Despite the fact that this country does not leave the screens of monitors and almost every day "glows" in the news, China - it is impossible extensive and fascinatingly diverse - the direction is mystical, exciting and from that irresistibly beckoning. "The first trip to the Celestial Country" sounds as exciting as it is frightening. To help with a head to plunge into the unexplored and incomprehensible world of China, we suggest to get acquainted with our "guide for a teapot" on the most populated land on the planet.

Break the language barrier

The obstacle number one, which occurs in the way of everyone going on a trip to China, is a language barrier. Even today, with Chinese children learning English from primary school, this barrier can be practically impenetrable, like the Great Wall of China. Tip: It is advisable to learn a few words and phrases before you visit the great lands of China. Buy or print a phrase book, sign up for Mandarin Chinese courses (the most common dialect that is understood throughout the country) or try to learn the language online: the basics are on the BBC's website.

In our age of advanced technology, you can, of course, go along the path of least resistance: download Google Translate application, accurately and accurately expressing your thoughts aloud in Chinese. But this, you see, deprives the trip of a significant share of adventure.

But regardless of all of the above and your linguistic knowledge and skills, there is one thing that every traveler should have: a business card of a hotel, restaurant or even a museum in Chinese. To have something to show passers-by, taxi drivers, bus conductors, etc.

Decide on the route

China is huge. Even for our Great-Russian claims this country will seem big. Very big. Here are the highest mountains in the world, some of the largest deserts in the world, endless valleys and, of course, overpopulated, noisy, dizzying with their skyscrapers and frightening their narrow labyrinths of old markets megacities. To pay tribute to all this, months and months of travel will be necessary.

Tip: instead of jumping like a mountain goat over the tops of all of China, take the roots of one particular area. Best of the best:

  • Beijing: using this city solely as a transport hub is an unforgivable negligence. Do not just fly here, stay here. All as for selection, the ancient, elegant and colorful sights of this city include Tiananmen Square, the mystical Forbidden City of Guogun, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall of China (just 60 km from the city), the imperial parks ... the list can continue for a very long time.
  • Sichuan: one province and three regions at once. Stop in the center or in the south - to visit the wet bamboo forests and the pretty villages of the Ming Dynasty. Go north to the stunning placer of lakes among the alpine mountain scenery. Dare to make a sortie to the west to a hard-to-reach Tibetan plateau.
  • Hainan: needles in the back, sand under the soft spot, salt water in the eyes - no, this is not a torture, but a paradise island of Hainan. Here, under the leadership of a luxurious beach holiday, Chinese folk medicine thrives, allowing you to relax with your soul and body.
  • Guangxi: Asian business card - emerald rice terraces, along with otherworldly karst peaks dominate here over the lush, almost like in the jungle, landscapes. Ideal area for hiking, biking or rafting.
Rice fields of China First time in China: five tips
Rice fields of China
West Lake in Hangzhou, China First time in China: five tips
West Lake in Hangzhou
The Forbidden City in Beijing in winter is First time in China: five tips
The Forbidden City of Gugun in winter is
The life of the Chinese hinterland First time in China: five tips
The frozen life of the Chinese hinterland

Check the weather

At any time of year in China, there are places that can boast the ideal weather for travel. But there is almost no place where good weather is worth all year round. So, in order not to resist the wind that blows from the feet, not to be roasted methodically under the scorching sun or not to take roots from constant rain irrigation, it is necessary to specify in advance all the nuances of weather in a particular region.

In general, spring and autumn are considered to be convenient for travel, although not in all areas (and somewhere they last only a couple of weeks). To start this page can help: the weather in China (forecast in the most popular cities and resorts for 10 days and tips when to go).

Use public transport

Forget about taxis and airplanes, choose buses, bicycles and trains: to see China the way locals see it. Of course, the easier way to travel is to board a plane, order a taxi to the hotel, But what's interesting? The system of public transport in China is becoming more and more convenient every year. Finally, more cities become friendly to cyclists, such as Beijing.

And do not be afraid to get lost. The Chinese are extremely friendly, helpful and sympathetic, especially towards foreigners who can not speak Chinese. And in view of the fact that this country is the most populous in the world, you will always have a local resident at your fingertips who will guide you on the right path.


China has a lot of unique and noteworthy advantages, but perhaps the most outstanding is food. The country's cuisine varies enormously from region to region, which does not affect its quality: the country prepares delicious, healthy, unusual, delicious appetizing dishes. And do not listen to anyone who advises to avoid street food. This is a big part of the country's culinary experience.

One final tip for those who do not know how to use Chinese chopsticks: do not take light shirts, stuff dark suit shirts, as there is a fork and knife in China - that's ... it's just a mauveton!