The best resort of the Celestial Empire, "Oriental Hawaii" and the main Chinese health resort of Hainan in the past was a deportation island for nobles - $ .Today, about this paradise in the South China Sea did not hear only lazy .The good half of Siberia and the whole Far East are treating their ills and ailments here, simultaneously betraying perishable bodies to the warm turquoise waters of the sea .The traditional picture of the Hainan beaches is even boring to describe - everything is splendidly corny to the teeth of a grinding: here they are, emerald palms, here is snow-white sand, yeah, and the azure waters here like here .We will talk better about the chips of Hainan, and they have enough of this island .

First, whether and Miao - the main people in Hainan, arranging for tourists amazing funeral and wedding ritual shows, which makes this corner of China quite unlike the rest of the country .Secondly, fruits - rambutans, lychees and other exotics in Hainan will be the main meal at any time of the day and night, since such an abundance of delicacies you little else will try $ $ .Finally, hot medicinal springs, in a special presentation that do not need .And, a surprise for all the lazy people who rested in Hainan: a rich cultural heritage, which should not be sought in the south, where all the rezorts are concentrated, and in the north, where, in fact, they exiled the bored emperor to the knowledge .

The capital is Haikou Island.

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  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to Sanya (nearest a / p to Hainan)
  • 2 Climate Hainan
  • 3 The main resorts of Hainan
  • 4 Weather
  • 5 Hainan hotels
  • 6 Cuisine and restaurants of Hainan
  • 7 Shopping and shopping
  • 8 Treatment
  • 9 Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Hainan
  • 10 Diving
    • 10.1 Hainan Coast

How to get

Direct regular flights Moscow - Hainan (Sanya airport or Haikou) are carried out by the company "Transaero", the flight time is about 10 hours.

Hainan can also be reached via Beijing, Shanghai or Hong Kong by domestic airlines. The closest thing to fly from Hong Kong (about an hour), but more often fly through Beijing or Shanghai, as in these cities you can stay for a few days and see the sights. Flight Beijing - Hainan lasts 4 hours, flight Shanghai - Hainan lasts 2, 5 hours. Flights from Almaty are performed with transfer to Urumqi.

The visa can be issued in Hainan upon arrival, but this is not recommended. Why? Read here.

Search for air tickets to Sanya (nearest a / p to Hainan)

Climate Hainan

Hainan is the second largest (after Taiwan) and the only island in China with a tropical climate. More than 300 days a year is clear sunny weather. The average annual air temperature on the island is + 24 ° C, water - + 26 ° C. The ideal time to relax from March to October. December-February are considered the coldest months.

  • What is the weather in Hainan in January and February? $
  • What is the weather in Hainan in March?
  • What is the weather in Hainan in July - August
  • What is the weather in Hainan in September? $
  • What is the weather like in Hainan in November?
  • What is the weather in Hainan for the New Year?

The main resorts of Hainan

All the beaches in the resorts of Hainan are municipal, equipped with caring hoteliers with everything you need: sun beds, umbrellas and shower. The beaches are everywhere sandy and gentle, the water is warm and transparent. In the south of the island there are four bays, where Russian tourists mainly rest: Sanya, Sanyavan, Dadunhai and Yalunvan.

Yalunvan - the most elite recreation area, located in 25 km from the city of Sanya, is famous for its wide beaches with white sand. The most fashionable (and expensive) hotels and the largest diving centers are located here. In addition, the water in the Yalong Bay is the cleanest, the sea is particularly calm and slightly cooler than on other parts of the coast of the island. However, for evening entertainment from here you will have to go to Sanya (about 30 km and 50 RMB by taxi).

Hainan map
All hotels in Dadonghai resort zone, located 3-4 km from the city of Sanya, are located directly on the coast .This place is popular with surfers: in their opinion, there are right winds .However, the beaches of Dadunhai are very often overcrowded: the local population comes there, and the sunbeds and umbrellas are a little .By the way, the Chinese come to the beach not so much to bathe as to just sit on the stairs leading to the beach, admire the sea and observe the white aliens in their natural habitat..The Chinese themselves prefer to stay away from the sea - it's cheaper .

Sanyavan Bay is located near Sanya airport, its infrastructure is still developing. The main drawback of this resort area is that all the beaches are across the road. Coastal waters here are not as transparent as in Yalunvan, but the surrounding landscapes completely compensate for this. One of the most comfortable hotels in Sanyavan is the Holiday Inn, and very soon the largest five-star complex in Hainan "Howard Johnson" will open here.

In the bay of Sanya is the city of Sanya itself, one of the main resort centers of the island. In this area, hotels are mostly across the road from the beach.

Read also: how much different hotels 4 and 5 stars on the island of Hainan.


Hainan March 1, Sunday
+25 ° С in the afternoon
+23 ° С at night
° С water
Hainan March 2, Monday
Partly cloudy, light rain
+25 ° С in the afternoon
+23 ° С at night
° С water
Hainan March 3, Tuesday
+26 ° С in the afternoon
+24 ° С at night
° С water
Weather forecast for Hainan on 10 days

Hainan hotels

Most of the hotel room in Hainan is reserved for "five". There are few hotels of the category 4 "stars" in Hainan and they differ dramatically from the infrastructure even from modest five-star hotels, not to mention 5 * Deluxe. The main difference is also the fact that all the "fours" are located on the second line from the sea.

  • Are there any hotels on the first coastline in Hainan?
  • In which bay of Hainan Island choose the hotel

Cuisine and restaurants of Hainan

Eating in Yalunvan is possible only in restaurants at the hotel, and since all hotels are of high class, the dinner in them will cost tourists on average from 20 USD (~ 160 RMB). In Dadonghai with food is much easier, there are many different cafes and restaurants near the hotels, dinner in them will cost 6-10 USD (~ 45-80 RMB).

  • In what bay of Hainan food is cheaper and how much will an average dinner cost $ $
  • What food should you definitely try on Hainan?

Shopping and shopping

From the island you can bring pearls, tea and rock crystal, in addition, a great popularity among tourists enjoy silk, porcelain, wood carvings, Buddhist souvenirs and the symbolism of "Feng Shui."

Haikeshudunlu Street in Haikou (the capital of the island) is a place where prestigious shops are concentrated, art crafts can be purchased at the market on the cape "Edge of the sky and the sea". In Sanya, the main department stores are on Liberation Street in the city center.

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The island treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pulmonary, skin and urological diseases, rheumatism, osteochondrosis and hypertension .Treatment on the island excludes any form of surgical intervention and is performed exclusively by traditional Chinese methods combined with the use of natural medicines .The center of traditional Chinese medicine "Longevity Garden" in Dadonghai district at the Pearl River Garden hotel is known .Another center, SanYiTang, is in Sanya, and not so long ago the branch of this clinic opened in the Yalunvan Bay, at the Cactus Resort hotel .

Other popular centers: "Taiji" and "Yu-Kang". Also, the therapeutic thermal springs of the Nantian complex, which has more than 30 pools with water of different temperatures and chemical composition, will help to improve health.

Travel to Hainan Island

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Hainan

The natural attractions of Hainan can not be counted. This is the cape "Edge of the sky and the sea," and the gorge of butterflies, and the nature reserve "Monkey Island", and "Mount of the Oleny" or another mountain with an amazing name - "Mountain of the Sleeping Mao Zedong."

The most famous attraction is the Ma-An volcano, located 15 km from Haikou. The diameter of the crater is equipped with an observation deck. The neck is a frozen lava, overgrown with thick bushes and rare tropical trees.

Also known zoo-safari "Dongshan", divided into two parts .In one, tigers, lions and bears walk around in freedom, cutting circles around excursion cars with enchanted tourists..The second part can safely pass on foot: the flora and fauna of the tropics collected there are quite philanthropic (in a good sense) and will not leave anyone indifferent .There is also a unique beast tigrolev, whose breeding in China has been engaged since 2001, .And also golf, International Olympic shooting range, rafting, fishing, safari park, a trip to the "Monkey Island" and diving, which we'll talk more about .

  • Is there a water park in Hainan?


The rich world of the depths of the South China Sea has been providing the island with a steady influx of divers from all over the world for more than a year now. Visibility under water is more than 20 meters, and diving is possible all year round thanks to a stable mild climate and the absence of strong currents. Sometimes, however, up to Hainan echoes of southern storms come, and then divers have to give in to the bridgehead for surfers for a few days.

Popular dive sites: Xiao-Dong-Hai Bay (two racks: dry cargo ship and boat, depth 15 m), Yalong Bay (densely populated coral colonies, 18 m), Hou Hai Bay (corals and underwater rocks with grottoes, 30 m), island Fen-Dze-Jo-Tao (rocks and racks, 25 m).

  • The best place for diving in Hainan is

Photos of Hainan (71)