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Great Wall of China


Sights of China The Great Wall of China is one of the most ancient architectural monuments of China and a symbol of the power of Chinese civilization. Probably, in the world there is not one civilized person who would not hear about the "eighth wonder of the world" - the Great Wall of China.

Potala Palace

Beijing Middle Rd, Chengguan, Lhasa

Sights of China The Potala Palace is the highest castle complex in the world. Its name was received in the 11th century due to the mountain on which it is located. It is called Puto, according to legend, it was here that the Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva appeared for the first time, which is considered the embodiment of the great compassion of all enlightened (Buddhas).

Forbidden City

81 Nan Chang Jie, Xi Cheng Qu

Sights of China Forbidden City Guogun - the largest and most famous palace complex in the world, is located in Beijing. It served as the residence of twenty-four powerful rulers of two dynasties of the Celestial Empire - Ming and Qing.

Gugun Museum

Beijing, Dongcheng

Sights of China Gujong Boquoian (Museum "Former Imperial Palace"), also known as the Guogun Museum, was created on October 10, 1925 on the basis of the palace Forbidden City, which lies in the heart of Beijing and is the largest palace complex in the world.

National Museum of China

Beijing, Dongcheng, Ave Changan, 16 E

Sights of China According to the number of people visiting the National Museum of China every year, no museum in the world can compare with it. Being the largest museum in the country, it united under its roof the Museum of the Chinese Revolution and the National Museum of Chinese History.

Terracotta Army - $

Lintong, Xi'an, Shaanxi

Sights of China The legendary Terracotta Army, named after the material used for its creation, was accidentally discovered by the digging well of Chinese peasants in March 1974. The total number of soldiers in the Terracotta Army, according to various estimates, is from 7 to 9 thousand.


Xi Cheng Qu, Beijing

Sights of China Tiananmen Square is the first place to go in Beijing, there is a huge number of attractions associated with the history and culture of the Chinese people. Here everything is striking with its grandeur and monumentality.


Dengfeng, Zhengzhou, Henan

Sights of China The most famous monastery in China? Of course, Shaolin! According to scientists, the legendary Buddhist temple counts its history already from the end of the fifth century and, most likely, it will exist for a very long time. Although, it must be admitted, Shaolin's fate was also completely bleak.

Avenue of stars in Hong Kong

Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, Avenue of Stars

Sights of China In 2004, the Avenue of Stars was opened in Hong Kong, where many famous people - Asian cinema stars, directors and film producers - left their fingerprints.

Tower of the Bank of China

Hong Kong, 1 Garden Rd

Sights of China Quite interesting is the elegant, despite its size, 70-story gift of the Chinese Bank, which, according to architect Beim Yumin, should have resembled a stalk of bamboo.


Chengde, Shuang Qiao Qu, Bi Feng Men Lu

Sights of China Bishushanzhuang, whose name is translated from Chinese as "Mountain refuge from summer heat" - the summer residence of the Chinese emperors of the Qing dynasty. Bishushanzhuang Palace is located in Chengde City, Hebei Province, which is three hours from Beijing.

Big Buddha in Hong Kong

Hong Kong, Lantau Island, Tian Tan Buddha

Sights of China On the island of Lantau is the world's largest bronze statue of the Sitting Buddha (height 34 m). To get to the top you need to go through 268 steps.

Hong Kong Historical Museum

Kowloon, Tsim Sha Tsui, Chatham Road South, 100

Sights of China The Hong Kong Museum of History appeared in July 1975 as a result of the division of the city museum with an art gallery into the Hong Kong History Museum and the Hong Kong Museum of Art. In 1983, for museum exhibits was allocated a building in Kowloon Park, and in 1998 the museum moved to a new modern building.

Hong Kong Museum of Arts

Hong Kong, Rd Salisbury, 10

Sights of China the Onkong Museum of Art is an indispensable part of the route of everyone who would like to get acquainted with the art of this Chinese region. After all, it is not just one of the largest similar museums in Hong Kong, but the leading art museum of the peninsula.

Hong Kong Science Museum

Hong Kong, Kowloon, Tsimshatsui East, Science Museum Road, 2

Sights of China For tourists, fond of history and culture, the best pastime in a new country than visiting a museum, and not come up. And what if we devote a couple of hours not to historical artifacts or art galleries, but, say, to the science museum?

Mount She (Sheshan)

Shanghai, Rd. Sheshan

Sights of China Mount Shaishan (Shae) is a Shanghai highland, famous for its remarkable nature, fabulous landscapes and expressive bright interesting objects. These places attract tourists with wonderful mountains, thickets of bamboo forests and interesting monumental structures on top of the mountain.

City on the water of Zhujiajiao

Shanghai, Zhujiajiao

Sights of China With anything you can associate Shanghai: skyscrapers, temples, pagodas, production and industry, but with a city surrounded by canals - extremely difficult. However, in the western suburbs of Shanghai at Lake Dianshanhu, fifty kilometers from the city center, there is an unusual place for China.

The State Museum of Henan Province

Zhengzhou, Jinshui District, Nongye Road, 8

Sights of China Built in 1927, one of the first in the country, the Henan State Museum of Henan is one of the three main national museums in China together with the Shanghai Museum and the Shanxi Historical Museum. This museum is one of the largest in the country.


Beijing, Xicheng, Xixiangzi Shichahai

Sights of China Gunwufu or Prince Goon Palace - a palace and park ensemble in Beijing's Xicheng District, included in the Register of the State Cultural Heritage of China. Today the theater and the museum of princely palaces are located here, and the Gunwanfu Park is always open for visitors.

Taoist park Celestial grottos

Hainan, G 98 Hai Nan Huan Xian Gao Su Sanya Shi

Sights of China This Taoist park is located about 50 km from Sanya, at the foot of the Southern Mountain, and covers an area of ​​23 sq. Km. km. It was founded in 1187 during the reign of the Song dynasty. Thus, the park can be called the oldest attraction of Hainan.

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The People's Republic of China occupies more than six percent of the land and its area is equal to the total area of ​​all European countries. All this could not affect the rich cultural heritage of China and the presence on its territory of unique natural attractions. It was here that the philosophy of Confucianism was born, for the first time invented gunpowder, from time immemorial they made the finest silk and the famous Chinese porcelain for the whole world.

China's visiting card is considered to be the Great Wall of China, one of the oldest and majestic defensive structures, which has no analogues in the world. The length of the wall is more than six thousand kilometers, and the width is five and a half meters, which made it possible to use it as a kind of high-speed highway of the times of great emperors.

The idea of ​​erecting this structure is attributed to one of the most oppressive Chinese rulers of Shi Huangdi, he ordered hundreds of thousands of people to work on the construction of the day.

It is with the name of Shi Huangdi, by the way, is also linked to one of the most mysterious sights of China - the Terracotta Army. According to legend, before his death, the emperor took care of erecting for himself a whole city-tomb, and he wanted to be buried with him all his army. But, fortunately, the emperor was able to persuade to place in the tomb not the soldiers themselves, but their exact clay copies. All the sculptures were made taking into account the smallest details in the guise of soldiers, and the only thing that distinguished them from the $

China's visiting card is considered to be the Great Wall of China, one of the oldest defensive structures, which does not exist in the world.

The greatness of imperial dynasties can also be judged by the luxury of the Forbidden City, a historical and cultural center located in the heart of Beijing. It really is a whole city in the city, a real palace complex.

It was named so because to ordinary mortals the entrance here was strictly forbidden, and noble nobles had to go through five checkpoints to appear before the emperor.

Next to the Forbidden City is one of the largest ancient temples of China Tian-tan, or Temple of Heaven. Throughout the centuries, on the shortest day of the year, when the sun is the lowest rising to the horizon, the emperors turned here with a prayer to heaven and brought generous gifts to him.

It is impossible to visit China and not to visit the world-famous Shaolin Monastery, in which the philosophy of Zen Buddhism and many martial arts originate. Here, in the mountains like nowhere, you can become filled with serene tranquility and harmony and touch the ancient relics, because the monastery begins its history back in 450 BC.

In general, in order to see all the sights of China, one trip is not enough - unless you decide to stretch it for a couple of months. After all, there really is something to see here, the oldest story surprisingly coexists with the rapid rhythm of modern megacities.