The Khmer language is the main language of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Refers to the Mon-Khmer group of languages. It is spoken by about 16 million people in Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand. One of the distant "relatives" is Vietnamese.

Khmer language, quite simple compared to its Indo-Chinese brothers, and very fascinating. Anyone who tries to study it, will be pleasantly surprised by its harmony and ergonomics. The main difference between the Khmer language and the Russian, or, say, English, is that it requires a very clear pronouncing sounds. First of all, this refers to consonant sounds. Whether a joke, consonants and vowels in it is twice as much as in English.

In the Khmer language, many geographical names may differ significantly from Russian pronunciation. For example. Cambodia - ComputHe (Term Khmae), Phnom Penh - Phnum Pyn, Mekong - Meikong, and Angkor is Angkoa Voat. The [:] sign denotes the longitude of the vowel. The stress usually falls on the last syllable.
Russian-Khmer Phrasebook
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Greetings, common expressions

Good Morning Arun suesday
Good evening Seian Suesday
Hello, hello Tumriep sue luke (turning to the man). Tyumriep sue nee 'nieng (referring to the woman). Suesday (hello)
How are you? Louk suksabbay tietay (addressing the man). Ne'enieng suksabbay tietay (addressing the woman)
Thank you, everything is fine Ba: t, khnem soksapbai (man's answer). Tia :, khnem soksapbai (woman's answer)
Bye! Toumerep
Excuse me, please Soam toch, wean 'ay tei
What is your name? Tae louck darkness' ah (turning to the man). Tae ne'enieng t'mu'e 'ai (addressing the woman)
My name is ... Khnem darkness ...
Thank you About: kun
Does anyone speak Russian? Mien nee 'nach techie russi?
I do not understand Khnem yun yuel tei
Yes Ba: m (m.), T: (female)
No About: tay
Boyfriend (Gelfrend) Myt proh (sri)
I'm going to Phnom Penh. Can I go with you? I do not have the money Khnem tha Phnom Penh. Ta khnem aach whih chiemui louk
I love you Bon sirlan oun

Figures and numbers

One Muay
Two Pyx
Three Bay
Four Buen
Five Pram
Six Pram muyen
Seven Pram Dust
Eight Pram Bay
Nine Pram Buen
Ten To: n
Twenty Mophei
Fifty Ha: sap
Hundred Mareai
Thousand Mepoan
Million Malian


Taxi! Taxi!
How much is it to get to ... Tehu ... fuck off ponma: huh?
Very expensive Tlahayah
Tell me, please, how to get to ... Soam prap khnem ba: n-tay, tae ... neee on:?
How much does the ticket cost? Tae sombot is silent teh tkhlai ponma: n?

Shop, restaurant, hotel

I need a newspaper in Russian Khanem trau ka: saet Russi
Do you have this my size? Meehan roboH tumhum khnem?
How much does it cost? They? Tlax Ponma: huh?
It's too expensive Tlahayah
Will you accept dollars (credit card)? Tae loak yoak dola: (ka: t cradit) tae?
Do you have a cold beer? Miyen Bihe Trontiak Tay?
I need a table for one person / two people, please Khnem trau ka: the current of the Muay somarp mne '/ pyi nee
Menu, please Som yoak tanuyu moak
Waiter! Poo: mokah neh (muzh.), Nyeng mokah neh (fem.)
Please give an account of Soam Kyyt Lui
Do you have spare rooms? Miyon bonptup tumnay tei?
How much does a room cost for one night? Muay yup fuck ponma: huh?