The legendary Island of Freedom is involuntarily associated with Havana cigars, elite rum, clockwork Latin rhythms and brave leaders of the socialist revolution. But the entourage entourage, but in practice much more valuable are the country's natural assets, climate and other conventions that directly affect the quality of recreation. The good and with this on the island is order. Moreover, Cuba has almost standard conditions for a beach holiday.

All the beaches of Cuba, with the exception of those belonging to hotels, are in municipal ownership. No fees are charged for visiting the beaches, and even sun loungers and umbrellas can be used for free.

The formula for the success of tourist Cuba is very simple: visa-free regime, loyal prices, beautiful nature, and for the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space, perhaps, also some comradely closeness . However, beach vacation in Cuba is popular not only among our compatriots, which once again confirms its true level . In fact, Cuban beaches can compete with the best world resorts and in beauty those, and for cleanliness . By the way, the most popular beach of the island - Varadero - according to UNESCO, was also the cleanest in the world .

All the beaches of Cuba, except for those that belong to hotels are in municipal ownership. For visiting beaches no fee is charged, and even sun loungers and umbrellas can be used for free. By the way, for local residents the situation looks somewhat different: the most popular resort zones for them are for some reason inaccessible.

Coastal waters of Cuba are incredibly clean and transparent. Under normal conditions, the visibility zone under the water reaches 60 m. This opens up tremendous opportunities for diving and underwater photography.

Northern coast of the island is washed by the Atlantic Ocean . Here, on the narrow edge of sandy beaches, the most popular beach Cuban districts . Luxurious Varadero, for example, personifies a truly resort style of rest . Dozens of high-class hotels, restaurants and boutiques adjoin to it . But the beach area of ​​Guanabo in this sense is slightly simpler: hotels here is not present, and as housing offered beach houses . The most wild beach of the north coast was known as Cayo-Leviza . Civilization is not there in principle, and you can get to the beach only by boat . Actually, its main charm is just in seclusion and, of course, pristine natural beauty .

 Paradise beach in Varadero  Beach vacation in Cuba in Cuba
 Fabulous beaches in Cuba  Beach holiday in Cuba
 Beach Varadero, Cuba  Beach holiday in Cuba

On the opposite bank of Cuba, in the warm waves of the Caribbean Sea, the equally beautiful beaches of Ancon and Maria Aguilar thrill. In addition to all the benefits of the tourist infrastructure, several dozens of diving centers are based here. The beauty of the underwater world of the Caribbean Sea is really hard to compare with anything, but here, on the southern coast of Cyprus, it probably reaches its climax.

The only place in Cuba where there is no state beach is on the island of Kaya -Largo. Here, all the sandy areas of land with access to the sea are divided between hotels. Benefit special control over the beaches is not maintained, and rest under the "strange" umbrella is not forbidden. But on this island is the most famous Cuban restaurant The Ranchons. It is rumored that delicious sea delicacies are being cooked here on the island.