What is the situation with sharks in Sharm el-Sheikh?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Many people who go on holiday in Sharm el-Sheikh, worried about how things are with sharks .And, if before the predators wanted to photograph from afar, then after the tragic events in late 2010 and early 2011 to see over the water, the sinister fin does not want anyone $ ±.On shark, these wishes do not influence in any way: they lived in the Red Sea always and live there now, not going anywhere to go .Nevertheless, there is no need to worry - there were no new cases of predator attacks on tourists .The hotel administration closely monitors the situation at sea, rescue towers and systems of scaring off sharks are now equipped with almost all the beaches, and the water area near them is often patrolled by motor boats .

Despite the fact that now the situation with sharks is calm and encouraging, the vigilance of the tourists themselves and the observance of simple rules will not prevent them. Do not feed the fish! Even inoffensive specimens from this become aggressive and bite bathers. Do not swim far from the shore, if the beaches are closed, do not try to show your daring, breaking the prohibitions, better spend time in the pool.

July 1, 2011

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