural heritage of the Inca era, famous for its majestic Andes landscapes and local flavor: more than 60% of the population are Indians.

Bolivia is sometimes called "American Tibet": it is the highest and isolated of Latin American countries, known for its ancient traditions and numerous monuments of the disappeared civilizations of the pre-Columbian era. Here are some of the most famous natural attractions of the entire South American continent - the Amazon River basin and Lake Titicaca, the highest of all navigable waterways in the world, while the crosses of Bolivia Andes are the second highest mountain range and the longest mountain chain on the planet.

Acquaintance with the sights of Bolivia is worth starting with the city of La Paz - the highest mountain in the world .The city is at an altitude of 4-4, 5 thousand .meters above sea level, in a canyon resembling a lunar crater .No less interesting is its ancient history and architecture: the magnificent church of San Francisco 16 at ., combining Métis architecture and Spanish style, the Costumbrist-Juan de Vargas Museum with magnificent city dioramas and the Museo de Metales-Presiosos-Pre-Colombinos, which store silver, gold and copper items of the Predissan period .Tourists can not pass by the famous Witches Market, where you can buy souvenirs, amulets, handmade jewelry, local tinctures and sweets .However, whatever one may say, the main city in Bolivia is Copacabana: here you should see the cathedral in the Moorish style with the church of the Fiesta de la Virgen de Candelaria .

Bolivia is sometimes called "American Tibet": it is the highest and isolated of Latin American countries, known for its ancient traditions and numerous monuments of the disappeared civilizations of the pre-Columbian era.

Sucre, known as the "City of Four Names", is also called La Plata, Charkas and Chuquisaca. Founded in 1500 by Spanish colonists, it accommodates almost the largest number of attractions in Bolivia. The most significant of them, in addition to the chic areas with buildings in the Old Spanish style - is the building of La Casa de la Libertad, where Simon Bolivar wrote the Bolivian constitution, and the National Library of Bolivia, which stores documents of the 16th century.

Oruro is the site of the famous Carnaval de Oruro, one of the most important folklore and cultural events in South America. Its main difference from the carnival in Rio, where every year a new theme is chosen - tradition: so for centuries the carnival in Oruro begins with the dance "diablada" or "devil."

If you are interested in the figure of Che Guevara, the revolutionary of all times and peoples - visit the town of Vaiegrande and the village of La Higuera of the department of San Cruz, where Che partisan, was captured and shot.

In a series of natural attractions of Bolivia, it is worth noting the Lunar Valley 11 km from the capital, the impressive labyrinth of canyons and cliffs, and the Zongo Valley, 50 km north of La Paz, which contains ice caves, turquoise lakes and the peak of Wyyana Potosi. To the west is the historical center of Tiwanaku, the cradle of the civilization of the Aymara Indians, with the richest archaeological excavations.

The Salar de Uyuni (Uyuni Solonchak) area of ​​400 square miles was formed from a prehistoric lake. On this territory solonchak can be traveled by jeep, and then spend the night in a salt hotel, admiring its lagoons. This place is especially beautiful after the rain, when the salt-filled salt plates look like a mirror reflecting the sky.

Camino dela muerte deserves special mention: the "road of death" on the route La Paz-Coroico, on the 40-kilometer descent of which every year hundreds of amateur cyclists leave, and somebody splits, as evidenced by the numerous crosses along the precipice.

Bolivia is the sixth in the world in terms of the number of bird species, the eighth - reptiles, the tenth - mammals. Bolivia belongs to the circle of selected countries, where most of the world's natural resources are collected: tropical forests, the Andes mountains, valleys, pampas, chaco (territories with a park landscape on the savannah and tropical forests), pantanal (lowland swamp dry in the dry period) and etc. Most of the natural attractions of Bolivia you can see in the Nadidi National Park, which stretches from the Andes to the Amazon.