It's hard to say, thanks to which our compatriots know Cambodia better - because of the gorgeous beauty of Angelina Jolie, who cut herself with multi-armed stone demons in the role of Lara Croft in the walls of Angkor, or because of the USSR, when we were friends with Kampuchea, sending her specialists and typical Soviet consumer goods in the 80's . Be that as it may, we all amicably with the Hollywood star had an important role in the development of Cambodia as a popular tourist destination . Judge for yourself: "Lara" raspiarila fantastic temple complex Angk p to the whole world so that now he is not known only by people remote from the TV . But the Soviet Union left as a legacy to the old kingdom a lot of Russian restaurants, markets and even the whole "Russian city" Sihanoukville .

Today in Cambodia come all who are not lazy, and who is not afraid to season exotic traditionally luxurious Asian vacation at sea. Beaches here certainly are not worse than in Thailand or Vietnam, but here the quality of roads, and the infrastructure as a whole is a little lame. But the prices in this country are such that they are very expensive: for one American dollar one can get an amazing 20-minute "fish" pedicure or one appetizing frog fried with ginger.

Capital - Phnom Penh. Popular sightseeing cities - Sihanoukville, Siamriap, Angkor

For a complete list of cities in the country, visit the Cambodia city page and resorts

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  • 1 How to get to Cambodia
    • 1.1 Airline Tickets to Cambodia
  • 2 Cambodia Visa
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Useful Telephone Numbers
  • 5 Transport
  • 6 Safety of tourists in Cambodia
  • 7 Rules for visiting pagodas
  • 8 Climate of Cambodia
  • 9 Money
  • 10 Hotels of Cambodia
    • 10.1 Book hotel in Cambodia at the best price
  • 11 Shopping and shopping
  • 12 Cuisine and restaurants of Cambodia
  • 13 Cambodia's entertainment, excursions and attractions
  • 14 National parks
    • 14.1 We also recommend

As before ratsya to Cambodia

direct flights to Cambodia from Russia there. Flights from Moscow are carried out by Vietnam Airlines and TransAero through Ho Chi Minh, Thai Airlines, Aeroflot and TransAero through Bangkok. The duration of the flights is about 10.5 hours without taking into account the docking

Cambodia from Bangkok can be reached by car

  • How to get from Vietnam to Cambodia
  • How to get from Bangkok to Cambodia
  • How to get from Ho Chi Minh City up to Cambodia
  • How to get from Bangkok to Cambodia

Search for air tickets to Cambodia

Cambodia visa

For Russian tourists Russian citizens need a visa to Cambodia


Allowed import and export of foreign currency to the amount equivalent to 10 000 USD. For removal of large amounts, the permission of the National Bank of Cambodia will be required. Export of national currency is prohibited. Allowed duty-free import of objects and things within personal needs.

It is forbidden to import weapons, ammunition, drugs, poisonous substances, audio and video recordings that damage the state system and spiritual traditions of the country. It is prohibited to export antiquities and ancient works of art that are a national treasure, precious metals and stones in commodity quantities, wild animals.

Useful telephone numbers

Embassy of Cambodia in Moscow: Starokonyushenny Pereulok 16, tel .: (495) 637 -47-36, 956-65-73

The Russian Embassy in Phnom Penh: 213, Blvd. Sothearos, Phnom Penh, tel .: (23) 210-931; website

Police: 117, fire department: 118, ambulance and rescue service: 119, tourist police: (23) 724-793, traffic police: (23) 722-067.

Cambodians believe that the souls of dead people can be resettled in animals. So in Cambodia you have to look carefully at your feet - God forbid you step on the ants, and this is someone's great-great-grandfather.


Taxis in Cambodia are comfortable and relatively inexpensive, and travelers with the habits of "white sagibas" can, in addition, use the services of moto and trishaws. Car rent is not available in the country.

  • Can I rent a bicycle in Cambodia

Safety of tourists in Cambodia

The security situation in Cambodia is ambiguous .After the recent guerrilla wars in the country, the hands of the local population left a huge number of automatic weapons .True, the police and the army are also not slumbering .Simple precautions will help reduce the risk of possible troubles to a minimum: tourists should not go out alone after dark, do not carry a passport, large amounts of money or other valuable items .For movement around the city, it is recommended to use a motor-rickshaw or taxi .In addition, guests should always have a photocopy of the passport or a guest card from the hotel .

All water used for drinking, brushing teeth or preparing ice must be boiled beforehand.

Swim in the Gulf of Thailand can only be specially designated for this place. And although the "wild" parts of the coast here are mostly canopies and with a very slight slope of the bottom, it is much safer to swim on the furnished beaches.

Maps of Cambodia

  • Is it necessary to vaccinate for a trip to Cambodia

Rules for visiting pagodas

Khmers, unlike the same Thais, are tolerant enough and until the last will not tell tourists about their inappropriate behavior. Therefore, one should be extremely respectful when visiting the sacred places of Cambodia. It is necessary to observe the following rules: do not wear shorts when visiting state institutions and religious objects, leave the hat at the entrance, and do not carry with you, always enter the temple in order to take off your shoes, respect the monks.

If you want to please the monks, you can donate a small amount of money or just buy a candle in the temple.

Before photographing temples and people, especially monks, you should first ask permission.

Climate of Cambodia

Tropical monsoon, hot and humid. Two seasons stand out clearly: a hot and humid summer (from May to October-November) and dry winter (from November-December to March-April). The average temperature in summer is +26 .. + 32 ° C, in winter - +22 .. + 26 ° C. In summer, at very high humidity, air temperature can reach +35 .. + 42 ° C.

The rainy season begins in May-June and lasts until September. The rainiest months are July, August and September. However, Cambodian rains are not a prolonged drizzle, but always short downpours.

Actual information: weather forecast for the main resorts of Cambodia for the coming days.

  • What is the weather like in Cambodia in August
View of the Royal Palace in Cambodia Cambodia
Royal Palace
Angkor Wat Cambodia
Angkor Wat
National Museum in Cambodia Cambodia
National Museum


Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 15:30. Some banks are open on Saturdays until noon. Exchange offices are open from Monday to Saturday from 7:30 to 11:00 and from 14:30 to 17:00. There are no ATMs, all transactions are performed at bank offices.

Almost everywhere in the country you can freely pay with US dollars. At the same time, prices are recalculated at the current official rate, which all Cambodians are perfectly aware of.

Credit cards are accepted for payment only in banks and in large hotels of the capital and other large cities. To cash them in the provinces - just like traveler's checks - is almost impossible. Preference is given to "credit cards" and checks in US dollars.

In most hotels and restaurants in the country there are no official mark-ups for service. Therefore, if a guest wants to thank for a good attitude and a clear service, he can simply round up the amount in a larger way. In addition, it is customary to leave "for tea" to guides serving the group.

Cambodia hotels

The hotel base of Cambodia is smaller than in neighboring Vietnam, but there are decent hotels of different categories. The service is at a good level, the star rating corresponds to the stated. In 3 * hotels, especially in urban areas, there is often no pool. But the rooms are equipped with everything you need - air conditioning, TV, minibar, bathrobe and slippers, free Wi-Fi.

  • Where in Cambodia are the best beaches

Book hotel in Cambodia at the best price

Shopping and shopping

Markets open early, around 6:00 and close by 5:00 pm. The best time to visit them is in the morning, as it is closer to noon, most of the benches are already closed for some kind of siesta, opening again only around 15: 00-16: 00.

From Cambodia you can bring silk and products from it, jewelry, wooden and wicker crafts by local craftsmen.

Cuisine and restaurants of Cambodia

The basis of local cuisine - rice, fish and meat, greens and vegetables, and in the south - seafood. A huge number of various dishes are prepared from these ingredients, among which there are a lot of soups.

Local soups are very similar to Thai, but not so sharp. The second is often served with rice pasta in coconut sauce and beef with green chili. Especially popular is the baked river fish in leaves of lettuce or spinach, immersed in spicy sauce.

"Firm" non-alcoholic Khmer drinks - "samring" (infusion of seeds of the same name of the tree), sugar cane juice, palm tree juice "tektnot" or coconut milk. Local beer, although unusual for our taste, but inexpensive and quite quality.

Local gourmets also like to bite spiders, frogs, snakes, turtles and succulent sparrows.
Traveling around Cambodia

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Cambodia

Angkor is the capital of the ancient Khmer state, the most famous monument of the country's ancient culture. Remains of Angkor occupy an area of ​​about 200 square meters. There are about a hundred palaces and temples here.

Siamriap - "gate" to the temples of Angkor. Just two decades ago it was a small, quiet and quiet town. However, after the "third discovery of Angkor", many fans of ancient history and pilgrims who are striving for the local Buddhist shrines here came to visit.

Phnom Penh is the capital of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Once it was one of the most beautiful cities in French colonial Asia, but as a result of numerous wars, much was destroyed, and after restoration, Phnom Penh became a major metropolis with modern buildings. Among the attractions of the city can be noted Phnom Penh with a stupa (XV century), the Royal Palace complex and the famous "Silver Pagoda."

Rice in Cambodia is all over the head! It is cooked sweet and salty, it's the first, and the second, and the dessert. In addition, from rice make vodka fortress about fifty degrees.

In eastern Cambodia, a remote and a little tourist-visited area, which has preserved its identity due to this, it will be interesting to visit the city of Kampong Cham and the temple complexes in its vicinity.

South-west of Phnom Penh, there is a whole series of mountain chains known as Cardamon and Elephant Mountains. There are the most famous national park of the country Bokor, the waterfall Popovkil, the summer residence of the king of "Black Palace", as well as the "Old Palace", in which the banal casino is now open.

Sihanoukville is the largest seaside resort in Cambodia. Its main "must see" are the temples of Wat Leu and Wat Krahom on Mount Sihanoukville. In 18 km to the east is the Ream National Park.

The main attraction of Western Cambodia is Tonle Sap Lake (the "Big Lake"), the largest in the country.

National parks

On the territory of the country there are twenty-three national parks, the most famous among them is the historical complex of Angkor. In addition, tourists will be interested in visiting the Bokor National Park, which protects large tracts of relic rainforest and mountain savannas, Kirirum National Park, Ream National Park (moist evergreen forests and mangroves), and Virchai, the largest park in Cambodia. Photo by Cambodia (39)