Questions about Goa
about visa to India - $
Total questions: 133

  • Is it necessary for a Russian to know English by going to India?Feb 27, 2015
  • Do I need to vaccinate before going to India?Feb 24, 2015
  • Which currency is better to go to India?Feb 24, 2015
  • Are there individual tours to India?Feb 4, 2015
  • To go with a child to rest in India in the summer Jan 27, 2015
  • Are there any restrictions on importing food products into India?Jan 26, 2015
  • How much does it cost to rent a house or cottage in India?Jan 25, 2015
  • How to get from Delhi to Hyderabad by public transport 16 Jan 2015
  • Where can I go for medical help in Mumbai and Jaipur, if there is no health insurance?Dec 5, 2014
  • Where it is better to go to retirees to rest in December Dec 2, 2014
  • How to get from Varka to Arambola by public transport 11 Nov 2014
  • How many ATMs in Calangute are Oct 15, 2014
  • Where to go on honeymoon in December 23 Sep 2014
  • How can I buy a scooter in Delhi?15 Sep 2014
  • What is the norm of luggage when flying from Delhi?5 Sep 2014
  • In which country can you go for a budget beach vacation?Aug 7, 2014
  • Is it possible to visit Bollywood and meet Indian actors? $ 10 Jul 2014
  • Beach vacation in winter: where to go 10 Jul 2014
  • In what countries is an inexpensive beach holiday in winter?8 Jul 2014
  • Where it is better to go on beach vacation in January 25 Jun 2014
  • Where better to go on beach vacation in December 24 Jun 2014
  • How much will cost an economy living with treatment in India in November May 28, 2014
  • What are the rules for taking medications when flying to India?May 11, 2014
  • Which stores are worth visiting in Trivandrum?21 Apr 2014
  • What sim card to buy in Bangalore for connection with Russia and access to the Internet? $ Feb 4, 2014
  • What language is in India?Jan 30, 2014
  • What is the weather in India in February?Jan 30, 2014
  • Is it true that there are many snakes in India?Jan 28, 2014
  • What holidays are celebrated in India?16 Jan 2014
  • Are there any particularities of road traffic in India?18 Dec 2013
  • What is the weather in India in January?12 Dec 2013
  • What is the weather in India in December?10 Dec 2013
  • Are there any hot tours to India?Dec 9, 2013
  • In what Indian resort can you combine beach and sightseeing rest? $ 20 Nov 2013
  • Which hotels in Kerala are suitable for Ayurvedic treatments?20 Nov 2013
  • What prices in India are 19 Nov 2013
  • When the season in India is 14 Nov 2013
  • What is allowed and what is prohibited in India?8 Nov 2013
  • How to celebrate the New Year in India 8 Nov 2013
  • Is it possible to exchange rubles for rupees in Russia and to import them into India?1 Oct 2013
  • Is there a strong surf on the coast of Kerala Aug 14, 2013
  • Should I buy precious metal products in India?23 Apr 2013
  • What is the cost of living and treatment in Kerala?Jul 19, 2012
  • How best to get to Kerala and how much will the airfare cost $ $ Jul 19, 2012
  • How much to fly to India?15 Mar 2012
  • The weather in Dharamsala in December is Dec 7, 2011
  • What goods from India should you bring?Aug 22, 2011
  • What are the customs of India worth knowing before visiting the country?Aug 22, 2011
  • What language is spoken in India?Aug 22, 2011
  • India - Moscow: how to get Aug 22, 2011
  • Geography of India Aug 1, 2011
  • What is the relationship between India and Pakistan?Aug 1, 2011
  • What religion in India is Jul 29, 2011
  • What is the sacred river of India called?Jul 27, 2011
  • Which islands of India are famous for diving Jul 26, 2011
  • Time in India is Jul 22, 2011
  • Animals of India 10 Jul 2011
  • Flag of India 10 Jul 2011
  • The capital of India is 10 Jul 2011
  • The population of India is 10 Jul 2011
  • Are there tours of Japan - China - India 14 jun 2011
  • Where delicious and without health consequences to eat in Delhi Mar 21, 2011
  • How to buy a sim card in India?Oct 25, 2010
  • Where is Jagannath Puri?Jan 26, 2010
  • The ticket price for the Dabolim-Delhi air ticket is Dec 15, 2009
  • The rules for carrying liquid in hand luggage in India are Dec 15, 2009
  • What vaccinations should be done before visiting India?Dec 1, 2009
  • Is Mumbai suitable for rest with children? $ 30 Nov 2009
  • Which hotels are located on Anjuna beach?12 Nov 2009

Questions about the visa to India - $

  • How to get a visa to India, if the Russian passport does not have a stamp on residence registration $ $ Feb 24, 2015
  • Is it possible to extend an electronic visa to India?9 Feb 2015
  • Can I issue a tourist multivisa to India?30 Jan 2015
  • Can I visit South Goa while staying at a hotel in North Goa?Dec 24, 2014
  • Will it be possible to travel freely in India if you issue a visa in Goa using TVOA Dec 17, 2014
  • When should I apply for a visa to India for a trip to the residents of the Far East in January?18 Nov 2014
  • Do I need an official permission from my father to an underage child traveling to India with his mother?Oct 24, 2014
  • Can a Russian citizen apply for a visa to India while in Pattaya?Oct 22, 2014
  • Do I need a visa to travel to North Goa?Oct 14, 2014
  • How to apply for a six-month visa to India for pensioners? $ 22 Sep 2014
  • Can I extend my visa to India?16 Jul 2014
  • How fast can I open a re-entry visa to India?28 Apr 2014
  • How can you find out if there is a restriction on issuing an Indian visa for a specific person?Mar 18 2014
  • How to enter India with a double visa?24 Feb 2014
  • Can I issue a visa in Goa upon arrival for two weeks without a return ticket? $ 18 Feb 2014
  • How to get a visa to India yourself Feb 5, 2014
  • How to apply for a visa to India to a citizen of Ukraine?Feb 4, 2014
  • How to apply for a visa to India in St. Petersburg to a citizen of Belarus?Jan 28, 2014
  • Can I leave my passport at the border service on arrival in Goa instead of a visa?28 Nov 2013
  • Can I get a visa to India while in Thailand?26 Nov 2013
  • Do I need a temporary registration for an Indian visa?Aug 27, 2013
  • For how long is a visa issued to India?26 Nov 2012
  • Is it possible to fly to Goa if the validity of the passport is less than 6 months from the date of the start of the tour 1 Oct 2012
  • The address of the Indian Embassy in Moscow is Jul 22, 2011
  • How to extend a visa to India?24 jun 2010
  • Can I issue an Indian visa in Thailand?Dec 1, 2009
  • Getting a double visa to India is 9 Nov 2009
  • Terms of visa processing in India - $ 2 Nov 2009

Questions about India
South Goa
North Goa
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
What are the rules for taking medications when flying to India
What are the customs of India worth knowing before visiting the country
News of India
Security rules to be observed in India
What vaccinations should be done before visiting India
Cellular communication in India
Rules of Conduct in India
Rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage in India
On hygiene, rules of behavior on the street and religion in India
Are there any particularities of traffic in India
Varkala Beach, Kerala.jpeg
Is it possible to take with you in Goa an underwater gun
What is permitted and what is prohibited in India
Acquaintance with India
Golden Triangle
Managers in India on the "Thinness of Tourism"
What is the weather like in India in January
What is the weather in India in December
What prices in India
What goods from India should I bring to
Is it worth buying in India products from precious metals
Which beaches in India are the best
When the season in India
Is it possible in Russia to exchange rubles for rupees and import them into India
What islands of India are famous for diving
Tamil Nadu
How to celebrate the New Year in India
Museums of India
What holidays are celebrated in India
The Goa Islands
History of India
The Peoples of India
History of India
States of India
Interesting in India
Tours to India
Goa hotels