How does the local population rest on the Chinese New Year 2012? When is it better to go to China not to experience any inconvenience?

Responds Larisa Barysheva
The Spring Festival (Chunjie), which this year falls on January 23, is the most important and longest holiday in China..Celebrating the New Year according to the lunar calendar lasts from the official 5 days, as, for example, in Beijing, to 2 weeks in the south of the country .At this time, most organizations and public institutions are closed, migrant workers and students travel home (which is why there is a real pandemonium at local railway stations and airports) .Chinese air carriers cancel their international flights, and this year at the end of January will not accept tourists and some hotels in the wholesale markets of Yabaolu in Beijing .

So, clearly, you should plan your business trip after January 31, 2012, if it's a visit to Beijing, or after February 05, 2012, if you are going to Guangzhou.

January 18, 2012

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