Argentina - the quintessence of the south .A good half of local realities proudly bears the title of "the southernmost ..." For the beginning - the world's southernmost railway: the Argentine answer to the bourgeois Orient Express and the harsh domestic Transsib - the Patagonian broad gauge, built, by the way, on a continental scale: about 30 years of work and unprecedented for such distant edges of convenience - cars of the brand "Fiat-Concord" with different frills, such as porcelain washbasins and carved chairs, as well as special trailers for transportation of cars .Next - the southernmost city on the planet Ushuaia, on the promenade at the harbor which is so nice to contemplate summer apricot sunsets .Finally - the most southern glaciers on the Earth (not counting, of course, the poles), with a constant dry crack slipping from the mountains to the crystal "silver" lakes of Lago Argentino .An additional bonus: Patagonia, known to all of us since childhood, immortalized by Monsieur Verne, is also here .In general, "who is cheerful - he laughs, who wants - he will achieve, who is looking for - he will always find it! »

The capital is Buenos Aires.

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  • 1 Resorts of Argentina
  • 2 How to get to Argentina?
    • 2.1 Search for air tickets to Argentina - $
  • 3 Visa to Argentina
  • 4 Customs
  • 5 A bit of history
  • 6 Phone Numbers
  • 7 Transport
  • 8 Security in Argentina
  • 9 Interesting facts
  • 10 The climate of Argentina is
  • 11 Argentina hotels - $
    • 11.1 Book hotel in Argentina at the best price
  • 12 Tango in Argentina
  • 13 Banks and exchange points
  • 14 Shopping and shopping in Argentina
  • 15 Kitchen and restaurants
    • 15.1 Argentina wines
    • 15.2 Mate
  • 16 Active rest, or what to do in Argentina
  • 17 Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of Argentina
    • 17.1 We also recommend

Resorts of Argentina

In Argentina, there are both sea and ski resorts. Interesting tourist destinations in the city are Salta, Cordoba, El Calafate and the southernmost town of Ushuaia's zemshara.

Natural attractions - Iguazu, South Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego.

For a complete list of cities in the country, visit the Cities and Resorts in Argentina.

How to get to Argentina?

In most cases it is recommended to use for the trip to Argentina the morning departure and, accordingly, the evening arrival. Why? It's simple - after a fifteen-hour (at least) stay in the air, you will really want to relax. Variants of flight:

  • Daily flights Moscow - Buenos Aires airlines Iberia with docking in Madrid. The duration of such a flight is about 15, 5 hours without taking into account the docking.
  • Daily flights Air France Moscow - Buenos Aires with docking in Paris. The duration of the flight in this case is about 16 hours without taking into account the docking.
  • Or use the services of Lufthansa (docking in Frankfurt).

Also possible flights Alitalia through Rome and British Airways through London. The duration of the flight, taking into account the connections, is from 20 hours, which due to the time zones change favorably turn into 13 "planetary" hours (at least when flying there).

It is optimal if the day of the commencement of the trip around the country (that is, following the arrival) becomes Saturday - a day without traffic jams on the streets of the metropolitan cities, giving the possibility of a full-fledged acquaintance with the city.
  • How to get to Argentina cheaply

Search for air tickets to Argentina - $

Visa to Argentina

Citizens of Russia to visit Argentina, if the period of travel does not exceed 90 days, no visa is required. Learn more about the visa to Argentina.


Import and export of national and foreign currencies is not limited, but amounts over 10 000 USD must be declared .Duty-free can import up to 400 cigarettes (or 50 cigars), up to 2 liters of alcoholic beverages, up to 5 kg of canned food, souvenirs and gifts worth not more than 300 USD and things for personal needs..When importing these items in an amount exceeding the specified, a fee of 50% of their value is charged .Import of non-canned food, objects and things of historical, artistic or archaeological value (without special permission) is forbidden .

It is forbidden to export objects and things of historical, artistic or archaeological value without special permission, as well as weapons. When exporting products made of wool and leather, ornaments and souvenirs, you need to show the receipt of the store where they were purchased.

When exporting fur products you will need a receipt of the export stamp.

A bit of history

Incredibly, but the fact: even at the beginning of the 20th century, Argentina was considered almost the richest state in the world..There was even such a saying: "Rich as an Argentinian" .Thousands of Europeans tried to find well-being in the picturesque foothills of the Andes - southern Italians, Basques, Galicians and Catalans, Germans and Austrians with Swiss, Irish and Scots, Russians, Ukrainians and Jews who moved with the Pyrenees ... Despite all the government's efforts to populate the vacant territories of Argentina, they were unsuccessful, since most immigrants eventually settled in the capital or its surroundings .Patagonian Indians were exterminated almost to the last, Africans did not survive the warrior with Brazil and Paraguay .So in South America there was a "white" country, Catholic in spirit, Spanish in terms of expression and French in style of life .

Phone Numbers

Embassy of Argentina in Moscow: st. Sadovaya-Triumfalnaya, 4/10; phone: (495) 232-99-92; fax: (495) 232-99-93

Consular Section of the Embassy of Argentina in Moscow: st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 72; phone: (495) 502-10-20, 502-10-22

The Russian Embassy in Buenos Aires: 1021, Capital Federal, Rodrigues Pena 1741, Republica Argentina; telephone: (11) 4813-15-52, 4813-80-39; fax: (11) 4815-62-93; website

Tourist Information Center of Buenos Aires: (11) 4312-22-32

Department of Tourism Security: (11) 4302-78-16

Background: 110, first aid: 107, police: 911, fire department: 100.

  • How to call from Russia to Argentina
Iguazu Falls in Argentina Argentina
Bright streets of Buenos Aires Argentina
Bright streets of Buenos Aires
Inhabitants of the Argentine Patagonia Argentina
Inhabitants of the Argentine Patagonia


Longer distances in the country are more convenient and quickest to cover on the plane due to the extensive network of airways and the presence of airports in large cities. Tickets are best booked in advance, also you should keep in mind that there are delays in flights.

Rail transport in the country is popular, but in some areas it is not well developed. Special tourist trains run in the regions of Patagonia and Mesopotamia, and city transport is represented by buses, commuter trains and taxis. In Buenos Aires, moreover, there is a subway.

In 1906, the newly elected President of Argentina raised the issue of the development of national territories. This was the beginning of the era of the Patagonian Railroad. But only a couple of decades later, the operating line connected finally the large center of Bahia Blanca and the southern tip of the province of Buenos Aires, the city of Carmen de Patagones, across the river from which lies Viedma - the capital of the neighboring province and the door to Patagonia ...
Yulia Poimanova

International bus routes connect Argentina with neighboring countries: Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil .From Jujuy and Salta buses go to La Chiaki, from where on foot or by taxi you can cross the Bolivian border .From these same cities you can reach the Bolivian city of Yacuibu, located right on the border, from where buses go to the Bolivian department of Santa Cruz .With the Chilean cities, Argentina is connected by routes from Salta to San Pedro de Atacama, from Mendoza to Santiago, from Bariloche to Puerto Montt, from Ushuaia to Punta Arenas .

All taxis in Argentina are equipped with counters, which must be included when boarding the passenger. 15 minutes drive around the city will cost an average of 10 ARS.

  • Does Argentina have domestic flights without docking in the capital? $

Security in Argentina

Since the "ruso tourist" in the country is small, the locals regard them as exotic, the attitude is friendly and friendly. However, it does not cancel certain security measures: it is not recommended to leave the boundaries of tourist centers alone (especially in the evening), do not carry large sums of money, expensive jewelry etc. $.

Water is recommended to drink bottled or boiled.

Swim in the ocean can only be strictly in the places reserved for this: in unsuitable areas it is dangerous because of the strong coastal currents.

  • How difficult it is to communicate with local residents in Argentina?
Spirit of Argentina

Interesting facts

"Silver country" has something to show the world: tango, Evita Peron, football and the most beautiful woman president - just the beginning of the list of $ $ .In Argentina, you can get the most outlandish impressions in record time, on which the opposite hemisphere is rich: listen to the incessant murmur of the glacier and wander through the streets of the southernmost city of the planet, take a tango lesson right on the street (and if you're lucky, even to break the applause of milongueros!) And float on the legendary Cape Horn - or even go to a real Antarctic cruise .Due to the lack of visa formalities to get from winter Russia right into the Argentine summer, you need only free time and free money - I must say, in a fair amount of $ $ .

Argentina is known as one of the world's leading producers of wine, but adepts of tequila, whiskey, vodka or brandy, too, will not feel a deficit of their favorite drinks here.

The climate of Argentina is

The climate of Argentina is subtropical in the north, humid tropical in the center of the country and temperate in the south. Do not forget that in the southern hemisphere, winter and summer coincide with ours exactly the opposite.

The Andes area is characterized by rainy weather and frequent floods in the summer season, a strong summer heat, snow cover in the mountainous regions in winter and frequent dry hot winds, which the Argentines call a "probe". Temperature differences are very significant both between seasons and within one day. In the plains there are often heavy rains over impassable wet forests and savannas. The average temperature in January is +5 ºС, July is +20 ... +22 ºС.

Summer (December to February) is the best time to visit Patagonia and the South Andes. Winter (from May to September) is suitable for travel to the northern and north-western regions of the country.

Spring and autumn are a great time to travel to Buenos Aires, Mesopotamia, the foothills of the Cordillera of the provinces of La Rioja and Catamarca. Well, fans of skiing can perfect their skills on the slopes of snow-covered Argentine Andes from June to October. The best time to visit the country is from October to May.

Actual information: weather forecast for the main resorts of Argentina for the coming days.

Argentina hotels - $

In the country there are hotels of two types - local and international "chains". The first, as a rule, tend to undeservedly attribute to themselves one extra star, the level of the second completely corresponds to the claimed one. Hotels operating on the "all inclusive" system in the country are few, mostly hotels offer either breakfast or half-board.

The voltage in the electrical network is 220 V, 50 Hz. There are both two-pin sockets, and three-pin. Adapters should be taken with you.

Book hotel in Argentina at the best price

Tango in Argentina

About the Argentine origin of tango know, probably, all .The fact that it has been considered for a long time, let's say, not too decent even on one's own homeland, is also probably well-known to many (it is known that the champions of strict morals considered tango rather a prelude to sex than dance).But one funny nuance, directly related to the above-mentioned moment, remained almost unknown .It turns out that when the tango began to gain popularity among the male audience, its first fans encountered during the training with the problem of an acute shortage of partners: decent girls did not want to engage in "this" in any way, and dance lessons in brothels were too expensive .However, the way out was found: men simply began to learn tango, dancing ... with each other! By the way, according to a number of researchers, this is what gave a powerful impetus to the development of dance and enriched it with new movements .

  • Which tango show is considered the best in Buenos Aires?

Banks and exchange points

The currency can be exchanged in all banks and large shopping centers, in hotels and in specialized exchange offices.

In large retail outlets, hotels and restaurants, American Express, Visa, Master Card and Eurocard credit cards are accepted for payment. But in the provinces they are almost impossible to pay off. You do not need to take traveler's checks with you: exchange offices charge sensitive commission fees for their cashing, in addition, it is practically impossible to exchange them in small towns.

Most banks and points of exchange use a ticketing system - instead of standing in line, a visitor receives a ticket with a number and then waits until his number is called an employee. I must say that this procedure takes more time than the usual live queue.
  • What currency to take in Argentina?

Shopping and shopping in Argentina

In Argentina, inexpensive and quality shopping. From the country you can bring knives, silver mouthpieces, Mate tea with a set for its preparation and use (calabash and metal tubules), sheepskin clothing, vicuña wool clothes, Argentine wines, guitars, art objects, and also good coats. When exporting wares from wool and leather, you must present the receipt of the store where they were purchased.

When departing from the country, you can refund VAT from purchases exceeding $ 70. In Ushuaia, in a free trade zone, purchases will be particularly beneficial.
  • Are there motorbikes in Argentina?
Ice of Patagonia

Kitchen and restaurants

For starters - a small tip: forget about fish restaurants in Argentina. Find them there is almost impossible, and even if you find, you will regret it. Argentina is meat! One of the best in the world. And wine.

Argentinean culinary specialists are known for their masterful handling of beef .In addition, after traveling to the country's restaurants, the tourist may well get the impression that he visited almost all countries of South America - so local cooks like to "borrow" recipes from their neighbors on the continent .The same applies to alcoholic beverages .Argentina is known as one of the world's leading wine producers, but adepts of tequila, whiskey, vodka or brandy, too, will not feel a deficit of their favorite drinks here..Well, the leisure of ideological or involuntary opponents of alcohol will brighten up genuine mate in authentic calabash traditionally drunk through a silver tube .

Tipping in Argentina is 5-10% of the service bill, in expensive institutions they are often included in the account.

If you decide to pamper yourself with a trip to a famous restaurant, especially on a day off - always book a table in advance. Otherwise, you will have to defend a decent line at the entrance to the restaurant.

All the restaurants on the Atlantic coast perfectly prepare dishes from seafood. Argentine "spetsoblidom" can be considered pies from a thin test "empanadas", which are considered a Spanish contribution to local cooking.

Argentines dine late - the earliest at 9 o'clock in the evening. Until that time, most restaurants serve only light snacks such as pizza and sandwiches: the "big kitchen" starts working only at nightfall.

Argentina wines

Wine in Argentina is very decent. Local culture of viticulture and winemaking represents a kind of symbiosis of European traditions. Even the grapes that are grown here seem to have been selected on the basis of the principle "From each country is the best". From France - Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Chardonnay, from Italy - Sangiovese and Bonard, from Spain - Chemranillo, from Germany - Riesling.

Any wine worth 200 pesos (about 65 USD) and above will be very decent. The "Top Five": Cheval des Andes 2002 (Terrazas de los Andes), Vistalba Corte A 2004 (Finca y Bodega Vistabla), Iscay 2002 (Trapiche), Luigi Bosca DOC 2003 (Luigi Bosca), Antalogia VIII 2000 (La Rural).


Argentines say that the number one drink of Latin America - mate - was granted to mankind with pity for mortal gods .As the legend says, two goddesses descended from heaven - to walk along the pampas, to gaze at the glaciers, to bathe in the crystal waters of Lago Argentino .in general, everything is like the current tourists .No sooner do celestials set foot on the "silver" land, as from nowhere appeared a jaguar, and time was just a lunch .The ladies were frightened in no small way - but then an Indian appeared out of the bushes and as a true gentleman drove out a bloodthirsty animal .In recognition of the goddess gave the Indian a calabash and leaves of an unknown plant and taught them to make a decoction that helps to remove fatigue, strengthen health and generally gain all happiness..Since then, mate is consumed here simply in astronomical scales, and Argentines, as a consequence, are invariably cheerful and cheerful .

Active rest, or what to do in Argentina

What to do in Argentina: In Buenos Aires - look at the numerous generals, on horseback, in stone, bow to Eva Peron, drink mate, participate in the gaucho show, visit the tango show, dance tango in La Boca and feel free from everything in the world - a real gaucho, to see how representatives of pre-Hispanic cultures live amongst stunning landscapes.

Mandatory tracking in the National Glacier Park and Iguazu Falls, rafting and kayaking in the Bariloche, Salta and Mendoza mountain rivers; Mountaineering and climbing Mount Aconcagua; canopies, paragliding, skiing, driving through the salt deserts in the highlands are just some of the options that Argentina can offer.

You can ride horses through the snow-covered Andes, swim next to fur seals and whales, walk between penguins in Patagonia, watch the birds in the "American Serengeti" or behind the condors in the high Andes, get acquainted with animals such as llama, vicuna, capybara, nyangda , mara - all that is necessary to make this one of the main directions for those who have at least some interest in nature .Here they go for exotic, excellent fishing and special, inherent only in Latin American countries, the feeling of a continuous holiday .

  • Are there any night excursions to the Iguazu Falls
  • Where in December to go on mountain skiing in Argentina?

Maps of Argentina

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of Argentina

Argentina has an area of ​​nearly three million square kilometers with a variety of geographic characteristics and climatic zones .On its territory, a variety of natural scenarios are developing .Real natural wonders are combined with the sophistication of a large city - Buenos Aires .South of the Lake District begins a boundless Patagonian plateau adorned with giant glaciers .Between the rocky Atlantic coast, favored by wild animals, in the east to the wine lands in the high Andes in the west, where the seven-thousandths tower rises, Mount Aconcagua, lie the virgin lands .Grand Antarctica closes Argentina's natural heritage list .

There are a lot of UNESCO World Heritage sites in the country: Los Glaciares National Parks in Patagonia and Iguaçu in the province of Missionos, Jesuit Guarani Indians, Cueva de las Manos in the province of Santa Cruz, Ischigualasto and Talampaya Nature Parks , where flora and fauna were preserved, formed about 230 million years ago. And also the buildings and farms of the Jesuits in Cordoba and its environs, the natural and historical monuments of the Québrad de Umahuac Valley along the Inca Road.

You can ride horses on snow-covered Andes, swim next to fur seals and whales, walk around the wing with penguins in Patagonia, watch birds in the "American Serengeti" or behind the condors in the high Andes.

In Salta, you should visit the cathedral, the Jesuit churches, and also look into the market of folk art, where you can find original works of art. Salta also serves as a starting point for excursions to the valley of Kalchaki and the canyon of Umahuaka.

Mar del Plata is a famous resort located 404 km south of Buenos Aires in a temperate climate zone .Here lives only 600 thousand .residents, and the number of tourists and tourists reaches 6 million! In Mar del Plata, there are many theme parks, where you can see the show with dolphins, fur seals, sharks, acrobatic performances of water-skiing athletes and more..Excursions to farms in the style of "eco-tourism" will provide an opportunity to see how to feed lambs with milk and shear sheep, as well as tasting home cooking .Mendoza regularly hosts a wine festival with carnival and dances, music shows and the Queen's Elections .

Another interesting excursion is a trip to Cordoba, the second largest city in Argentina, which from an architectural point of view in many respects surpasses the capital. In the center of the city are concentrated beautiful ensembles of colonial buildings - the old market, the Catholic cathedral and much more. In the same city one of the best historical museums of the country is open.

The main natural attractions of Argentina are the national parks Nahuel-Huapi, Los Glaciares, Lanin, Iguazu, and others. Ocean cruises are especially popular among tourists to Cape Horn, to Antarctica and Patagonia. Also interesting are the colorful Italian suburb of La Boca and the Mar del Plata resort.

One of the most interesting excursions are "Fiesta gaucho" and "Tango show" - entertaining performances in which the best dancers of the country participate. These shows introduce the life, cuisine, customs and music of the Argentine cowboys gaucho.

Photos of Argentina (63)

Maps of Argentina
Mountain ski resorts in Argentina
Reviews of tourists about Argentina
Flights to Argentina
Sights of Argentina
Anna Grischuk
Tours to Argentina
Holidays and events in Argentina
Visa to Argentina
Cities and resorts of Argentina
Questions about Argentina
Managers in Argentina on the "Thinness of Tourism"
Are there any night excursions to Iguazu Falls
Are there motorbikes in Argentina
Hotels in Argentina
Video about Argentina
Which tango show is considered the best in Buenos Aires
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Can I get from Russia to Argentina by water transport
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Photos Argentina
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Buenos Aires
El Calafate
What currency to take to Argentina
The language barrier in Argentina
Is there any domestic flights in Argentina without docking in the capital
Where in December to go on mountain skiing in Argentina
How to call from Russia to Argentina
How to get to Argentina
Argentine wines
San Carlos de Bariloche
South Patagonia
By train across the country
Argentine tango
Regions of Argentina
Mar del Plata
Tierra del Fuego
Mountain ski resorts in Argentina
Interesting in Argentina
National Parks of Argentina
What are the conditions for entry to Argentina, if a woman goes there to marry
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