The cost of a taxi in China.

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
It is better to start with the fact that all calculations between taxi drivers and passengers occur in national currency, RMB. It is better to change them immediately at the airport, the benefit of the course almost to the figure is the same in all of China. At the moment, 1 yuan is approximately 5 rubles.

So, about the fare .To start with, you will take, on average, 10 yuan for landing in a taxi .In fact, this amount covers the first 3-5 km of your trip, then the meter is switched on .It will total from 1 .5 to 3-5 yuan per km of travel .The prices depend on what city of China the business is going on, at what time of day and where the tourist is traveling .Most often, the cost of a kilometer is indicated on a sticker on the back or side window of the car .And do not be surprised when after 15-20 km of travel the meter will switch to a more expensive tariff (for example, from 2 to 3 yuan) - this is a kind of bonus for range .

If the car is in a traffic jam for more than 5 minutes - the meter is turned on, at the end of the trip the taxi drivers issue a check for your first request. In general, taxis in China are quite a cheap form of transport. The average trip around the city is about 50 yuan, and for the road, for example, from Beijing airport to the city center will need to pay 100-120 yuan.

October 4, 2011

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