Book hotel in Bolivia at the best price

Expert Reviews of Bolivia Hotels - $

Bolivia Hotels - $
Editors of Subtleties
Hotels in Bolivia do not have an official classification. However, hotels of international hotel operators retain a "star" system, corresponding to the volume and quality of the services provided. It is worth noting that in Bolivia there are no world famous luxury hotels, but in Santa Cruz and La Paz you can find 4 * and 5 * hotels. The official language of Bolivia is Spanish, but hotel employees also understand English.
When placing it is worth noting that not all hotels are open around the clock. For example, hotels in small towns can be closed for the night.

In Bolivia, most often come from mid-June to early September .Mainly because at this time in the Northern Hemisphere summer is .Ironically, this period is the coldest time of the year in Bolivia, but fortunately, and the driest .In addition, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of different resorts in Bolivia: in the mountainous regions of La Paz, the Potosi department, on Lake Titicaca at this time it is quite cold, the more pleasant and mild weather is set here in the off-season..In Santa Cruz, the climate is tropical, although it's also cold from June to September .In Cochabamba, a pleasant spring climate all year round .

The lack of free rooms in hotels in Bolivia happens rarely, but sometimes it is better to book them in advance. So during the year a number of international events take place in the country, during which the hotels are overcrowded, the cost of free rooms is significantly increased.

In addition, the number of tourists and, as a consequence, the lack of hotel rooms depends on public holidays in Bolivia. For example, Independence Day, in which a colorful festival is held in each region of the country. It is worth noting that the official Independence Day of Bolivia is celebrated in Sucre on August 6 and seems to be gathering the whole world. And in the La Paz celebration, passing July 16th. In small towns across the country, colorful local holidays celebrate the summer solstice (June 21).

The national holidays of Bolivia also include New Year (January 1), Carnival (dates are changing), Good Friday, Labor Day (May 1), the Feast of the Body of the Lord (the dates change, usually in mid-June), Independence Day (August 6) All Saints' Day (November 1) and Christmas Day (December 25).

The lack of free rooms in hotels in Bolivia happens rarely, but sometimes it's better to book them in advance.

Types of hotels in Bolivia

Lovers of an unusual holiday certainly will be interested in the unique hotel White Beach Hotel, located in the salt desert of Uyuni in the south-west of the country. It was built by local people. The walls are made up of salt blocks, all furniture in the rooms - beds, tables chairs - are also made of salt.

In the cities of Bolivia, there are many historical hotels: for example, in Sucre, you can stay in a mansion that is about 300 years old.

For budget travel the most optimal option for accommodation is the hostel. There are quite a lot of them all over the country. It is often possible to find hostels with a price of only $ 5 per night. But for this amount you should not expect anything more than a berth.

Outside the major cities, the most convenient option for both the budget and the reasons for a deeper immersion in everyday life and habits of local residents is the private accommodation. Perhaps the most original will be the halt in the communities of Bolivian Indians - they hold numerous inns for tourists, they gladly treat guests with dishes of national cuisine, and also offer to settle in cabanas - traditional forest huts covered with palm leaves.

Cost of living

The accepted price categories of rooms in hotels in Bolivia look as follows: very expensive - over $ 185, expensive - from $ 120 to $ 184, average - from $ 50 to $ 119, and the most economical can expect to live less than $ 50 per night. You can pay with US dollars almost throughout Bolivia, and especially in hotels and restaurants.

In the cities of Bolivia, there are many historical hotels: for example, in Sucre, you can stay in a mansion that is about 300 years old.
When exchanging foreign currency in Bolivia, it is better to use the official exchange office - casa de cambio. Some banks change US dollars and EUR, but the queues are often very long, the process can drag on.

It is also worth noting that the cost of accommodation, initially voiced in the hotel of Bolivia, is not always final and can be intentionally overstated. With a certain ability to bargain - you can significantly reduce the price.

Tipping is not obligatory, financial encouragement of the staff is carried out at the request of the guest.

Accommodation features in hotels in Bolivia

In most hotels, with the exception of the best, it is not very warm. Some hotels have rooms with room heaters (estufas), which is very convenient, but their number is limited. In any case, warm pajamas in your luggage will be superfluous.

Water for shower rooms is heated by electricity. However, in some hotels hot water and air conditioning in the room are not strictly mandatory. When choosing a place of residence, it is better to clarify this issue.

In some hotels breakfast is not included in the price. Solve this problem by paying breakfast (if necessary - lunches and dinners) separately. Internet and a number of other additional services are paid extra.