December 31, 2015

New Year in Croatia

Holidays and Events in Croatia As in other European countries, the New Year in Croatia is closely related to Christmas. So the locals begin to prepare for the holidays in advance - already in the middle of December they decorate the streets and houses, and also buy gifts for all relatives and friends.

Picturesque views of Croatia and a variety of cultural customs create a bright, rich atmosphere, which permeates all the holidays of the country. The calendar of holidays traditionally opens the New Year, the celebration takes place in a European style.

April 8 in Croatia celebrate the Day of the National Park "Plitvice Lakes". The park is a cascade located among the mountains of 16 large and many small water bodies connected to a common network. Waterfalls, caves and grottoes attract many tourists and amateurs every year.

With solemn processions Croats celebrate the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ on the first Thursday after the Trinity. August 5 is the Day of Victory and Domestic Gratitude, reminiscent of the events of the Russian war. This date coincides with the Croatian Armed Forces Day, during which a military parade and solemn processions are held.

Among the most significant holidays in Croatia, we can not fail to mention the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, which falls on August 15. For the Croats, this event is as important as St. Patrick for the Irish and Columbus Day for the Italians, and serves as a reminder of the war with the Turks, which was stopped only by the intervention of the Virgin. In memory of long-standing events, a temple was erected, which became a place of pilgrimage for many people.

Among the most significant holidays in Croatia, we can not fail to mention the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, which falls on August 15. For the Croats, this event is as important as St. Patrick for the Irish and Columbus Day for Italians.

On the first day of November Croats celebrate All Saints' Day, declared a state holiday. Many families visit the church on this day, remember the dead relatives and leave flowers on the graves.

With impatience the children are waiting for St. Nicholas Day, because they receive long-awaited gifts on this holiday. In Protestant churches, this holiday coincides with Christmas, and therefore gifts are given for Christmas.

According to a long-standing belief, at night St. Nicholas comes to the house and leaves gifts for the good children in pre-prepared socks and sapozhkah. And the assistant Krampus gives the bad kids a rod.

On December, 13th on the Day of Saint Lucia, a woman dressed in white clothes who presents children with fruits and sweets can be invited to visit. Christmas Eve in Croatia is called "Badni dan" or "Badnyak", the etymology of the word is associated with the expectation of the holiday. On this day it is customary to clean the house and, of course, to prepare a badyuk (oak log) or oak branches. On Badnyak need to pay all the debts and complete all the cases. For the festive dinner finish decorate the spruce, hanging on her apples and nuts.

Christmas night, according to the Croats, is filled with evil forces, and to protect themselves from them, it is customary to throw a stone in front of the house, and to launch a cat in the attic. People put their hands to the north window so that the family is healthy all year round. At the Christmas table are going to the whole family, many go to caroling. And on December 28, the Day of Innocent Bethlehem Babies comes and the guys go to visit the girls, blowing their whips on their health, and the girls are paying off with treats.