How is it better to go to Brazil: alone or through a tour operator?

Responds Diana Ignatenko, Tour Express company
Traveling to Brazil both independently and with the help of an organized tour is undoubtedly fascinating and very interesting!

Regarding the cost of the trip - depends on what exactly is planned to see in Brazil: if it's just a beach holiday, now it's quite easy to book a hotel and air travel yourself, take a taxi and come to the hotel.

If you plan to visit several places, for example, Rio de Janeiro, Iguazu Falls, Amazon, in my opinion, as part of an organized tour it will not only be more economical option, but also more convenient: there will not be time to search for options accommodation, excursions and transfers, the exact program will be known in advance, as well as the final cost of the trip, and it will definitely be cheaper than an independent trip on the same route with the same accommodation conditions, excursions and transfers.

When visiting Sao Paulo alone, the cost of a taxi to the city is $ 85, the most economical hotel is $ 145 per day per room, but the conditions did not match the usual and desired. In addition to the cost - most importantly, the time to organize a trip - if you just want to be an independent traveler, you can spend hours surfing the Internet, if you are interested in visiting the country, its color and convenience on the trip - you can safely choose the organized version of travel and enjoy the time on the road.

With the help of search engines, just add the cost of a flight and an average night in a 4 * hotel (if not ready, of course, to live in a hostel), an internal flight to the waterfalls and back, and this will be enough to understand that the total cost of the whole tour with excursions noticeably lower.

November 15, 2012

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