National Park of Coffee

Colombian National Coffee Park

 National parks of Colombia National park of coffee (Parque nacional del cafe) is a thematic reserve that is located in the heart of the homeland of Colombian coffee - near the city of Montenegro, which is in the department of Kindio. The National Park was established on the initiative of the Federation of Colombian Coffee Producers in 1995.

Las Hermosas National Park

Las Hermosas National Park

 Colombia National Parks The National Park of Las Hermosas is located on the territory of the Colombian Andes (the Central Cordillera region) and covers an area of ​​about 125,000 hectares. Unlike other Columbia reserves, Las Hermosas is famous for not tropical jungles and beautiful coves with beaches, but numerous lakes.

Los Katios National Park

Parque Nacional Natural Los Katios

 National Parks of Colombia National park Los-Katios is located in the north of Colombia, on the border with Panama. The reserve stretches along the river Atrato and covers an area of ​​about 72,000 hectares. Despite the difficult location, the Los Katios National Park is visited annually by hundreds of thousands of tourists from around the world.

Los Nevados National Park

Parque Nacional Natural Los Katios

 Colombia National Parks Los Nevados National Park is located in the Central Cordillera region, this is the territory of the Andes mountains, belonging to Colombia. The reserve area is more than 58 thousand hectares. Despite the far from flat terrain (mountain rises in the Los Nevados National Park range from 2500 to 5000 m),

Sierra Macarena National Park

La Macarena National Park

 Colombia National Parks The Sierra Macarena National Park is located 150 km from Bogota - the capital of Colombia and is considered one of the richest reserves of the country on the state of flora and fauna. This Colombian National Park covers an area equal to more than one million hectares.

Tayrona National Park

 Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona Colombia National Parks ±​​$ br > Tayrona National Park is located on the Caribbean coast of Colombia, about 30 km from the city of Santa Marta. The status of the protected Tyrone Reserve was found in 1969. Today its territory is about 12 thousand hectares of jungle, magnificent sandy beaches with bays and, of course, coral reefs.

33 national parks, 6 reserves, 2 national reserve and one area that has the proud status of a biosphere reserve. Such an abundance of natural attractions is due to the fact that Colombia occupies the third place in the world in terms of diversity of its natural communities, the second in terms of flora diversity and the first by the number of birds.

The Sierra Macarena National Park is one of the richest in Colombia diversity of vegetation. The park Natural-los Nevados will be interesting for fans of outdoor activities - on its territory there is a massif with a snow-covered volcano Ruiz (Nevado del Ruiz, 5400 m).

National Park Coffee occupies the territory of an old coffee plantation, whose hacienda is turned in the office of the park, and its main territory is planted with all sorts of coffee trees and orchids. Also there is an ancient Indian cemetery, a model of a traditional local village and a really interesting Museum of Coffee History.

Tayrona National Park (35 km south of Santa Marta) is one of the most popular parks in the country. Its main "feature" is deep bays framed by coconut groves, beautiful beaches and several coral reefs.

In the coffee park, there is an ancient Indian cemetery, a model of a traditional local village and a really interesting Coffee History Museum. - $

The Amazon region has more than 6000 animal species and about 1300 plant species, about 500 fish species and about 420 reptile and reptile species. More than half of its territory has a protected status, among the national reserves are the most attractive national parks Katios, Amakayu (Amakayaku), Kauinari and Ararakuar, as well as the biological reserve El Tuparro. Also interesting are the national parks of Chiribiquete, Paramillo, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the new flamingo reserve near Santa Marta.