What is the currency in China?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Since 1969, the currency of China is officially called Renminbi, which means "people's money" .The Latin name is transferred as Renmínbì (RMB), the alphabetic international currency code CNY, and the digital code is 156 .But the yuan is only a unit of money, not only "people's", but in general: even a dollar in China is called "mei yuan" .This does not prevent in the international practice to mean by "yuan" exclusively the money of the Celestial Empire, although it is more correct to call the currency "Chinese yuan" .It consists of 10 jiao, and 1 jiao out of 10 fen .That is, 9 .99 Chinese yuan can be recorded as 9 yuan 9 jiao and 9 fen .And in a conversation with a taxi driver you can generally hear instead of the "yuan" "kuai", and "mao" instead of "jiao" .

To finally confuse tourists, it must be said that in Hong Kong and Macau in general, its own currency, Hong Kong dollar and patak respectively.

But back to the yuan. They are issued in the form of banknotes (1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 yuan) and coins. The latter are denominated in 1, 2, 5 fans, 1 and 5 jiao, as well as 1 yuan.

October 17, 2011

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