Now it is already possible to say with certainty: the visa regime for Russian tourists, which appeared in Malta due to the country's entry into the Schengen area, did not turn into an insurmountable obstacle in the way of the tourist flow .After all, all the advantages of tourist Malta remained with it: a wonderful Mediterranean climate, many sunny days a year, teasing the proximity of the transparent sea, high-quality and affordable schools of English (the ability to communicate freely in this language with local residents), relative security Malta is one of the last places in Europe), a variety of entertainment and delicious cuisine .Literally at every step - historical, cultural and religious monuments from the Neolithic period to the times of British rule, geological wonders, endemic plants and t .d .The

The religious heritage of tiny Malta is huge: cathedrals, basilicas, parish churches, monasteries, sanctuaries are found here at every turn. However, all their beauty, power and glory fade before the charm of the modest rural chapels that are scattered throughout the Maltese cities and towns. This is dedicated to them poems by poets, painters draw them and photographers take pictures, they have Sunday "after-dinner" local residents with their children and domestic. What is the secret of their popularity? The
Svetlana Vella

The capital is Valletta.

The main resorts are Sliema, St.Julian's, Bugibba, Aura and St. Paul's Bay, Mellieha, Marsaskala, Gozo Island Gozo) and Comino (Comino).

For a complete list of the cities in the country, search the city page and the resorts of Malta.

A separate page is dedicated to the beaches of Malta, because they deserve it! The

Table of Contents

  • 1 How to get to Malta
    • 1.1 Search air tickets in Malta
  • 2 A Brief History
  • 3 Visa to Malta
  • 4 Customs office
  • 5 Phone Numbers
  • 6 Transport
  • 7 Rent a car
    • 7.1 Car Rental in Malta with Best Price Guarantee
  • 8 Safety of tourists
  • 9 Climate of Malta
  • 10 Beaches of Malta
  • 11 Hotels in Malta
    • 11.1 Book hotel in Malta at the best price
  • 12 Banks, exchange offices and tips
  • 13 Mobile communication in Malta
  • 14 Shopping and shopping
  • 15 Kitchen and Restaurants
  • 16 Business tourism
  • 17 Malta in the winter
  • 18 Study in Malta
  • 19 Treatment in Malta
  • 20 Ecotourism in Malta
  • 21 Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Malta
  • 22 Tickets to museums
  • 23 Holidays
  • 24 Diving in Malta
    • 24.1 Also recommend

How to get to Malta

Regular flights AirMalta from Moscow fly on Tuesdays and Saturdays all year round, and in the summer season also on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays (at the beginning of the season and closer to the end of the day, flights to each of these days stop at some point - the details need to be clarified by the carrier The .Time in the air - about 4, 5 hours depending on the flight and airline .In the summer season, charters from major Russian cities are rising in the air .Also possible flights with KLM through Amsterdam, with Lufthansa through Frankfurt or other foreign airlines with transit landings .The

There are no direct scheduled flights from Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan to Malta. You can get only with transplants in the cities of Europe.

The airport (Malta International Airport) is 6 km southeast of the capital of Malta, Valletta, near the villages of Luqa and Gudja. In summer, chartering is possible.

Since June 1, 2010 in Malta introduced an environmental tax of 3, 5 EUR per tourist. However, there is still no officially confirmed information about the beginning of its collection.

Search air tickets in Malta

A Brief History

In miniature Malta - a very complicated story. Who here just was not - from the first settlers of the Neolithic era, who reached its shores, most likely from Sicily. There were also mysterious builders of megalithic temples, the ruins of which are still attracted to Malta by travelers and archaeologists from all over the world, there were also warlike tribes of the Bronze Age, who left behind fortified parking lots and silo pits on hard-to-reach parts of the coast.

With the advent of the Phoenicians, Maltese history began (by the way, it was this people-navigator who gave the island its name, which means "refuge" - because of two magnificent natural harbors in the north-east of Malta). They were replaced by the Carthaginians, then by the Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Normans, Spaniards - until 1530, when Malta was placed in the possession of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, which since then is still known to the whole world as the Order of Malta (by the way, the Maltese themselves call the Johannites only "knights of the cross").

Despite the fact that the size of Malta is very small, it is not always expedient to walk on it solely on foot. It is not worth to be deluded: three kilometers, measured on the map, may well be all ten, since most of the roads here are meandering.

In Malta, "noted" and Napoleon, who managed to capture a well-fortified island without a single shot. For six days of his stay in Malta, he abolished the nobility and slavery, plundered the local population and churches, and also drove out the anonymous Order of the Ioannites by that anachronism. The Maltese were not ready to accept many of Napoleon's revolutionary ideas and called on Britain to help, which also colonized the archipelago at the beginning of the 19th century. The British period of the history of Malta lasted until 1964.

In general, we can say that any roadside stone in Malta may well be a part of if not a megalithic temple, then at the extreme of a medieval castle, and imperceptible at first glance ruts in solid coraline limestone - traces from prehistoric carts.

Summarizing, we can say the following: If you dig deep into the Maltese history, I mean, in the past, it will be exactly like Alberta's Carroll's - "everything is miraculous and miraculous". We spin in the reverse order: the knightly order, the Spaniards, the Normans, the Arabs, the Byzantines, the Romans, the Carthaginians, the Phoenicians. It is clear that each of the above listed left on its archipelago a long, sometimes good memory, so the stupid question "Why look at Malta? "You can rightfully give a brief but exhaustive answer:" And that's it! »

As a bonus - quite an ancient Maltese (or rather, Gozitan) legend. It is believed that once upon a long time these islands were the residence of the giant goddess Sansuna, and the absolute matriarchy reigned on them. I must say, Sansuna was a spectacular woman: in a Buddhist way and with a face capable of instantly driving all mortals crazy. It seems that a bit of ancient magic has remained in Malta until now: few of those who come to the island can remain indifferent to it.

Maps of Malta

Visa to Malta

Malta is one of the countries participating in the Schengen agreement, and a visa will be required to visit the citizens of Russia and the CIS.

Customs office

Import and export of foreign currency is not limited. If tourists enter from the territory of non-EU countries, they need to declare amounts exceeding 10 000 EUR.

Persons over 18 years of age who enter from countries outside the EU customs zone are allowed duty-free import of 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars or 250 g of tobacco, a liter of spirits (stronger than 22 °) and two liters of wine, perfumery within the limits of personal needs.

The import of drugs and narcotic drugs, medicines, firearms and ammunition, explosives, pornography, plants, flowers, soil, animals and birds, poultry meat and products from it, as well as radio transmitting devices and counterfeit products, is prohibited. >

Also the export of objects and things of historical or artistic value is prohibited.

In order not to get into a mess with a refund of VAT (we are talking about the "tax free" system), it is better to get acquainted with the VAT return rules in Malta in advance.

Phone Numbers

The Embassy of Malta in Moscow: Cow Val, 7, office 219; tel .: (495) 237-19-39, 230-25-24; Fax: (495) 237-21-58

Russian Embassy in Malta: "Ariel House", 25 Anthony Schembri Street, Kappara, San Gwann; tel .: (21) 371-905, 371-907; website

Malta Tourism Authority: 229, Merchants' Street, Valletta CMR 02; tel .: (22) 915-000.


Despite the fact that the size of Malta is very small, it is not always advisable to walk on it solely on foot (although this is in most cases quite pleasant). It is not necessary to be seduced by short distances between cities or villages: three kilometers measured on a map, may well be all ten, since most of the roads here are meandering. Find out more about transport in Malta.

  • Is there a railway in Malta
Charming Malta

Rent a car

Malta recognizes all valid national and international driving licenses. Under Maltese law, driving is allowed from the age of 18, but many firms do not make a lease to persons under 25 and older than 70 years. Sometimes people who are not suitable for these age standards have to pay for insurance at an increased rate when registering a lease.

You can rent a scooter in the same place as a car, only they do not get a full insurance, so their rent is almost at the level of the car cost, from 10 to 15 EUR per day. A deposit in the form of a credit card is required or about 100 EUR in cash.

For driving scooters in Malta need a driver's license.
Transportation by car in the historical center of Valletta is limited (there are pedestrian streets), and entry to the historic center is paid for using CVA (Controlled Vehicular Access).
  • Does it make sense to rent a car in Malta

Car Rental in Malta with Best Price Guarantee

Safety of tourists

Malta has a very low crime rate. Pocket theft and theft of bags happen relatively infrequently, sometimes there are thefts from parked cars. So leaving valuable things in the car is not recommended, and large amounts of money and documents should be stored in the hotel safe.

Climate of Malta

The climate is Mediterranean, with hot, sunny summers and mild winters. The average temperature in summer is +26 .. 28 ° C, the water temperature ranges from +21 ° C in June to +24 .. 26 ° C in July-August. In May, swimming can be still cool (+19 ° C), but in September-October the real velvet season reigns: the sea warmed over the summer affectionately surrounds the waters with a temperature of +22 .. 25 ° C.

Precipitation falls 530-570 mm per year, mainly in winter - but even at this time, clear and sunny weather prevails. Humidity is high for most of the year.

In Malta there are no rivers or mountains. Descending terraces from the slopes of the hills of the field, separated by low stone walls - the most characteristic feature of the local landscapes. Actual information: weather forecast for the main resorts of Malta for the coming days.

Any roadside stone in Malta may well be a part of if not a megalithic temple, then at the extreme of a medieval castle.

Beaches of Malta

Malta has traditionally been positioned as an ideal country for a holiday by the sea. So it is so, and yet you should not imagine the island as a kind of paradise for couch potatoes who prefer everything in the world to felting on the sand. Although there are a lot of beaches here, it's not so easy to get to the most beautiful and comfortable ones.

About the fact that in Malta there are beaches, their advantages and disadvantages, what to do by the sea, how to avoid the most common "sea misfortunes", and also on which of them it is worth to visit without fail, we will tell you specifically. So, all about the beaches of Malta.

Hotels in Malta

In order not to get into trouble, going to Malta, you need to know it very well: there are a lot of hotels here, and all of them are very different both in terms of level and in the contingent of vacationers. The general rule can be identified only one: the most well-trained staff - in the expensive "five", and the lower the category, the easier it is. In addition, not all hotels in Malta have their own beaches and not all beaches are sandy.

Most hotels in Malta work all year round, arranging a small cosmetic repair and replacement of furniture in the winter. Therefore, the number of free numbers in the winter time is reduced at times.

In most "treshkas" dinners are not "buffet", but on the menu. Breakfasts are mostly continental: buns, butter, jam, snacks, tea, coffee and juice. There are also "treshki" with an English breakfast, that is, with hot dishes (this should be specified when booking). All inclusive meals are only available in several hotels, best of all in Fortina Spa Resort with thalassotherapy.

Rooms in Malta hotels are equipped with 13-ampere rectangular sockets for triple forks. Voltage in the electric network is 220/240 V, 50 Hz, while in hotels it is usually indicated on special plates. Sometimes there are bipolar sockets. The adapter can be obtained at the reception of the hotel on bail or buy. In high-end hotels, the adapter is already in the room.

From November to the end of March, winter prices are operating in Malta hotels, which are much lower than summer ones (except for a short Christmas and New Year period, but even at that time prices remain very moderate).
  • Is Heating in Malta Hotels in Winter

Book hotel in Malta at the best price

Banks, exchange offices and tips

Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 12:30, on Saturdays from 8:30 to 11:30. Weekends are Sundays and holidays. Places with the most favorable exchange rates are difficult to allocate - and hotels, banks, and "exchangers" offer an average rate on average.

Tipping: Taxi drivers - 10% of the fare, porters - 10-15 cents per piece of luggage, waiters (if the tip is not included in the bill) ~ 10% of the order price.

Mobile communication in Malta

In Malta, the two main operators are Vodafone and GO. There is also Melita.

At the moment, none of them have any special offers for travelers arriving in Malta for a short time (Information on 05/05/2010)

Thus, it remains to buy a SIM card for 11.65 EUR (one price for both operators) and a top-up card for a sum of 5 to 20 EUR. SIM cards are sold in Vodafone and GO offices (the list of addresses is on the official Vodafone and Gow websites.) Cards for replenishment are sold there as well as in newsagents, office and some other stores. required (Vodafone or GO).

I must say that tour operators usually give their tourists free SIM cards, you just need to replenish your account and you can talk (for example, with a travel company representative about the weather, excursions, etc.). Typically, such cards are valid up to 45 days.

Shopping and shopping

Usually shops work from 9:00 to 19:00, on Saturdays until 20:00 (lunch break, or siesta, lasts 3-4 hours). In busy tourist centers, some shops work without interruption for lunch, and may be closed much later than 19:00. On Sundays most stores are closed, except for some souvenir and newspaper stores, as well as on-duty pharmacies (they are open in the mornings).

Just the other day (end of March 2012), restrictions on trade on Sundays and holidays were lifted. Among other things, gradually there are so-called. "convenience stores", which are open all week (including Sunday) from early morning until late - both in tourist areas and in the villages of Malta! The

All Maltese souvenirs can be divided into edible and inedible.

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View of old Valletta Malta
Types of Valletta
St. George's Beach, St. Julian's, Maltahttp: // export = view & id = 10QAyBEtWwpZ9a7Ii6ky6La8eby7OM_Ga Malta
St George's Beach
Beauty of St. Julians, Malta Malta
St. Julian's Cathedral

Kitchen and Restaurants

Maltese cuisine is an amazing mixture of local and European traditions of culinary art .One of the most exotic seafood dishes - spaghetti with octopus ink sauce .It is necessary to try Maltese puff pastry with ricotta or green peas (pastisti) and fried in butter patties with dates (mkaret), as well as a national dish of stuffat-tal-penek - marinated overnight in wine, and then extinguished in red sauce rabbit .We also recommend extremely tasty Maltese pork sausages with coriander and parsley .A meal is sure to be accompanied by a fragrant local wine .The

  • How much does it cost to have dinner and dinner in Malta

Business tourism

Malta has perfectly proven itself in the field of organizing conferences: over the past five years, the number of visitors to the country for the purpose of taking part in conferences has doubled. Most business tourists come from Italy, Germany and the UK, and in Russia the idea of ​​a business meeting in warm and sunny Malta attracts more companies today.

Malta in the winter

It is time to expand the boundaries of consciousness and to take a fresh look at the ancient and mysterious islands of the Maltese archipelago, which many have mistakenly considered to be a summer destination. So, winter Malta offers quite a lot: a thoughtful study of the English language without crowds of noisy students at the side, a lot of museums and open-air attractions, coupled with a comfortable temperature, significantly lowered their prices in off-season spa centers. And yet - tremendous opportunities for so popular today's eco-tourism.

Study in Malta

Malta as a country for the effective learning of English has long been discovered by many Europeans. In recent years, came to the island "for English" and the Russians.

First, there are no problems with the visa, and secondly, study in Malta is cheaper than in other English-speaking countries, by 30-40%. Learn more about studying in Malta.

The oldest and largest language schools in Malta are open all year round, and by the way, many people consider winter to be the best time for learning the language: fewer students and tourists, the sea does not distract from classes, and most importantly, prices are significantly lower. Of course, this is the way most students prefer to study for the most part: corporate students and those who are "over 30". The programs are traditional: preparation for the IELTS / Cambrige exam (approximately 3 months), as well as simple courses (long and not very). Most of the schools opened in winter in Gzira, Sliema and St. Julian's.

All Maltese houses are "personal". Near the entrance door hangs a sign with a female name or surname of owners in the plural.

Treatment in Malta

In Malta, there are several centers of thalassotherapy - a weighty reason for visiting the island not only in summer, but also in winter. At this time, the prices for accommodation are lower, and the spa centers themselves often arrange profitable special promotions. By the way, for the procedure in the hotel 5 *, it is not necessary to book accommodation there.

Spa Mediterranee in the Hotel Fortina Spa Resort 5 * offers anti-stress and wellness programs, Thalgo Marine Cure Center at the Kempinski San Lawrenz Resort & Spa 5 * in Gozo - health and beauty programs, Athenaeum at the Corinthia Palace 5 * , Appolo Club (hotel Corinthia San Gorg Hotel 5 *) - cosmetic programs. There are also centers in the hotels Barcelo Riviera Resort & Spa 4 * in Marfa and Hotel Maritim Antonine 4 * in Mellieha.

Ecotourism in Malta

Recently, eco-tourism in Malta has clearly gained momentum. Especially in the winter (from October to April), when the daytime temperature is at a comfortable mark of +18 ° C. The local base for eco-tourism is a number of picturesque villages, a rugged coastline, hills, valleys, chapels and ancient megalithic monuments that are found practically throughout the entire island of Gozo and Malta.

Hundreds of options for one-day walks are offered both by local eco-communities and guides, and by tourists themselves, equipped with comfortable shoes and a detailed map. Here are just a few: the village of Zurri - the Babu valley - the Blue Grotto - the megalithic temples of Hajar-Im and Mnaydra, the Ar-Lapsi coast and the village of Sidgivi, Rabat and the forest of Buskett, the coast of Imtahleb, the city of Mosta - Asel valley - the chapel of Speranta, the village of Mellieha - the beach and Adira Bird Sanctuary.

The island of Gozo in winter strikes an amazing seclusion: there you can wander for hours along the coastline without meeting a soul.
Travel to Malta

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Malta

Malta Island is rich in sights and historical finds, many of which are stored in the museums of Valletta: the National Museum of Archaeology, the National Fine Arts Museum, the Armory Palace. All these museums are part of the Valletta Multi Site Ticket. In addition, the city is worth a visit to the Grand Master's Palace and the St. John's Co-Cathedral.

The city of Vittoriosa (also Birgu) is notable for the cathedral of St. Lawrence Church, the palace of the Inquisitor's Palace and the local Maritime Museum.

4 things to do in Malta
  1. Visit the bright show "The Malta Experience", based on historical facts and culture of the island, in the building of the Mediterranean Conference Center in Valletta.
  2. Look into the largest in Malta and the fourth largest in Europe temple in the city of Mosta.
  3. Capture a breathtaking view from the giant cliffs of the southern coast of Dingli Cliffs.
  4. Take a boat trip to Blue Grotto, a network of rocky caves where water has a charmingly blue color.

In Mdina and its suburb of Rabat, primarily go for the impressive catacombs of St. Paul's (St. Paul's Catacombs) - an underground paleochristian cemetery. Still there is interesting the Natural History Museum, the St. Paul's Cathedral and the collection of the Roman heritage of Malta - Domus Romana. A single ticket Rabat - Mdina Multi Site Ticket entitles you to visit all listed attractions.

Gozo is the second largest island of the Maltese archipelago, located north of Malta, behind the island of Comino. There are impressive monuments of history: the megalithic temples of Ggantija in the village of Xaghra, dolmens and carts of carts on the Ta 'Cenc plateau in the vicinity of the village of Sannat. And each island watchtower - Mgarr ix-Xini Tower, Xlendi or Dwejra - has its own dramatic history.

A bottle of wine in Malta is cheaper than a bottle of drinking water.

In the capital of Gozo, the city of Victoria, it is worth to visit the Citadel - a real open-air museum (although there are enough museums under its roof - archeology, folklore, natural sciences). There, too, are placed the sights of the armory and an old prison. And the cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady is decorated with a fortress.

Paceville is an area that has gathered all the entertainment of the island: discos (Axis - one of the largest discos in Europe), restaurants, bars and shops. The largest casino in the country is opened on the Draganar Peninsula.

In the winter months, Malta starts to get dark after 16:00. Hikes in museums are logical to plan at this time, giving the morning preference for the sights in the open.

Read also about the most popular excursions in Malta.

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Tickets to museums

Buy a ticket in advance or specify the cost can be on the official website of the Malta Tourism Office:

The cost of single entrance tickets: on the island of Gozo (Citadel and museums, temples of Ggantija, old prison, Ta'Kol mill) ~ 12 EUR, Valletta ~ 20 EUR (plus 10 EUR for audio guide), Rabat - Mdina ~ 12 EUR. The

The most advantageous and convenient for sightseeing raids across the country is Heritage Multipass, which includes visits to almost all the attractions of the islands of Malta and Gozo, and costs about 30 EUR.


January 1 - New Year February 10 - The shipwreck of St. Pavla March 31 - Freedom Day June 7 - Sette Junio ​​ June 29 - Saints. Peter and Paul / Mnaria August 15 - Assumption of the Virgin September 8 - The Nativity of the Virgin / Victory Day September 21 - Independence Day December 8 - Immaculate Conception of the Virgin December 13 - Republic Day December 25 - Christmas Day |

Diving in Malta

The Maltese archipelago attracts divers primarily with its unique topographical structure, the purity of the coastal sea and rich marine life and fauna. Due to the diversity of the underwater landscape, both an experienced diver and a beginner will find interesting places for diving in Malta.

Here you can dive even in the winter months: the water temperature does not drop below +14 ° C, and the rugged coast line always allows you to find the dive sites protected from a storm. In summer, the water temperature is +23 ° C on average, so divers can wear light 3-mm wet suits or generally do without them. Near the Maltese islands there are practically no tides. Underwater currents in the summer are extremely rare. Photo of Malta (143)

Malta Maps
Excursion tours to Malta
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Learning English in Malta
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Svetlana Vella
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St. Julians
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Bugibba - Aura - St. Paul's Bay
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