Book a hotel in Columbia at the best price

Most hotels in Colombia are concentrated in Bogotá, the capital of the country, on the Caribbean and Pacific coasts. Some of the hotels in the country are classified according to the traditional European rating system of hotel services, and the quality of service in them clearly corresponds to the declared level: this is monitored by the official Colombian Hotel Association (COTELCO).

Expert Reviews of Colombia Hotels - $

Colombia hotels - $
Editors of Subtleties

If you are planning a trip to Colombia during the New Year and Christmas holidays, book accommodation in the hotels of the country in advance - this is the most popular tourist period. In the rest of the time, one way or another places in hotels can be found, and sometimes at very attractive prices: at different times hotels can offer discounts and special programs.

Hotels included in the Association of Hotels COTELCO, offer guests two seasonal tariffs: European (May to November) and American (from December to April). By the way, the latter is more expensive by about a third.
On the other hand, some local hotels of the "average hand", chosen predominantly by local residents, do not provide for room reservations - especially for some large dates such as holidays or festivals: here it is customary to call in advance and take your seats.

Types of hotels Colombia

In major cities of Colombia, business hotels predominate - here they come mostly with business purposes.

Along the coast of Lake La Coca in the south-west of the country are very popular small family hotels. They are distinguished by bright, colorful facades, low prices and truly home-hosted hospitality.

For lovers of staying in the city, but to feel the color of the place, boutique hotels are offered. This name is worn by hotels located in former colonial mansions, with a special atmosphere, beautiful old interiors and a picturesque garden in the courtyard.

Along the coast of Lake La Coca in the south-west of the country are very popular small family hotels. They are distinguished by bright, colorful facades, low prices and truly home-hosted hospitality.

However, most hotels in Colombia still located on the coast of the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific. Coastal hotels are, as a rule, large resort complexes: in addition to rooms for guests, swimming pools and playgrounds, tennis courts and golf courses, SPA and fitness centers are available here.

Many hotels offer fans of scuba diving and hunting to rent diving equipment, take advice from professional diving instructors and attend classes at beginner schools for beginners.

Hotels and rates

In large cities of Colombia, hotels are designed primarily for business tourists: on weekdays they are filled with visitors, and on weekends they are almost completely empty. But this is a great opportunity for ordinary travelers to stay at a more than a decent hotel at a reduced price (discounts of the day off reach 50%!), To inspect all major attractions, and then go to the coast.

Moreover, in some coastal areas, the opposite applies: at weekends, prices rise and fall on weekdays.

The most expensive hotels in Colombia will cost travelers in 450 000 Colombian pesos (COR or COL $) and above (from $ 255), expensive prices from 300 000 COL $ ($ 170), and quite decent medium-sized hotels will cost from 200 000 to 300 000 COL $ (from $ 113 to $ 170). The most budgetary options (not always bad in terms of service) will cost up to 200,000 Colombian pesos (up to $ 113).

Please note that hotels in the city center may sometimes be more expensive, but lower in quality than in the suburbs, especially if they are in cottage settlements, etc. rich areas.