Wood Buffalo

Highway5 NT X0E 0P0, Canada +1 867-872-7900

The nature of Canada is As there are no roads in the park, a herd of buffalo live and successfully reproduce in natural conditions, for the preservation of which the Wood Buffalo Park was founded in 1922. At the moment the herd numbers more than 2500 individuals.

Banff National Park

Banff National Park, Improvement District No. 9, Canada

The nature of Canada is Banff National Park is Canada's oldest park. It is located on the border of the province of Alberta and British Columbia. Since 1885 the park has attracted the attention of tourists and mountaineers. First of all, he surprises with beautiful landscapes of the Rocky Mountains, lakes, glaciers and coniferous forests, where wild animals live. Also in the park are open ski resorts, the most famous of which is located near the city of Banff.


607 Connaught Drive Jasper, AB T0E 1E0

The nature of Canada is In the park there are more than 200 species of birds, deer, moose, grizzly bears, wolverines, wood porcupines and many other animals, and the park itself consists almost entirely of beautiful coniferous forests. Jasper is one of Canada's most visited reserves.

Canadian Cordilleras

Berg Lake Trail, Fraser-Fort George H, Canada

The nature of Canada is The Canadian Cordilleras are called the treasury of Canada's wildlife. They stretch for 800 kilometers and include many beautiful places. Among these are the Columbia ice fields, which are appreciated by lovers of outdoor activities, Mount Robson almost 4 km high, the Yellowhead Pass.

Yoho National Park

Yoho National Park, Field, Canada

The nature of Canada is How do you like the river with the name Lying horse? A Laughing Falls? And the waterfall "That's great! "?" Do not they, the original names? They can be found in the park of Yoho, which in translation from the language of the Indians means "That's it! ". It is located in the Rocky Mountains on one and a half thousand square kilometers. And there really are many reasons for surprise.

National Park "Thousand Islands"

Carleton Place, Canada

The nature of Canada is The Thousand Islands Park is located between Brockville and Kingston. It is difficult to count how many islands are on the water surface with an area of ​​2 thousand square meters. km. Some of them are very small, others - the size of several dozen football fields. This is indeed the most beautiful place in Canada: it was not for nothing that before it was called "The Garden of God", and the Indians believed that the islets are pieces of paradise that God broke, offended by people.

Talking about the nature of Canada, it is very difficult to find words that could accurately describe it. This country as if combines two different worlds - civilized and one where the human foot rarely steps. In the first, everything is subject to people. But in the second person one has to get along with the wild nature, which lives by its own laws. It is this primitive nature that makes Canada a unique country. A country where people go for dizzying impressions of local nature.

Lake Canada

In Canada there are about 4 million large and small lakes. Fantastic figure, because no one can imagine such a quantity of water! Travelers on local lakes are chosen by lovers of outdoor activities. You can go kayaking, canoeing, great horseback riding along the coast.

The largest lakes in Canada form the Great Lakes system. This includes Lake Superior (depth - 394 meters), Onatrio (236), Huron (208 m), Michigan (281) and Erie (64 meters). All of them are connected to each other, and by quantity of fresh water are inferior only to the Russian Baikal. These lakes are on the border between Canada and the United States, and Michigan refers to the American territory.

The listed lakes can be called rating. For example, Huron and Michigan are among the four largest in the world, Ontario Lake covers the largest lake in Europe - Ladoga. An interesting comparison: the total area of ​​all the Great Lakes is larger than the UK area.

Here, 30 percent of Canadians live on the coast. The lakes are connected by cities, ships with a length of 300 meters plow the water surface.

Also worth noting are two more Canadian lakes - Big Bear and Big Slave. The first is known for the fact that on its shores they extracted uranium for bombs, which were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And the depth of the Slave reaches 641 meters.

In the north of the country the size of the lake is Winnipeg, Athabasca, Winnipegos, Deer. The Niagara River, famous for its 50-meter waterfall, connects Lake Erie and Ontario. The Canadians were lucky - in their territory is the Great Horseshoe, one of the three waterfalls of Niagara, which is almost 800 meters wide. A surprisingly beautiful phenomenon demonstrating the power of nature.

But Lake Emerald, located in the Waterton Glacier Park in the Rocky Mountains, produces a peaceful impression. It is good to swim by boat, catch trout (with the permission of the authorities, naturally) and watch local birds.

Parks of Canada

In Canada - the only country in the world - there are still territories that have not been touched by man. Many tourists specially come to this country to visit national parks. In Canada, parks are protected at the government level. Federal institutions monitor the ecological integrity of the territories, maintaining order in 36 parks, reserves and historical places.

Wood Buffalo

Canada's largest national park is Wood Buffalo. It is located in the north-west, between the lakes of Athabasca and the Great Slave. Its territory is more than 4.5 million hectares. Here are mixed and coniferous forests, marshes and wastelands. In this park there are reindeer, forest bison, elk, wolf, short-eared American hare, black bear and more than 200 species of birds, among which you can distinguish a snowball, American cedarwood, Canadian kuksh, spruce, rare Eurasian crane and many others. The


Another park in the north-west of the country is called "Cluein" .It borders on the state of Alaska and together with the park "Wrangell-St. Elayas" is one of the largest territories in the world, which is guarded by a man .Here there are coniferous forests, marshes, tundras, mountain meadows, a large glacial massif .In the forests grow aspen and balsam poplar, Sith and black spruce, willowy - the flora numbers more than 1300 plants .In the park there are wolves, thick sheep, more than 100 species of birds (polar owl, white partridge, peregrine falcon, golden eagle), as well as the largest population of grizzly bears in the world, there are more than 600 of them here .


The national park "Nahani" covers an area of ​​480 thousand hectares. These are the north-taiga forests, mountain tundra and swamps on the slopes of the Mackenzie Mountains. Sosonic burs, found in the mountains, are replaced by taiga with larch and poplar. The park has about 600 plant species.

In the "Nahani" live snow goats, moose, caribou deer, white-deer, black bears, wolves, grizzlies. Also the park is famous for its waterfalls and hot springs. For example, the Virginia Waterfall reaches a height of 100 meters, and the Wedge-Range Ranges have a calcareous terrace of 30-meter height.

Minnewanka Lake Cruise, Banff The nature of Canada is
Lake in Banff
Montmorency Falls Waterfall, Quebec The nature of Canada is
Montmorency Falls Waterfall
Attractions in Banff The nature of Canada is
Snow-covered Canada


It is worth mentioning one more national park - Banff. This is Canada's first national park, created in 1885. Its territory is more than 600 thousand hectares. With the parks of Jasper, Yoho and Kooteney, he creates a single protected area.

There are mountain forests of fir, larch, pine, tsugi, maples, birch and poplar. In the park there are American moose, thick sheep, snow goat, grizzly, wolf, Canadian lynx, puma, as well as almost 200 species of birds - oatmeal-juko, Canadian jay, American nutcracker and woodpecker, duck-stone, collar hazel grouse and many others.

Rivers of Canada

Canada's shallow rivers with a dense network cover the entire country. Of the most important, which play a significant role in the economy of the state, we can distinguish Colombia, Mackenzie, Niagara and the St. Lawrence River. The last two are the important transport arteries of the country and the neighboring USA, thanks to the "holy" river the Canadian territory in the south of Quebec and Ontario was inhabited. Mackenzie - the longest river in the north of the continent, 4, 5 thousand kilometers long, it flows into the Beaufort Sea in the north of the Northwest Territories.

Almost all rivers are covered with ice during the cold period and form a giant ice rink for 5-9 months.

The Government of Canada carefully monitors the state of local rivers and the environment, since 1984 a national program for their protection has been in place, including 30 items. For the locals and tourists, the rivers are a favorite vacation spot: you can fish, go boating, travel and study the nature of the country.

Also among the largest rivers in the country are Nelson, Churchill, St. John, Kapilano.

Hunting in Canada is

To become a hunter in Canada, you need to take a course at any hunting or sports store, take a written test and learn the skills of handling weapons. If you are not related to crime in the past, you will get a license and the right to purchase weapons in any quantity.

In Canada, there are special laws that determine at what time of year in which zone you can hunt for one or another beast and bird. Track the rules can be on the annual hunter's messenger. For example, you can hunt for a bear in any region. The exception is when a female with one or two cubs - then you can not kill it.

To obtain permission to hunt you need to pay a fee, its size also depends on the type of animal. For example, hunting for a bear - 20 Canadian dollars, for a deer - $ 30, a license to shoot a bird will be cheaper - up to $ 15.

Low prices contribute to the fact that in Canada there are practically no poachers. It is easier for a hunter to pay small money for a license than risk it. In addition, the local Ministry of Nature Protection and Environmental Protection is considered one of the most powerful legal structures. The offender will face severe punishment, up to imprisonment.

Hunting on private property is possible with the written permission of the owner. Usually in this case the fee is not charged, but by the rules of good tone it is necessary to share the prey with the land owner.

You can buy weapons in hunting or sports stores if you have a license to carry weapons. If you do not have problems with the law, the purchase will take several minutes. The country has restrictions on automatic weapons, the length of the trunk, the producer country and some models.

As for hunting with dogs, it is allowed only for feathered game. In some provinces dogs can be taken while shadowing a puma.
Hunting in Canada with a vehicle is strictly prohibited!
Taiga in Canada (English)

Mountains of Canada

Indians living in Canada compared the local mountains with a wave of stone that covers the horizon. In this country the mountains stretch for almost 5 thousand kilometers and are, perhaps, the wildest place on our planet. Here you can easily find the corners of a virgin nature.

The Canadian mountains are two complex systems: the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains. The first are located in the west, the second - in the east of the country. In the Rocky Mountains, which continue in the United States, the Colorado, Snake, Missouri, Rio Grande rivers begin. They are covered with forests and consist of shale and limestone. Here are the following national parks: Waterton Lakes, Jasper, Banff, Yoho, Kootenay.

Appalachians are lower than rocky brethren and represent a hilly plateau with separate mountain massifs overgrown with broadleaf, coniferous and mixed forests.

The highest mountain in Canada is Logan. It is located in the Cluain National Park in the mountain range with the romantic name of St. Ilya Ridge. Its height is 5959 meters. The mountain is named after Sir William Logan, a researcher, geologist, founder of the Geological Survey of Canada. On the slopes of Logan, the Hubbard Glacier is formed, which flows into the Gulf of Alaska.

The mountains of Canada are very popular with lovers of skiing. Here are such famous resorts as Whistler, Big White, Banff, Lake Louise. Best for this sport is the Rocky Mountains in the southwestern part of Alberta and southeastern British Columbia.

In each park there is a settlement equipped with the necessary tourist infrastructure: hotels, camping sites, shops and even museums and theaters work here.

Forests of Canada

Canada is compared to Russia in terms of the number of forests - 50 percent of the country's territory is covered with greenery. Most often there are deciduous foxes, pine forests, oak forests, maple and birch groves.

Taiga occupied most of the space and stretched across Canada. Here grow black and white spruce, American larch. An ornate white spruce, 35 meters high, is often used as decoration on holidays. In the stony and marshy areas, black spruce grows, American larch chooses areas with moisture.

Mixed forests grow in the south-west of the country. These are oaks, maples, conifers, limes, ash trees, sometimes come across an exotic tulip and an iron tree. Maples are the pride of Canada. It is not by chance that the maple leaf is depicted on the flag of the country. In autumn they are especially good and pleasing with a variety of colors.

In the west of Canada, coniferous forests are most often found, and on the coast there is a high-altitude coastal forest. The trees here are high, sometimes reaching 60-70 meters. Some specimens grow for 800 years.

The forest is a strategically important sector of the Canadian economy, its oldest industry. This country is one of the largest exporters of newsprint. Most sawnwood is shipped to neighboring US.

Most often the best forests of the country are exploited. These include the forests of British Columbia, mixed forests of the Atlantic provinces, some areas of southern taiga in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario.

Almost 90 percent of Canada's forest area belongs to the state. Private companies usually lease plots of land for up to 50 years and try to break the big jackpot as quickly as possible. Due to improper use of natural resources, the forest zone does not have time to recover. Therefore, the government spends significant funds to support the country's forests, not to let them deplete.