Manchuria - a small border town, which became the center of Russian-Chinese trade. He is an amazing mixture of Europe and Asia, with strict building in western style, decorated with colorful Chinese lanterns

Just two decades ago, in the nineties, Manchuria was a little (by Chinese standards) poor villages -. But at the turn of the century it suddenly changed and turned into a modern city that attracts many shoppers living in Siberia.

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How to get

The city has its own airport, located just 9 kilometers from the city and until recently time taking only domestic flights. Several years ago, the first trial international flight Manchuria-Irkutsk was made, and in 2009 the airport was given the status of an international one. At the moment, the airport arrives from Irkutsk, Chita and Ulan-Ude, and in the near future it is planned to add another flight from Krasnoyarsk.

The city can be reached by train - also from Chita, Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude In addition, in Manchuria, the Beijing-Moscow train stops.

Well, finally, you can get to the village of Zabaikalsk and transfer there to a bus stop near the railway station - it will take you about two hours , including the time needed to cross the border.

The last bus leaves at 15:10, and Zabaikalsk is, most likely, not the place where you will be interested in spending the whole day, so it's worth to calculate your route in order to be there early.

Search for air tickets to Beijing (nearest a / p to Manchuria)

Shopping in Manchuria

For many, shopping in China is associated exclusively with goods, the quality of which is lower than their price. It can not be said that this has nothing to do with the truth - the markets that sell not very well-made things that cost a penny are enough here. However, even on them some manage to find something interesting - although this usually needs to be spent quite a lot of time. But here you can buy quality goods at relatively high prices for China - it will still be much cheaper than in Russia.

There are a lot of street vendors in Manchuria, but they simply do not have something to buy because they sell they are usually things bought in the same shops, which you yourself can go - only they have it, of course, is more expensive.

Quite often the goods of both kinds are quite successful coexist in one place - for example, in the market "New Age". The higher the floor, the higher the price, and the quality of the things sold there, so that you can make many successful purchases at the top. True, you should not be vigilant anyway, the fact that your chosen one is on one of the upper floors does not mean that you do not need to carefully check it. There are not many large shopping centers selling only quality goods here, only three or four for the whole city.

There is one simple way to increase your chances of finding good things, even among cheap goods - to find among buyers of wholesale buyers and see where and what exactly they buy.

What to buy

If you are looking for clothes or shoes, it is not worth paying much attention to the markets - it's better to go straight to local shopping centers or take a walk to individual shops of different companies, where in most cases n odayutsya quality things unknown outside China brands.

We should also mention the local fur. Their choice here is simply huge, but they cost almost as much as in Russia would cost a coat of similar quality. The cheapest thing is to buy fur coats not in shops, but directly at the factory where they are produced. The only problem is that getting there is not so easy. You can either find in advance someone who will be ready to take you to the factory, or try to negotiate with sellers.

Matryoshkas Square

Another interesting local product is the curtains. Even if you do not plan to change them, before you leave, just in case, take measurements, because here you will encounter such an unusual variety that you may not be able to resist - and it will cost at least five times less than in Russia.

Household appliances, computers and telephones in Manchuria should not be bought. Quality often leaves much to be desired, the choice here is not too great, prices are often not so low, and even for every extra kilogram you will have to pay extra at the customs.

Money is better to be exchanged in advance - or at least to pay with dollars. Rubles are also accepted everywhere here, but the sellers will always have a higher exchange rate than in the exchange office.

Well, of course, you should bargain always and everywhere - even if the goods have price tags, if you wish, you can certainly bring down the price as at least twice. Photo of Manchuria (11)