Among the inhabitants of the northern regions of Russia, Finland is one of the highest priority countries to visit..This is not surprising, because the geographical, cultural and economic proximity of our two countries has to periodic trips .Finland loves Russians for many reasons .In this northern European country, our fellow citizens go to the so-called shopping tours (shopping trips), for sightseeing, with business purposes .Finland is also appreciated among the fans of ecological resting .In the country suomi many forests and lakes .Nevertheless, do not forget that the order of crossing the Finnish border is regulated by the EU customs control .Simply put, a successful $$ registration of the Finnish visa implies that the tourist receives a Schengen.

Often Russian tourists and businessmen, who for some reason find it difficult to formalize entry into the countries of Western Europe, get there through Finland. However, it is worth remembering that some restrictions for movement around the Schengen countries can still be present. The fact is that the procedure for obtaining visas to Finland for Russians is simplified, especially for residents of border areas. To apply for a visa to Finland, you do not need to provide a certificate of income from your place of work, but you only need to:

  • Pay for consular and visa fees, the cost of making photos
  • To carry a passport of a Russian citizen, a passport (including the old one, if any)
  • To have paid medical insurance
  • Fill in the Finnish form.

A visa that allows you to stay with our northern neighbor can be issued for 30 days or for a year. The choice of the validity of the visa depends on how often a person plans to visit Finland. Businessmen who have business in Finland and are often forced to travel there usually get an annual visa, but for ordinary tourists, a visa is enough for 30 days.

Now the registration of the Finnish visa does not require large financial costs. However, if the deadline is tight, then it is better to contact the agency, which will assist in the rapid processing of exit documents. A professional agency has connections and will help you get a visa quickly. In some cases, the client can expect that all documents necessary for departure will be delivered to the place convenient for him at the right time. Well, if a person wants to go on a trip on his car, then the agency will help in the preparation of a green card.

Moomin Valley, Naatali, Finland Making a Finnish visa quickly and inexpensively
Valley of the Moomins, Naatali
Winter views of Lapland, Finland Making a Finnish visa quickly and inexpensively
Winter kinds of Lapland