I have the expiration date of the passport on October 10, 2013, can I go to Egypt in August?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Since April 1, 2013, Egypt has tightened the requirements for documents to enter its territory: the validity of the passport for travelers should be at least six months after the trip.

Despite the fact that such rules were adopted several years ago, they were not particularly observed: in fact, many tourists rested in Egypt, even with a passport, whose validity terminates a couple of months after the end of the trip. The promised fines, as a rule, were not levied, tourists were generally served on a general basis.

Now the situation has really become tougher - that's why you better attend to the replacement of the passport: if you are lucky, within a month you can change it and go to rest.

August 1, 2013

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