What sights of Egypt must be seen?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
The Sphinx and the pyramids in Giza go out of turn. The main symbol of Egypt is simply to see with your own eyes! There are pyramids in other cities (Saqqara, Dahshur), but in Giza there are the highest of them. You have to go to Luxor. This city with the Karnak and Luxor temples, the sanctuaries of Queen Hatshepsut and Pharaoh Ramses II, necropolises (the Valley of the Kings and the Queens) is amazing.

Those who are interested in ancient history should like in Abu Simbel (located in the city of Aswan, where you can visit the quarries and admire the dam), Memphis and Alexandria. Here is located one of the wonders of the world - the famous lighthouse and the no less famous Alexandria library. The palace and park of Mantaza also deserve the attention of tourists.

Nature lovers can be recommended to visit the Sinai Mountains (the Colorful Canyon is beautiful) and the Ras Mohammed Reserve.

In Cairo (now it's quieter), you also need to go, and ideally for a couple of days. After all, it is absolutely necessary to visit museums: Cairo (Egyptian), where pyramids and tombs, Koptsky and others are collected, admire the mosques and the architecture of the city.

July 29, 2011

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