What to bring to China?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
China is associated primarily with tons of cheap goods. But do not expect that the usual things for us can be bought without problems in China. Therefore, some basic necessities need to be taken with you.

First of all, it concerns medicines and means of personal hygiene .China is famous for its folk medicine, and in case of fever or stomach upset you will be offered various powders and potions, but hardly anyone will want to experiment .As for ordinary pharmacies, it's not a fact that pharmacists will know English, so it's necessary to explain the language of sign language .Unpleasant situations can be avoided simply by taking on a "first aid kit" with antipyretic and analgesic tablets, activated charcoal, band-aid, and t .д .Chinese pharmacies do not sell syringes, so those who regularly inject them will have to take them with them..If you go to the south of China, do not forget the sunscreen, because they simply do not use Chinese: they keep their porcelain skin and on sunny days walk with umbrellas .

In addition to medicines, the tourist will need to bring with him an adapter with a flat plug to charge his equipment at the hotel.

If traveling with children, do not forget their birth certificates, and if with grandchildren or nephews - a certified power of attorney from the parents. Also in China, it is difficult to find dairy products, so if a child can not live a day without yogurt, it makes sense to bring a whole package with him. Some can not drink Chinese coffee, because its taste has its own characteristics due to plant extracts, and take a small bank of instant coffee with you.

April 23, 2013

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