What to see in Colombia
Julia Poymanova

What to see in Colombia

Watching Colombian films threatens you with a fit of heartache, for even men are crying in the cinema after a three-hour partnership in the lives of slum children, which looks not so romantic as the well-known film "Generals of sandy quarries" - a kind of Brazilian export product that is too sweet for domestic consumption. - $ . Documentary materials that come from Colombia in the world media , too, never violate the traditional range of negative images . So it turns out that the "emerald country" of El Dorado is known mainly as the overflowing violence of the homeland of the guerrillas or the most terrible drug mafia - and in many ways this image was created by the "efforts" of the Colombians themselves . It's a pity, because the third most populous state of Latin America is known to some people, for example, as the source of the most qualified labor force in the region, or as the country with the most affordable and high-quality plastic surgery .

 lake in the Andes, Koh umbai  What to see in Colombia

Colombia is like the Moon that is always turned to those who look only at one side. But she also has the other side. Anyone who wants to see it will not be disappointed. On the contrary, he will be subdued by the beauty and originality of this Andean, Caribbean and Amazonian country.

Where will the sophisticated European tourist who will go - not the first time come back here? For example, in the Amazon or on the tributaries of the Orinoco River, look at pink dolphins "boto" .Yes, there are freshwater sharks in America, why not be freshwater dolphins, even pink? In the pre-Columbian era, the Indians considered them to be spirits that lured people to drown, but then "boto" acquired the best reputation of water patrons..Another experienced traveler will prefer Santa Marta Cartagena and go to explore the Pacific coast .But here you need to get acquainted with the major cities of Colombia: they are surprisingly interesting and unique $ $ .And yet they all differ in their dominant color scheme - and let this feeling be illusory, but every time it creates an unmistakable unique mood .

And in Cartagena live the most beautiful girls - it's no accident that the beauty contest "Miss Columbia" has been held in this city for more than seventy years.

First of all, of course, you need to see the capital - sunny-bright, if you look from the mountains, and mottled-gray from within .And then you can go to the old Santiago de Cali .He appears in a white light, bordered by dark green foliage .No, no, the official title of the "white city" certainly belongs to Popayan to the south of Kali, and the even more famous "Ciudad Blanca" is Peruvian Arequipa, but Kali, touchingly beautiful, especially in the river adjacent to it, and red strokes of small buildings, all the same white and light .A drop of blue paint in the palette - a statue of Khovita standing in a heavenly color dress with a lilac bouquet in hands .

The more modern Medellin, one of the most important industrial centers of the whole continent, with close acquaintance at all seems too serious. He deservedly bears the title of "the city of eternal spring" and "the best place for any holiday", but he is not even bright with his flowers, but with unique architectural forms (I immediately recall Barcelona) and night illumination by him.

Beautiful Cartagena, floating on the waves, will amaze not only the bright palette with the main notes of white and terracotta, but also the tropical temperament of its inhabitants. And still there live the most beautiful girls - it is no accident that the beauty contest "Miss Columbia" has been held more than seventy years ago in Cartagena.