Chengdu is the administrative center of Sichuan Province, a city-monument with a 3000-year history. Chengdu is called "paradise" for its rich natural resources, mild climate and an abundance of cultural and historical sites. In addition, it is a major tourist and transport hub from where you can reach three gorges on the Yangtze River, Tibet, Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong, the Museum of terracotta statues of horses and soldiers in Xi'an.

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Transport Chengdu

Chengdu is connected by flights with 60 cities of China (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, etc.), as well as with Thailand and Singapore. Shuangliu International Airport is 20 km from the city center. There are buses from the hotel "Mingshan", once a half hour, the fare is 8 RMB. In addition, the airport can be reached by bus no. 303 or by taxi (40 RMB).

Several important railway lines of the country cross in Chengdu: Baoji-Chengdu, Chengdu-Chongqing and Chengdu-Kunming. The sightseeing trains run to the cities of Kunming, Emei, Yibin, Jiangyu. All trains take two Chengdu railway stations: North and South.

The most convenient city transport is buses (1 RMB, with air conditioning 2 RMB). Velikrishna costs about like a taxi, but with its help it is much more convenient to inspect the city. Within the city limits, the starting price of a taxi is 5 RMB for the first kilometer, then for each kilometer - 1, 4 RMB.

Fantastic Chengdu

Shopping: shops

Large shopping centers and shops are concentrated on the streets of Zongfulu, Yanshikou, Qingtai and Tianfu Square. You can visit Sunsiangqiao Art Passage, and in the evening wander along Citailu Street, where fine art crafts are offered for an inexpensive fee.


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 8 + 10 + 15 + 21 + 25 + 27 + 28 + 28 + 24 + 20 + 15 + 10
night + 2 + 5 + 8 + 12 + 17 + 20 + 22 + 21 + 18 + 15 + 9 + 4

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions in Chengdu

The main attractions of the city are: the Uhoutsi Temple complex, Qingyanggung Palace ("Black Goat Palace"), Baoguangsi Monastery, Du Fu's house museum-museum, Sichuan Sichuan Museum

In 63 km from the city there is a mountain of Qingchengshan, covered with evergreen trees and bushes. Entrance 60 RMB, direct bus from the Chadianzi stop.

The Dujiangyang Dam, 49 km from Chengdu, is a world-famous ancient hydraulic structure. Built during the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC), this surviving structure is called one of the wonders of the world. In 2000, Dujiangyan was introduced by UNESCO in the list of world cultural heritage. Entrance 60 RMB, direct bus from the Chadianzi stop.

The Jinsha hillfort is located near the Qingyang highway in the Western suburb of Chengdu. Here you can learn about the brilliant culture of the ancient kingdom of Chu, which existed 3 thousand years ago. Archaeologists have extracted more than 3 thousand items of those times: gold and jade jewelry, funeral ceramic vessels, ivory, tortoiseshell shells and deer antlers. You can get there by buses No. 78 and 81.

The graves of Sanxinduy are 20 km from Chengdu, in the vicinity of the city of Guanghan. From the graves were extracted many products, the age of which exceeds five thousand years. The entrance is 30 RMB. Bus from Chengdu Railway Station or from Chengbe Bus Station to Guanghang City.

Qingyanggun is famous for its Taoist monastery, the beginning of the construction of which dates back to the Tang dynasty. The monastic complex consists of Linzudian and Hunyuangdian pavilions, Bagua pavilions, Wuji pavilion (Sangqingyan), Doumudyan and Tanwandyan pavilions, Cixintai altar. Input 5 RMB.

Photo by Chengdu (15)