What to buy in China?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
The question "What to buy in China" can put into a stupor any tourist. Chinese goods fly around the world like hot cakes, so what's the point of buying something that is already sold in any city and even in a remote village?

However, here it is worthwhile to see the difference between those goods that are exported and what is produced for domestic consumption .In addition, you can profitably buy traditional Chinese goods, which are simply not found in Russian markets .For example, this applies to all kinds of spices, seasonings, cereals and t .д .Rice noodles, just rice (a lot of its varieties), and of course traditional Chinese tea - all this must be brought home without fail .A real Chinese tea can be bought by weight in any tea shop, the most difficult is to make a choice from the whole range, which is truly huge..

Chinese cosmetics are very much appreciated, including medical cosmetics. A variety of creams, lotions, shampoos, masks - all of them are made on the basis of China's natural resources. With the growth of fashion for natural cosmetics, such a product has become an even more valuable acquisition. So you can safely buy these things in China, but, of course, only in official stores and pharmacies.

Traditional products of Chinese crafts are no less in demand now than centuries ago. Until now, products from the finest bright silk are valued: kimono, scarves, homemade and festive clothing. Chinese porcelain has been valued throughout the world for centuries, and today tourists buy large quantities of bowls, teapots and cups. In addition, it is beneficial to buy jewelry from pearls in China - it is here that 90% of its world extraction is concentrated.

April 1, 2013

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