Amazing nearby $ $
Alex Boldinuk first printer and pioneer

Amazing nearby

I have a jacket in the farm stuffed with the fluff of a wild Canadian goose. A kind of northern glamor, it's here members of the Swedish royal family are touting. And I really treasure this jacket. While in Beijing, in the department store did not see the precious down jackets piled on the floor. Well, exactly, with all the holograms and certificates - only once in twenty cheaper than the original.

Counterfeits here at every step. A university graduate student, a specialist in Chinese history, tried to extradite a Buddhist temple for a Taoist - a tourist, they say, is it all the same? I found this advanced compatriot via the Internet, when before the trip I hung out at the forums of Russian Peking people. From there also appeared a certain Tolya, well amused my friends with boring mails about the high cost of gasoline and the comical ruin of our sayings.

 Funny Buddha, Hainanhttp: // export = view & id = 1jbrYuiINkCKkxkr92zTL8kDP0D6AbE0V  Awesome nearness
A merry Buddha
 Evening lights of Qingdao  Awesome nearness
Evening lights

Like many local guides, Tolya got a name from some- then the tourist-humorist, and his name is Don Liang . He is also a graduate student of the University, a Russian learned in Moscow, and in his spare time shows Tiananmen Square and helps to bargain . Without Tolya we would hardly have found the Temple of Be Clouds, and certainly would not have talked with the local unperturbed monks . Thanks to him we climbed the Great Wall along the easy path, saving forces for descent . While touching our purse, Tolya led us to the cheapest eateries where Europeans never saw off, and the food was better than in a restaurant of imperial cuisine . And then, having received the agreed amount, asked to be our guide for another day .

We passed with Tolley from the Temple of Heaven to the Pearl Market, once again went to the Taoists and went to dinner on Lotus Lane. And then Tolya said that he was due, and he would not take money for that day, because he was interested in communicating with us and he learned a lot about Russia. And left.

So I think - maybe it was worth taking a closer look at those jackets?